Chapter 35: The dreaded question.

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Jessie's POV

"Are you ready for it?"

Rose's lips were right next to my ear and the touch of them caused goosebumps to appear on my bare arms. I sighed, closed my eyes and let her explore my neck and face.

"Fuck, babe, I'm so nervous."

She took my hands in hers and gazed deep into my eyes. It made my stomac make some weird flips.

"Jess, you're gonna do fine. Look at you, fuck you look so hot. They're gonna love you." She bit her lip while checking me out for what was like the hundred time since we had left the house.

Okay I must admit I had put a lot of effort in my look today. When my manager had called me to say they wanted an interview with me on live radio, I had kinda freaked out. You know, I always thought that radio was the place where you could look like you were feeling, but apparently all interviews get recorded and streamed live on the internet. Hello you-need-to-look-stunning pressure...

So let's say I had done some panick shopping and spent way to much money on a cute new outfit. But I guess it was worth it, 'cause the first impression was still everything. My manager had repeated a thousand times that I had to totally wrap them in with everything I got and make sure they were fond of me. Yeah, that certainly wasn't any more pressure on my shoulders.

Rose woke me up from drifting off by touching my lips with hers. She pulled me in a hug and I could feel myself relax a bit into her.

"Believe in yourself. Just like I believe in you."

I answered her by kissing her back.

"Thanks, baby. Without you I had probably ran off already and hid somewhere in a trash container", I chuckled nervously.

Rose shook her head and tucked some hair behind my ear.

"I'll wait here in the car, okay?"

I nodded and kissed her one last time.

"You know I love you, right?" she asked, suddenly sounding a bit concerned.

I nodded again and smiled softly.

"I love you too. Promis me you'll never doubt that."

I knew were this was coming from. Rose was afraid of what I would do when I'd get asked about my lovelife. To be honest I had turned my back to those worries. In the first place I had made myself believe they wouldn't ask about it. And if they would, I'd just say I wanted to keep my private life private. Especially because it was my first interview ever. Later on I could still see what to do with it.

I stepped out of the car and waved at Rose. She blew me a kiss, then drove further to park the car. I took a deep breath and forced myself to walk toward the big doors of the studios. My legs felt like jelly and I could hardly stand up straight anymore, but I got my shit together and headed for the entrance counter.

"Good afternoon!" The girl behind the counter greeted me enthousiastically.

"Hi, uhm, I'm Jessica Cornish. I have an interview with Sasha Prepton at 3 o'clock?"

The girl started scrolled through something on her computerscreen while slowly furrowing her eyebrows.

"Hm..." was all she said.

I stood there awkwardly, trying not to pass out. I felt like I could throw up right there and I was desperately hoping that wouldn't happen. I was so focused on keeping myself on my feet that I didn't even hear her saying something.


I distractly looked up at her. Her eyes were asking me something but I didn't know what. Once she noticed I had totally drifted off she smiled and repeated her question.

No love like hers (Jessie J)Where stories live. Discover now