Chapter VI

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Chapter 6: Childish Pranks

I wake up to a warm feeling. 

My trusty blanket, it's never let me down. Who has time for friends when you can have a blanket?

After laying in bed for a while, I realize I needed to get up and go take a shower. 

After being jet-lagged and with the change of place, I was even more tired than usual. So, after I took my shower, I got out, but realized something.

I forgot my clothes.

Oh crap!

I'm living with 5 guys and I forgot my clothes and the only thing to shield me is a towel. This couldn't go down well. 

Or could it?

I couldn't let anyone see me, but since Noah knew. . .I could have some fun with this.

Quietly enough, I yelled, "Uh...Noah!" I peaked my head from around the bathroom door.

He came to the bathroom door coming from the living room, "Yeah?"

"I-I Uh forgot my clothes..."

"You forgot your clothes?"


"Well I guess you have to come out here yourself and get your clothes."

"You monster," I gasp dramatically.

"That's me." He says with a smirk.

"I'll only come out if you move out of the way."

"Fine." He says while moving out of the way.

I give a small smile and slowly make my way out the door. I see him eyeing me up and down. I smirk at my new plan.

"Well, it was nice knowing you," His smirk drops to a skeptical frown.

"What are you saying?"

"¡Hasta luego, amigo!" I say while dashing into our room and locking the door behind me.

I hear Noah come up to the door, "You monster!! You can't do this, this is my room too!"

Now it's my turn to smirk, "That's me, but its MY room as well."

"That was good, I'll admit that." He says from behind the door.

I smile a little while getting my clothes on, my boy clothes that is. Once I'm finished, I open the door and walk straight past Noah, heading into the kitchen.

"So, are we just going to ignore what happened last night," Noah asks staring at me while I make my delicious cereal.

"What's there to discuss?"

"Why do you wear the disguise?"

I slow down on gulping down my cereal.

"I don't know, I just don't want people knowing I'm a girl...more vulnerability you know?"

"Oh...yeah, school full of boys, except for the cooks and nurse, they're girls, but sorry about that."

"About what?" I ask in confusion.

"Uh...never mind, we gotta go get your schedule." He grabbed my hand to lead me out the door.

"Wait!" He stopped moving and looked at me in confusion, "I have to get my wig."

He chuckled sheepishly and scratched the back of his neck, "Oh yeah."

I grinned and ran into the bathroom, I put my hair up into a bun, not making it too high before running into our room and grabbing my hair colored wig. I ran back into the living room and grabbed Noah's hand again, "Let's go."


After we had gotten my schedule, I looked at the times and realized that I didn't have my first class until 2 hours. I headed back to the dorm and found out that none of the guy were awake. And they needed to be awake.


I went into the kitchen, I opened the fridge and grabbed jelly. I grabbed the jar and went into Hodge and Jaxon's room. I went around their door and placed jelly all over the doorknob, I then went to their bed and put the jelly into their hands.

I went into Creed and Taylor's and did the same thing. I went into my room and grabbed my air horn. Don't ask why I have it. I honestly don't know.

I went into the hallway and blew the air horn loudly. I heard loud yells and  screams.

"AHHHH!!" Creed.


"JELLY?!" Taylor.


I ran as fast as I could to the living room and sat down and pretended that I was reading a magazine as casually as possible.

I heard a stampede of feet 5 minutes later and saw four mad guys standing their with jelly all over their faces. Oh, they were mad.

"Hey, guys. What happened?" I ask innocently.

"Did you do this, Alex?" Jaxon asks in a very pissed off voice.

"Why would I do such a childish prank?"

"I don't know? Would you?"

"The answer is no, you could ask Noah though."

They all look around for him, "Where is he?" Taylor asks, also sounding mad.

"Somewhere in the halls headed here I think."

They all smile brightly and head too the door, "Stay here." Hodge says.

"Aye Aye captain." I give a salute to them and they head out the door while shutting the door.

"Dorks." I say while laughing.

Sorry not sorry, Noah.


Haha did you laugh?! I did while writing this. I love this chapter and I am going to make a part two for it.





<3 Love

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