Chapter X

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Chapter 10: Strike One

For the rest of that night, I never went to sleep. I was too scared, frustrated and stressed. I can't believe he dared threaten me. If Creed saw me using my fists, he wouldn't recognize himself in the mirror he would be so pale.


My brothers taught me a little self defense when I was young, like young, young. But for some reason, they stuck in my head. If only they could look at me now. I smirk at the thought, but soon replaced with a scowl. Like I said, I never went to sleep, and I'm so tired I could pass out any second now and I wouldn't mind.

I feel a nudge in my arm and I look to my right. Jaxon looks at me with concerned eyes, "You okay?" He asks me.

"Mhm," I yawn, "Didn't get a lot of sleep last night." Lies.

"Okay," He looks away reluctantly and focuses on the board. We're in class right now and I'm bored out of my mind. Xander also hasn't stopped smirking my way.

But I couldn't help but smirk when I looked at his face. He has a cut/ purple nose and a bruised cheek. I wonder who did that?

Noah, of course.

After class I go to my lockers to get my books, and I feel a strong glare. I strain my neck around my shoulder and find Brock staring at me with a glare plus a smirk.

He walks a little ways up to me, but stopping when Jaxon stops to my side.  He looks up at Jaxon and then stares down at me, "Strike one." He leans down to whisper something In my ear, away from Jaxons gaze, "But don't forget what 'he' said." My eyes widened and I paled.

Except he crossed the line, so I threw my fist into his stomach and then walking away through the empty corner with Jaxon following my every move. Also walking away from Brocks evil glare and painful grunts.

"Strike one."

"Don't forget what 'he' said."

I should've punched him in his face.


"Okay, Alice,  what the hell was that? And what did he say?" Jaxon asks when classes are over and we are back at the dorm.

"He crossed the line and he paid for it, nothing to it really." I reply.

"Yeah I get that but, what did he say?"

"Nothing Jaxon, nothing." He groans and turns his attention back to the TV. I only had one class today since the guys told my Uncle about what happened, and he allowed me a day off, with one class.

I smile at my victory and go back to reading on Wattpad. Not a minute later, Taylor comes barging through the door, panting.

"Hey, Taylor, you okay?" I said looking him up and down. Well he seems fine.

"" Taylor breaths hard and holds a finger up, telling us to wait, "O-okay, Brock said that you hurt him?" He says still breathing hard.

"Yeah why?" I said while looking at Jaxon. He shrugs in confusion.

Taylor starts laughing his ass off at whatever he is laughing at. "Why are you laughing?" Jaxons asks.

"Y-you hurt h-him!" He says while wiping off a fake tear, "Alice, you're amazing."

"Thanks?" Taylor notices my confusion and fills me in.

"No one, besides us, has ever hurt him. They're all too afraid." I smirk, but then frown.

Isn't that a bad thing?

"Taylor?" He looks up at me, "Isn't that a bad thing?"

He looks taken back at my question and then his face looks like he just realised the matter at hand, "Oh." He says while stretching out the 'o'.

"Idiot." I hear Jaxons mutter.

"So, what do we do now?" I asked curiously.

"Well," Jaxon starts while getting up, "That's easy."

I give him a look to continue.

"Were just going to have to hide you."

I can't help but think;

It was worth punching him.


Ohhhhh, what do you think they will do?

More importantly;

Who do you ship?

Jaxon and Alice?

Noah and Alice?

Taylor and Alice?

Hodge and Alice?

Creed and Alice?





<3 Love

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