Chapter 6: "...and the sixth sense is mine".

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I was in the mood for writing so

here it is, earlier than planned, Chapter 6 :) Are you ready for some drama? And ready for some action? Enjoy!


Chapter 6

As soon as I entered the living room Cat started firing her questions at me. One by one. Trying to hide the shocked, angry undertone in her voice. 'Who was that girl?' She sounded like a jealous husband, like those agressive guys you see in movies. The only difference was that she didn't scare me. 'That was Jessie', I answered without hiding the smile on my face, 'my girlfriend.' I had made a deal with myself not to lie to her anymore. I was proud of the situation, of myself, and I was ready to share it with the world. 

Cat laughed disapprovingly. 'Ohh, Rose... You should hear yourself talking.' I had never heard that tone in my sisters voice before, it gave me the shivers. Who was standing in front of me? I didn't know her anymore. 'My girlfriend', she imitated my voice. I shook my head, disappointed was an understatement. I had always expected that she wouldn't like it, but she knew it. She knew it for already a couple of years, 'cause I knew she had seen me that day on the couch. Why was she acting like this? Why was she hating on me? I couldn't understand. 

'Cat...' I whispered, but she cut me off immediately. 'You know, I really thought you grew out of that stupid fase. When I caught you that day, I really thought that would've been the end of it. I never expected you to be so stupid, Rose. You're such a smart kid...' Awkward silence filled the little space between us. Furiosity started to build up in my body, slowly searching its way out. My hands already becoming fists and breathing calmly didn't go that smooth either. 'Smart kids don't fuck up their lives, sister', she continued. The way she was looking at me made me feel small, very small. But I kept telling myself to keep my head up and not let her break me down. I wouldn't let her treat me like shit. Never. 

'I love her', I finally pushed out. My voice sounded hoarse. A hard, fake laugh was the answer she gave me. 'You what?!' Cat shouted, stepping closer to me. That was enough. 

'I fucking love her, Cat!' I screamed, almost spitting into her face. 'For god's sake, what's your problem with that?!' She was now standing in front of my, so close that I could feel her breath stroking my cheeks. I refused to look down. 'Stop joking around, Rose', she said calmly. 'How can that ever be possible. A relationship like that can never cause any happiness. That's unnatural. That isn't even worth the lable of Real Love.' And there she had crossed my limit.

'You know what, Cat?' I said, trying to control the anger in my voice. 'She does make me happy. More than anyone ever did. And I really thought you would understand that. I really thought I could share anything in the world with you. I thought that you loved me unconditionally. But I guess I was wrong... I guess that wasn't worth the lable of Real Love either. Thank you for making that clear.' 

I turned around and walked away. Trying not to break down in tears. It seemed like my words did something to her, 'cause it stayed very quiet from her side. I guess I had been clear too.

Without realising I was running, the whole time, until I was standing on the street. There I slowed down and there the first tears fell. Luckily I had my phone with me in the pocket of my jeans. I pulled it out, all I could see of the screen was a blurry mess, but I could ring the number without watching.

'Rose?' Somehow hearing her voice through the phone made me cry even more. 'I need to get away from here,' I sniffed, 'can I please come over to yours?'


I was curled up against Jessie, sniffing in the crook of her neck, while she was padding my upperarm. She was shushing me, in exactly the same way as I always did to Matt, and in a way it felt so good not to be the one shushing another for once. I had told her what happened, repeated literally every single word that was said. It was clear that Jessie could deal better with those situations like I did. I think she was used to things like that already. She even tried to excuse my sister. That didn't get in yet. It was too early. All I could think of at that moment was the fact that I hated her for what she had said. And the fact that I couldn't understand how my lovely sister had turned into a bitch like that in just a few minutes. 'That's what has hurt me the most,' I whispered to Jessie's skin, 'that suddenly the person I have shared everything with turned into a total stranger.' Jessie pulled me even more into her arms and there we layed, cuddled up on her couch like we were one. 'You've got to let it go, sweety', she whispered back into my hair, 'don't let her take your smile away. She will take her words back, I promise you. She loves you.' I knew she was right, I just couldn't believe it right there. I looked up to her, she kissed the tears from my cheeks. 'Just like I do', she added. I could finally force a little smile on my face again. I pecked her lips. She answered with a more passionate kiss. Her blossom and candy taste made me feel warm inside again. My hands were stroking through her black hair while hers were explorating my back and bum. After a while I pulled back to catch my breath. I could feel the heat rushing through my body. She made my more alive than ever.

We just layed there for another ten minutes. Jessie playing with my hair, me listening to the beating of her heart. 'Shall I put some music on?' she suddenly asked. 'Yeah, why not', I answered. I crawled up and Jessie jumped off the couch. She walked towards a shelve on the side with an iPod and speakers on it. 'What would you like to hear?' she asked while scrolling through some playlists. 'Hmm... I don't know', I said while walking towards her. She stepped aside while saying: 'I'll let you choose something while I get us a drink.' She smiled her cute smile and walked to the kitchen. I started scrolling through the lists, there was one called 'Bad Day', 'Summervibes', 'Gym', 'Plane', 'Car', and a lot more. I bumped onto 'Romance', that was something appropriate. Just when I was about to choose that one my eyes where caught by the one below, named 'Cornish'. My curiosity was to big not to click it, so I chose that one and started scrolling through the songs. I saw Big White Room, OCD, Technology, Catwalk, Staying Thin, and many others. All songs I had never heard of before. Where these hers? My eyes got bigger from excitement. Did she write her own songs? Could she sing? Ohh, that was something very romantic. But why hadn't she told me yet? I couldn't refuse listening to it, so I chose one called 5 Down. As soon as I selected it, the room got filled with a relaxed sound and Jessie's voice just a few seconds later. I couldn't believe my ears. She sounded incredible.

As soon as Jessie heard which song I had chosen, she dropped the glasses and ran back to where I was standing. When I faced her, she was just standing there, frozen, staring at me. 'Jess... You can sing?' It sounded more like a conclusion instead of a question. She slowly shrugged her shoulders. 'Kind of...' was her answer. I walked towards her and took her right hand in mine. 'Kind of?' I smiled. 'That is by far an understatement. Why didn't you tell me?' It stayed silent for a few seconds. 'Well... because...' she started, but at the same moment I squeeked enthousiastically: 'God, Jessie! This is so great! I love it! You know how sexy that is?' She smiled, first just a small smile, but it turned into a big one the longer I kept squeeking. 'Did I score bonus points?' she asked laughing. 'Ohh, you sure did.' I kissed her softly. 'Jess?' I asked when I pulled back. 'I'm listening to the lyrics and... I don't know if I'm hearing it right, but... Is this song about...' Jessie smirked. 'Ehh, yes it is. It's, ehh... about sex.' Her eyes where gleaming. 'Ohh, you naughty girl', I smirked. 

'Can you please turn it off now?' She muttered after my remark. 'Why?' A shy look appeared on Jessie's face. 'This is kind of awkward... And I don't really like listening to myself actually... I'll just put on another song.' She walked to the installation and searched for another one. 'Here,' she said when she had found what she was looking for, 'this is one of my faves.' The room got filled with a song that I knew very well. Goosebumps immediately appeared on my arms. It was I Don't Want to Miss a Thing, sang by Aerosmith, and it was one of the songs I loved the most. 'Jess... That is one of my faves too...' I said quietly. 'I get the shivers everytime I listen too it.' I showed her my arms. 'Ohh, Rose', she smiled. She took me in her arms and kissed my forehead. 

'You know...' Jessie said after a few seconds, 'I can be way more naughty if you want me to...' I looked up to her. I didn't need words to understand what she meant, the look in her eyes explained it all. I tried hard not to show the lack of confidence in myself. When it came to my body, my self esteem went below zero. Although I felt like I was ready for it, the doubts made it harder to expose that much of myself. Literally. Jessie smiled softly and stroke my cheek with her dumb while looking deep into my eyes. Her dimples persuaded me. 'Oh do you?' I asked. She took my hand and led me to another room. Her bedroom. 

Jessie softly pushed me on the bed while we were kissing in full passion. She started slowly undressing herself and I just followed her. She sat on my lap, her knees against my thighs. She kissed my neck and made her way down to my collarbone. I moaned silently. It was like she could read my thoughts, she found all my weak places. I ran my fingers through her hair, trying not to pull it from excitement. The sweet scent of her perfume made it even more sensational. 'Relax', she whispered in my ear and bit my earlobe. I did what she said. She slowly made her way down. I gave myself to her, with Aerosmith still playing in the backround. 'I just want to hold you close, feel your heart so close to mine. And just stay here in this moment for all the rest of time...' 

She made me cross one of my biggest boundaries. And me feel pleasure I had never felt before. 


A.N. : Yeah... That was a new

move in their relationship... Hope you liked it ;) Don't know when the next chapter will be up, I hope around Thursday. Have a nice week!

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