Chapter XVI

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Chapter 16: This Only Happens To Me

One week later and I'm back in my boring classes. The same thing has been going on the entire week, Creed and I having our fued. None of the guys have noticed and I really don't know how.


"Hey, Alice," Creed said mysteriously, "Could you go get my cup on the counter since your closer?" He smirked.


Mother of all Creed I hurt him.

At least I spilt his drink all over him.


Like I said, the same thing has happened all week and im surprised we both still have our feet. Yeah, ours both has bruises on them and it hurts like hell, but how oblivious can you be to not notice?

Maybe were just that good at hiding an internal and somewhat external war.

Now I'm sitting in my first boring class with Jaxon, casually taking notes. Our monthly tests are coming up and I have to do a lot of studying if I even want to pass this test with an acceptable grade.

I'm still going with my disguise. I don't even know why honestly. Brock and his friends know and Creed does too so what's the point? Well I don't know. I really didn't think this through. I'm not a good thinker if you haven't noticed.

Class had just ended and Jaxon and I are walking in the hallway, peacefully might I add, until my books are scattered all over the floor. Damnit!

I see Brock, Alex and Xander walking down the hallway. But what really catches my attention is what Brock has on his wrist. I can't really see it from here as I'm picking up my books, but he knows, so he immediately turns around and walks away.

That was weird...

I sigh and finish picking up my books.

As I stand up and take a look at my surroundings, I notice a lot of people staring at me, including Jaxon. What's so funny?

I furrow my eyebrows at Jaxon until he points at the ground. I follow his gaze and notice my hat. On the floor. Not on my head.

"Shit!" I whisper yell. I go grab my hat and start walking off to my next class.

That was not good.


I finally made it to my last class. I still had people staring at me from earlier but I just kept my head down. At least I don't wear makeup because that would be more awkward.

I'm sat in the back with Noah giving curious glances to me. I shrug my shoulders, trying to tell him to drop the subject. He does and we both go back to our work.

While the teacher is talking, some man walks into the classroom and tell the teacher something. He nods and begins to speak.

"Ms. James?" Seriously dude?

I sigh and lift up my head, "Yes sir?" I hear a few gasps and narrowing gazes. They're probably trying to figure out why a girl is in a all guys establishment.

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