Chapter 9: A time for dating.

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Chapter 9

Two weeks had passed and Cat didn't say a word about it anymore. It looked like things had gone back to how they used to be, but somewhere it didn't feel right. She acted like nothing had happened, like she had pressed a pause-button just before Jessie had turned up at our house and now she had pressed play again. Life just continued, but that was probably too good to be true. I was waiting for the moment things would explode again, only I hadn't a single idea of when that would be. 

I didn't hear much from Jessie either those two weeks. I had called her that night, after my confrontation with Cat, when things calmed down again. According to her, Cat was fine with it, because she had apologised, but I wasn't that sure about that. And somewhere I thought Jessie wasn't that convinced about it either, cause she stayed aloof for a while. When I asked her what was going on, she said she was just very busy, but I had a feeling she just didn't want to cause new troubles. I missed her. We texted each other every day though, but that wasn't the same. We also facetimed a few nights, but even then she seemed so far away. Also, it was always just for half an hour, then she said she had to go because she had 'some work' to do. She didn't tell me what, she only kept repeating it was so busy lately. I guessed she was working on new music, preparing to go into the studio. But couldn't she just make a little bit time for me? If that was already too much to ask, where would it end when she would break through? But then  I thought of how much she deserved it, and how much I wanted it all to go right for her. That made it all fine. With that thought my phone started vibrating, her beautiful smile and magical green eyes appeared on the screen. That made it even better. 

'Hey gorgeous.'
'Hey beautiful.'
'Glad you're still alive.'
'Ohh Rose... I'm sorry. I've been neglecting you for the past two weeks, I know. It's just...'
'It has been so busy.' 
'Yeah... Exactly... That sentence has become my daily mantra, hasn't it?'
'Kind of, Jess...'
'I know, I'm sorry. But I'm gonna make it up to you.'
'Oh yeah?'
'Be prepared, Maccy. I'm coming to kidnap you tomorrow night.' 
'Oh, thanks for letting me know darling, haha.'
'No, seriously, you better be watching out.'
'Hm... Now I'm curious...'
'My lips are sealed. Just make sure you're ready at eight.' 
'Now I've got to go. See you tomorrow, love.'
'Okay, hun. But, Jessie... Just one thing. I'm not into handcuffs and stuff. Especially not the fluffy ones.'
'You have a wrong mind Maccy. I love that.'

I was still smiling when she hung up. She knew how I loved surprises. I was over the moon. 

The next day I spent my hours wondering what Jessie had planned. A lot of different scenarios passed my mind but I actually had no idea. The only thing I was hoping for was that she wouldn't try to go the fancy way again. But I was pretty sure that was a closed chapter. Based on that, I decided not to wear anything too special. I chose a black skinny jeans and a Boy London shirt to go on top of it. Also nothing fancy with the hair this time. Just my regular look. Because it was a date, I finally convinced myself to wear a necklace, so there was at least one dressed-up-aspect about my appearance. I was happy Jessie liked me the way I was, cause the whole looking-great-process still wasn't my thing. I'd be the happiest person in the world if walking around in pyjama's whole day would be what people did. Just imagine, how great would that be?

Cat was out with friends, Matt was sleeping over at my aunt and mum wasn't home as always, so I was happy there was no one around to ruin this evening. I was sat on the couch, pretending to watch tv but actually trying to control my excitement to see my girl back. At exactly 8 o'clock, the doorbell rang. I almost ran to the door, swung it open and threw myself into those soft and protecting arms. Breathing in the wonderful scent of her black hair, my heartbeat raising, while she stroked my back. It was unbelievable how much I missed her. After minutes of cuddling and kissing I finally stepped back and faced her properly. She was looking gorgeous as always. 'Are you ready?' Jessie asked. 'Totally.' 

Sat in the car, my eyes blinded by a scarf, the curiousity started building up more and more. Jessie didn't say much, I didn't either. We just sat there in silence, without it becoming awkward. It just felt good to be back next to her. After driving for a while, the car suddenly stopped. I heard Jessie opening her door and leaving. There I sat, all alone in the dark and silence. For a minute I thought she was really gone, but then she opened my door and helped me out. I had no idea where she had brought me, but it was a quiet place. I heard her grabbing something that made a plastic sound, maybe a bag, and then she took my hand and walked me somewhere. 

'Wait here', Jessie suddenly said when she stopped walking. 'Yeah, like I'd run away', I joked. I heard a smirk and the plastic sound again right after. I stood there for a while, trying to imagine where we could actually be. The temperature outside was a bit chilly but still warm enough to not get very cold. Still that didn't help me to form an image of the area. My thoughts got interrupted by Jessie taking my head and pulling me a few steps closer. Then she came standing behind me and untied the scarf. 'Surprise', she whispered when my dark vision dropped. My eyes needed to get used to the light again. Trees and grass appeared, a blanket and food too. We where standing somewhere at a river, a beautiful place surrounded by big trees. The sound of the rippling water and the moonshine trying to sneak in making it all very idyllic and extremely romantic. 'Jessie... It's so wonderful', I whispered.

We sat down on the blanket and made ourselfs comfortable. My head was resting on Jessie's belly while she was feeding me strawberries dipped in chocolate. Uncoutable stars where shining like diamonds above our heads. 'How did you find this place?' I asked impressed. 'I used to come here with my granddad when I was a little girl. I could sit here for hours listening to his stories about the zodiac signs and all the planets', she answered. 'That's so beautiful. He must be a wonderful man.' It stayed silent for a few seconds. 'He sure was', Jessie finally said. I faced her, a quilty feeling in my stomach. 'Oh Jess... I'm so sorry...' I said quietly. 'It's okay,' she mumbled, 'It's just that... I haven't been here anymore since he died. I wanted to keep the memory of only coming her together with a person I loved very much... Now that person is you.' Goosebumps appeared on my arms when she said those words. I pushed myself up on my elbows and Jessie did the same so we were facing each other. 'Thank you', I whispered, 'Thank you for bringing me here.' Our noses where almost touching. 'I love you.' Her green diamonds were staring deep down to my soul. 'I love you too. I love you more than these chocolate-coated strawberries, Rose', she smirked. When her lips where attached to mine, I could feel she was still smiling. It was the best feeling ever. Loving her was the best feeling ever. 

A.N. : I hope you're all melting like icecream at the moment ;) Any suggestions for following chapters? I need some little things to fill it up... Let me know! Have a nice evening. 

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