Chapter VIII

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Chapter 8: Irony

After the entire pool fiasco, we all took separate showers and got ready to go to class. I was the first to take a shower, meaning I can deal with my hair in my room. I put my hair in a bun, as usual, and then put the wig on.

I didn't want to confront the guys, so I thought I would sneak out, but my brain was telling me it was a bad idea.

After an hour of waiting on the guys, because some of them like to take long showers, we were finally ready to leave to class. My schedule is pretty simple. And I have at least one class with the guys so they're with me even if they don't have that class. Whoever doesn't have a class at the time of mine, comes with me.

It would be awkward and questions would be asked, but answers would come later. I just needed to do my best to avoid them for right now.

Medical  Terminology- Jaxon

Science- Hodge

History- Noah

Simple enough.

Wrong. It's not simple.

I have Brock in history. Ugh. I don't like Brock because he gives off a bad vibe and I know him from somewhere. I just can't remember where.

Jaxon and I are currently making our way to Medical Terminology, me only having my books.

"So...," Jaxon starts, "I'm really sorry about earlier, I should've stopped."

I shrug it off, "Its okay, Jaxon, I promise," I say after he gives me a skeptical look.

"Why are you taking these classes by the way?"

We enter the classroom and sit in the back, waiting for the teacher, "I've always liked anything Medical wise and I want to be a nurse when I grow up. So I kind of need science and medical."

"Oh. That's cool, you want to help people. Hm...that sounds like you," he says while giving me a smile, blinding me with his teeth. I smile back.

"I guess it does."

"Alright class!" The teacher starts, "Today we are going to be learning about the surgical procedure to help a person who's having a heart attack."

"Uh, teacher?" Someone in the front of the class raises his hand.

"Yes, Xander?" I freeze, oh no.

Xander is in this class. I tense up and I see that Jaxon does the same thing.

I totally missed his name on my schedual.

"Don't we have a new student?" Jackass.

The teacher looks in my direction, "Oh- Uh yes we do, he's really shy and has chosen not to be introduced."

Xander stares back to where I am. I put my head down and pretended I'm staring at something interesting. Thank you teacher!

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