Chapter 57: A perfect ending.

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Rose's POV

I was already waiting in Jessie's dressingroom while she was still on stage performing the last song of her set. I just sat there in the chair in front of the make-up table, staring at my startled face in the mirror. I was still taken aback by what had happened just a few minutes earlier and I needed to pinch myself every few seconds to realise I wasn't stuck in a dream. Jessica Cornish, the one that had been scared to death for the papz getting on her relationship status as beasts, had pulled me on stage in front of thousands of people, openly admitting she's having a girlfriend. I felt a smile creep onto my lips when thinking back about the sparkling smile that had showed from her face while she was singing to me. With not a single sign of shame, she had told her fans that I'm the one she loves. I still couldn't believe it. 

But that surprise hadn't been the only thing that had made me go speechless. I was genuinely astonished by how much personal stuff Jessie had put into her songs. I still felt guilty I hadn't heard them before, but somehow it also felt like she had kept them away from me on purpose. Like she had been planning this, and that she wanted me to discover it all tonight. And I was aware of the fact she had reached the goal she had wanted to achieve. Tonight had made me realise more than ever that Jessie needed her music to fully be herself. Why had I ever thought to have to right to keep her at home, while her destiny was out there? I had never seen her any happier than tonight and it caused my body to go all warm and fuzzy inside. I loved her, oh how I loved her. 

I could still hear the crowd screaming her name when Jessie entered the dressing room. She was sweating like crazy, but the smile on her face was huger than ever. Some of the golden shreds that had fallen down at the end of the song she had sang to me were still in her hair and they made me relive the moment all over again. She had kissed me under the golden rain which had made the audience go even more crazy. I bit my bottom lip to control the wave of excitement that made its appearance for another time. I couldn't deny that it had been freaking mindblowing to kiss her on that huge stage with everyone watching. Somehow it had felt like our relationship was finally official. 

Jessie walked over to me straight away, without saying a word and wrapped her arms around me from behind. I had stood up by now, so her face instantly fitted into the crook of my neck. She breathed in my scent deeply and tightened her grip on my waist even more.

"I love you", she whispered to my skin. Her warm breath made goosebumps pop up all over my body. I rested my head back against hers and closed my eyes. 

"I love you too." And I wished I could keep that moment forever. Just her and me, we didn't need anything more. Just our bodies fitting perfectly against each other. Her arms around me, my hands on hers and our heads touching. Like this, everything would be perfect. 

"I wish we could stay like this forever", I whispered, keeping my voice quiet to not ruin the wonderful atmosphere. Jessie lifted her head and I turned mine so our noses were less than an inch away from each other. 

"Me too, Miss Cornish." Jessie touched her nose against mine. 

"Miss Cornish?" I asked surprisedly. My heart skipped a beat when I heard what she said. Not in a negative way though, I just hadn't expected it.

"Would you like that?" I heard myself ask quietly. 


"If I'd share your last name."

"I would."

I chuckled a little because of how cute this was and unloosened myself from her hold, so she could change into comfy clothes and we could leave. Suddenly, I felt Jessie's hand grip my wrist, which kept me from turning away. I furrowed my eyebrows and wanted to look at her, but when my head turned back, her face wasn't there anymore. Instead I was watching the girl I loved sinking down on one knee in front of me, still holding my hand in hers. My free hand instantly covered my mouth when I realised what was happening. Jessie's other hand disappeared into the pocket of the dressing gown that was hanging over the chair and came out again any seconds later. She was holding up a little juwelery box.

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