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What on earth is happening to me?

Okay, let me tell you something weird happened to me yesterday. Don’t read my story if you think you’re not weird because you definitely won't like it if I get mad. You won’t believe what I'm going to tell you.

Okay, so this stupidity started when I woke yesterday morning. I got up in my bed, got my towel and directly open the bathroom to take a bath. After I finish my daily routine, I went to school. Since the school is just a block away from home, I decided to walk. I’m thinking our next activity in science when I felt a sudden pain inside my chest. I stopped from walking. Mind you, my chest is burning and I can’t even breathe simultaneously. After a minute of torture, the pain suddenly stopped so I resumed from walking.

After a couple of minutes, I arrived at my destination. I’ll just have to cross the road to finally step inside the campus.

I don’t know what happened next but I just saw myself in a white bed. Yes, I’m in a hospital. But the weird thing is that, why am I standing in front of my own body? I’m not even dead. My parents are not crying so it means I’m still alive. I’m not joking when I said that this is stupid, because this is indeed stupid.

I went outside. I tried to approach the nurses but no one cares. I'm invisible. I went back to my room, still my parents are just sleeping soundly beside me.

Now, tell me. What am I? I’m not a soul, right?

“You are not a soul.”

Okay! I heard someone. Who’s that?

“I’m the character in you draw last night. I’m the man you created before sleeping, stupid.”

What? Did I heard it right? He just called me stupid? Who the hell is he?

I stopped from talking to myself. I roamed my eyes and....... “What the hell!”

“Oh yes! It’s really hell,” the man sarcastically said to me. My eyes widened at the sight. I can’t believe this! Am I just dreaming? But why do I feel like I’m not dreaming? I swear to God, he looks like the man in my diary.

“Why did you disturb my precious sleep, lady? Do you know that you broke my number two rule?” he said again. My mind doesn’t function well as I stare in his hazelnut eyes.  I can’t even move an inch. What is this feeling inside my chest? Seeing a handsome man in front of me makes my heart flutter. His face, I can remember it clearly. I draw him in my diary last night because of depression, longing and sorrow. I created him using my heart. I’m a cartoonist; of course I can draw whatever I want.

“Do you know that breaking any of my rules will send your soul to hell?”

"Y-You're not real," I exclaimed with disbelief. I closed my eyes and began to wake up myself from this dream. This is stupid dream! I should wake up now or else, I’ll be late in our experiment in science. I don’t want to get a C again. My mother will surely shout at me until my eardrums can no longer function well.

“Amery, wake up,” I murmured to myself. "Please Amery, stop dreaming."

“You can’t just leave me here alone!” I was startled, and almost stumble when I heard that shout. It was cold as ice that I can even feel the chilly it brings inside my body. I opened my eyes and shivered when my eyes met his cold stares. I swallowed hard because of the anger etched in his face. His eyes are filled with fury and hatred.

I tried to calm myself before I finally find my voice. “I’m sorry, but I don’t know what’s happening right now. I don’t even know if you’re real or just my—"

“You dragged me into this place!” he cut me off. “You can’t deny it because I saw your face when I fainted. You’re the girl who gave me a cup of wine. You can’t fool me.”

My brows creased. I definitely don't know what he’s saying. I’m just sitting inside my room last night and created a character. That’s what I remember. I imagine a perfect man who will take me out of my dark life. And now, what is this? What the hell is happening?

I breathed hard and stared at him with the same intensity. “Look,” I started, “this whole thing not true. What we’re seeing is just a dream. Let’s wake up and... and.. stop this stupid dream. Whoever you are, please cooperate with me. Let’s wake up together. This—Ack!”

I choked when he suddenly holds my collar. My eyes widened in horror when I got to see his blazing eyes. He carried me using his left hand. Okay he’s definitely strong but.. “H-Hey..I'm...”

“Nobody tells me a joke when I’m being serious.”

I strangled and tapped his hands using my hands but he’s determined to choke me to death. I wanted to tell him that I’m just a dream, that he can’t kill me, yet I can no longer utter any word. How will I do it if he’s not listening? Is this what they call double kill? “I can’t...” My chest began to hurt again. I felt this feeling when I was walking down to school. I felt the pain in my heart as I stare the raged in his eyes. What’s happening?

“You left me once. You left me alone in this world, lady. You left me here Amery. Now, you can’t even remember me?”

I'm catching my breathe. My eyes begin to blur. "—Ack!"

"You caged me here!" He shouted again. I stopped from straggling when I saw the tears flowing in his eyes. Different emotions began to envelop me.

"Amery, please remember me..."

Little by little, he's lowering his gripped in my collar.

"Please come back..." he whispered.


"Amery wake up!"


And that's what happened. I woke up feeling exhausted, as if I ran a mile. My face is also welled-up with tears at that time. And yesterday, I crampled the paper where I draw that guy's face. Thanks to God, I was still able to concentrate in our experiment.


Okay, my mother is calling me.


"I'm coming mom!"

Carrying my glass of juice, I opened the door. "What is it mom?"

"You have a visitor. He told me that he's your boyfriend."

My mouth fell open. It took a minute before I recovered from shock. "I don't have a boyfriend mom."


"Hi Amery, I'm here."

My world suddenly stopped. The glass I'm holding slipped from my hand and the juice splattered over the floor. Holy mother!


"Good to see you.......for real," he said smiling. That hazelnut eyes.....

And just that, I fainted.

COMPILATION OF SHORT STORIES AND FLASH FICTIONSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon