Chapter XXI

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Chapter 20: Run.

I stand frozen, staring at the scene in front of me. I feel like I'm in one of those action movies where everything starts going chaotic and people are going everywhere.

Except that's the opposite, there's about 10 men standing in the living room, with guns.

"U-uh. . . H-hey guys." I grin and wave a little. They all tilt their heads and look at me like I'm insane. "You know? I think I'm just gonna. . .," I point behind me, close the door and run down the hallway.

I look behind me for a second and then I collide with a wall. Oh sorry, it was just a person. We both fall down and i see Jaxon. "You okay?" He asks concerned. All the guys are with him.

I opened my mouth to tell them about the weird guys with guns but I hear feet colliding with the floor behind me. We all look behind me. I turn back around, "We should probably run."

We all looked behind me again and noticed that the men in black people were getting closer. We all got up, Noah taking my hand, and we ran through the hallways to a part of the school, that I didn't know existed.

I was running behind Noah, his hand still in mine, when he suddenly stopped and I almost fell, if he hadn't have caught me, "Watch where you're going because I think we need to move faster."

"Really, sherlock?" I said sarcastically as we were running towards a doorway where all the guys waiting.

20 feet away from the door, we heard gunshots. I quickly covered my head until we made it out the doors untouched.

I realized that we were at the back of the school. Holy smokes this place has a beautiful garden. "Not as beautiful as you though." Noah said, snapping me out of my trance. I blushed and looked away. I head someone locking the doors behind us. I turned around and found Hodge.

"Alright guys, we don't have our guns so it's fist time." Hodge said excitedly while I looked at him as if he had grown another head.

"Excuse me?" I am so confused. They're going to fight those people with guns? Hell no. "You guys can't fight those people. They have guns for crying out loud!" I exclaimed.

"Don't worry, Alice, we got this." Hodge smiled and pounded at his chest.

I simply sighed and sat down on a nearby bench, "Well, what am I supposed to do because, hear me out, we're probably going to die."

"Sit there and look pretty," I looked to Taylor, "What?" I stared at him again, "Okay fine, go behind that tree and stay there."

I chuckled, "Now you have sense." I said as I made my way to the farthest tree.

"I heard that!" He exclaimed as I situated myself on low/high branch.

"Good! You were supposed too!" I yelled back and looked at the scene in front of me. The doors were starting to shake and I could tell that the guys on the other side were trying to get in. "Be careful!" I called back to all of them.

They situated themselves in fighting stances, "Always!" Replied Jaxon, not looking back to me.

Not a minute later, the doors burst open and about 7 guys came barreling through. I shut my eyes quickly so I wouldn't have to look at the scene in front of me.

I just hope that everyone will be okay.


Sorry that this is such a short chapter, It's just a filler for next chapter ;)





<3 Love

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