Chapter 1 : An accidental meeting.

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I'm going to start writing a fanfic, but I've never done this kind of writing before, so comments are very welcome. Excuse me in advance if my English grammar or vocabulary isn't very good (I'm from Belgium and trying the best  I can :)


Chapter 1

The worst part of being at a hospital isn't the fact you are at a hospital. It's the fact that you have to wait for like ages 'till a doctor or a nurse comes to get you. Annoyed was an understatement for my current mood. But then the thought that I was there because my little brother was in pain made me feel ashamed for my attitude. I looked at the table where he was playing with cars and dinosaurs, and a little smile appeared on my lips. My little brother was my hero. He could give me so much energy just by looking at me with his cute tiny face. We had a big age difference, I'm 17 and he's 4. To say it in my mum's words: "He was an unplanned but welcome accident".

I loved to take my little brother everywhere with me. Most of the time I'd take him to the park and we'd play hide and seek until he got to tired or hungry. Today wasn't different. Mum was out for work and I took him to the park, but in the middle of our little game he stumbled and hurt his little foot. That poor guy was crying his eyes out and I didn't know what to do... Yeah, you can say I kind of panicked. So the first thing that popped up in my mind was bringing him to the hospital, and here we are... Still.

The waitingroom was extremely busy, filled with so many people all waiting for help. The thought of being locked up there for the following hours made me feel even more desperate. I closed my eyes and sat back while a deep sigh escaped. The noises all the people where making mixed together in one big blurry sound that bounced in my head and was soon going to explode. Suddenly I heard the shuffling sound of shoes and then the sound of something hard that dropped on the floor. When opening one eye, I saw a blurry image of a lady that was trying to settle her on the chair in front of me. It looked like she was unhandy stunting. 'Fuck', she swore because of what she had dropped. When hearing her voice my eyes automatically opened wide and the blury image got sharper. That voice... It was one that somehow caused electric sparks in my stomach. A weird, warm, fuzzy feeling floaded trough my body. It was something I had never felt before. As a looked at her I saw it wasn't just some lady standing there. The voice came from a gorgeous girl. She had a black bob, a little nose stud and her lips where covered with a cherry-red lipstick. The beating of my heart raised and it felt like the inside of my body excisted of bees and butterflies. What was happening to me? Well one thing I knew: it wasn't caused by the heat in the room, but by that extremely beautiful girl who was standing in front of me... 'Can I help you?' I asked, before I even realised those words came from my own tongue.


A.N. : So ... That's the first chapter. I know it's not very long but it's just the beginning. I don't know if people are even gonna read this, but if so: thank you. Depending on the amount of readers I will upload more soon. Comments or ideas are always welcome, the more the better. Have a nice day!

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