Chapter XVIII

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Chapter 18: You Don Goofed.

Anonymous POV

"So, niño, what have you learned so far?" My boss asked me. I don't even know why I pay much attention to the fat dude in a suit.

He's boring, he bosses me around, and I don't even think he likes me! Okay, a lot of people don't, but I can't help it. It's natural!

"Well not much so far after what I told you." I said looking down. I feel his burning gaze in the front of my head.

"So you found out nothing?" He growls.

I sigh, looking up at the man that torments my mind. "No."

"Ha. You're useless I tell you. Useless!" He chuckles in disappointment.

I feel like crying, but I can't, I can't give in to anyone. No one can know my life, no one can break my barrier.

No one can fix me.

I'm nothing compared to him.

"I know," I whisper.

"You know what?" He demands.

"I know I'm useless." I say quietly.

"Of course you are. No one likes you and no one will like you. Now get out of my sight!"

I sigh, "Yes, padre," I say then walk out of the place thats covered and coated in nightmares.

I walk a little bit further to my car and my vision starts to blur. I hold my finger up to my eye and groan when I see water.

I'm crying.


I get in my car and drive away from the gang house to the dorm. I know Alice hates me and to be honest it hurts a little, but I can't blame her so I can't complain.

I'm supposed to be the emotionless one.

Im supposed to be the bad one.

But... I'm really not.

I sigh and look at the dorm, something just doesn't feel right and I know it's nothing good.

Time to put on the poker face.

Alice's POV

I start to wake up and the first thing I hear are voices.

"Great job you idiot! YOU made her pass out!!" One person says, which I think is Noah.

"I didn't mean too!! She wanted to know and I, of course, told her!"

"You could've been more subtle!"


I groan, "Whoever is talking, shut up." I finally crack open my eyes and see that I'm laying on the couch.

"You're awake!" Noah beams with a smile and then frowns. "You okay?"

I smile and sit up, "A-okay." I hear them all sigh and see Taylor and Hodge next to Jaxon and Noah, "How long was I out?"

"A mere 10 minutes," Hodge answers.

I chuckle lightly and then frown taking on the situation, "You guys weren't joking were you?" I ask looking at all of them. They all turn serious and shake their heads, "Great."

"W-what do you, erm... think about the situation?" Jaxon says slowly.

"Well..." I start, "I don't like it, and I can't help it so I guess I have to deal with it."

I hear them all sigh in relief. I chuckle and am fixing to say something else, but the door opens revealing Creed.

Where was he?

The guys all turn to him and scowl.

He looks at them in confusion, "What?"

"You know what," Noah spits out.

"You don goofed man." Hodge says. He looks down and shakes his head.

Creeds confused face reaches mine and he glares at me. "What did you do?" He growls, taking slow strides towards me.

Noah stands up and block his path, "Nuh-uh man, you stay back."

Creeds burning glare meets my eyes again, "You told them didn't you?"

"I-I uh... I--" I trail off.

He grins wickedly, backs up and sits on the couch. "I knew you would sooner or later, but my threat still stands. Hope you know that."

My face goes pale in fear and all the guys snap their heads towards me in anger and confusion.

"What threat, Alice?" Noah says slowly.

"I..." I couldn't finish my sentence and I put my head down. I couldn't tell them, honestly!

"I simply told her I could do something to her brothers that might put them in her parents position." He says calmly.

"What happened to her parents then?" Taylor asks.

"Her parents--"

"Aren't here." I say looking up with tears in my eyes. All gazes meet mine and all the guys faces soften except Creeds... obviously.

"As in?" Jaxon says, although its clear that he knows.

"Dead," Creed replies as if he's talking about the weather. So calm and very deadly.

He's so close to making me punch him. He dared threaten me and talk about my parents! He threaten my brothers and me, he talks about my parents, and he's a deceiving snarky asshole.

And I'm tired of it.

I get up and walk towards Creed on the other side of the living room. Everyone looks at me confused as I reach him. Once I do, I grab his shirt collar, yanking his body up from the chair and punch him. Straight in the nose.

He falls to the ground beside the chair and looks at me in shock. He then gets up in a threatening way. But before he can reach me, Hodge and Jaxon hold him back while Noah and Taylor hold me back with struggle.

Noah then drags me down the hallway to our room and shuts the door behind us, finally letting me go.

"No! Let me go back!" I try to maneuver around him but he holds his arm in the way.

"No! Stop it, Alice! You can't go back there."

I finally stop and huff at him, "Why not?" I said while crossing my arms and glaring.

"Maybe because you looked like you would actually kill him."

I groan and mutter, "Whatever."

I head over to my bed and turn away from Noah. I stared at the wall until my anger slowly faded away into dreams.


Sorry it's been awhile. I've been busy.

I hope you enjoyed!♡





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