Chapter IV

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Chapter 4: Don't Worry

After two hours of getting to know each other, we all decided to go downstairs and get lunch. I haven't eaten in multitudes of hours, so the best plan of action is eating. 

Three flights of stairs and many hallways later, we arrived at the giant cafeteria. It was huge! I can't even do the math to figure out how big it was. Thank, God for Saturdays and no school. Once we all have our food, delicious food might I add, we sit down in one of the many tables and start to eat. We sit at one of the 8-seater tables, with five of the seats taken. 

Not soon after our conversation started, it soon ended. Three guys walked up to all of us and stared us down like we were prey and they were predators. One of them looked very familiar, but I couldn't place my finger on where I knew him from. 

"Hello, everyone." The guy beside me asks. The guys groan in response.

"Hi, Brock." I freeze when I hear that name. Brock? Why is that so familiar? He looks at me for a split second before I turn my head.

"Who is this? New roommate?" Brock asks. Wait, I know that voice, I would never be able to forget it, I just don't know where it came from. The tension in the air right now is unbreathable.

"Yes," Noah mutters.

"What's your name, hm?" The guy right next to Jaxon asks me. Before I can respond, Jaxon answers for me.

"He's shy, Xander, very shy." Alright, guy number two is Xander.

"Oh, so does he talk to you guys?" A new guy asks.

"Sometimes, Alex. You don't need to know everything." Hodge answers. So, guy number threes name is Alex. How coincidental.

Okay, there are so many names!

Jaxon, Noah, Hodge, Taylor... uh? Creed! And then um... Brock, Alex, and... Wait I got this... Xander!

Brock, Xander, and Alex look cool, but from what I can tell from the guy's faces that they're trouble. However, for some reason, I know that Brock is even more trouble. I wish I knew why but I just don't know. 

Is this what my Uncle said about staying with the guys? Of course, it is! 

While the guys are bickering back and forth, Taylor whispers to me, "Don't worry, this is a fight that you're uninvolved in. Sort of," I let out a breath of air I didn't know I was holding in and smiled at Taylor. He smiles lightly back before looking at the guys.

"So..." I freeze when I hear Brock speak, "What's your name?"

"His name is Alex," Taylor answers for me thankfully and truthfully this time.

"I believe he can answer for himself, Taylor?" Brock said with snarkiness lacing his voice.

"Alex? Ironic," I groan quietly to myself. Brock is going to be a menace from what I can tell. Brock looks to his friend Alex, he shakes his head, almost like to clear the confusion.

"Is that all you need Brock? To pester our friend?" Jaxon says angrily.

"I was just memorizing so I can know. But... It would be nice to see your face." I can see out of my peripheral vision Brock staring at me. I had my head down the entire time. I have guy like features, not enough though.

"Acne problem. You know, public embarrassment," Hodge says quickly.

"Right," Brock says stretching out the 'I'. "Well I'll see you later, Alex," He gets up and pats me on the back, hard, to where I lurch forward a little. Ouch

I nod a little while still looking at the table, silently pleading for them to leave, like, soon. After about a minute, he leaves, but not before he shares one more glance with Creed.

I then exhale all the breath I was holding know and set my head on the table.

"You okay there?" I look up and make an 'ok' sign at Hodge.


"Good, I think we should head back to the dorm, I don't know if Brock and his little 'Gang' are going to be back."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Gang?" Of course! It could be highly unlikely, but if I could gather some evidence, that might help.

Hodge looks expectantly at Jaxon. He gives a small smile and scratches the back of his neck, "Uh...Yeah, there are some cliques here. Nothing too special, to be frank."

"Oh... alright." Something was suspicious to me, but I held my tongue.

"Okay, let's head back," Taylor says and gets up fast.

They followed in-suite and I was the last in line.


After the same 3 flights of stairs and many hallways later, we finally reach our destination. I should really learn my way around this place. I mean seriously! You can get lost if you walk and then you blink and now you're in a different hallway. Well, that actually happened so don't judge me. It would happen to you too... maybe.

We all walked in silence once we got to the door. We went inside and I decided to break the silence, making sure my voice was a little deep, "Hey, guys?"

They all looked at me and said in unison, minus Creed, "Yeah?"

"Do you know, uh...Brocks last name?" I said slowly.

"Yeah, Brock Williams, why?" Jaxon asked.

"The names a little familiar, but owe well," Creed looks up to me and pulled on his left sleeve unknowingly. Weird...

"Where do you think you've heard that name before?" Creed asks suspiciously, what's up with him?

"I don't know but It just sounds familiar. It might be a coincidence, but it doesn't matter." They all looked at me weirdly, but they nodded nonetheless. Creed stares at me for a few more seconds before sitting down and turning on the TV.

I sigh and walk into my room. Wait... Noah and I's room. I grab my phone out of my pocket and lay down on my bed. I go onto the Memo app and write down my day. My phone is literally my diary. It holds every nightmare, dream, bad or good day I've ever had. It's the most personal thing I have.

I finish writing and take out my headphones. I put on some Panic! at the Disco music and try to take a nap. But right before I drifted off the sleep I couldn't help but get the feeling that something was watching me.

Or someone.


Cliffhanger activate! No? Okay I'll leave. But I hope you enjoyed the chapter and point out any mistakes. Thoughts?

And sorry that this is a short chapter and not too much action. It'll come soon don't worry. :)






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