Chapter 2: Thank you Matt.

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Chapter 2

As she heard my voice, she turned her face to me. Oh god, she was so beautiful. I could feel my cheecks turning red. Then I realised I was staring at her like a total idiot and tried to give myself a cool attitude. 'Uhm... Can I... Help?' I repeated, more stuttering this time. 'Oh god yes, that would be great!' was what I got as a reply, and I sighed relieved. I stood up and saw that what she had dropped was her phone. I picked it up from the ground. The girl sat back on the chair and placed her crutches next to her. 'Jeezz, I'm so tired of walking around with those stupid things!' She sighed. Then she crossed her legs and pointed at the big cast around her foot. 'That foot has caused me a lot of trouble lately.' I stood there unhandy, smiling like a freak, with her phone tightly in my hands like it was some golden trophy. I was searching for something to say, but it seemed like I couldn't remember how to form words with my mouth. 'Yeah... That doesn't look very good...' I finally said. The girl continued talking: 'Yeah, I know. I fell from... Well you know that doesn't really matter actually. It hurts, that's what I can tell you.' She smiled. I was glad she kept on talking, 'cause man, how awkward would it have been otherwise. The next moment reality hit me and I realised that if I wanted to get to know more about that girl, I should wake up from my retard-modus. I quickly shook my head and stepped a bit closer to her. 'Here, your phone', I said and reached my hand to her. 'Oh, yeah, thank you very much', she replied. While she took her phone out of my hand, our fingers made short contact. It was nothing, but to my body it was everything. It scared me, what was going on?

I didn't have much time to think about what I was feeling, 'cause the girl asked me to come and sit next to her and we continued our conversation. 'I'm Jessica', she said and my heart made a little jump in my chest from excitement. I adored that name. 'But friends call me Jessie', she added. 'I'm Rose', I replied. For some reason it sounded weird, but I guess she liked it 'cause I saw her smiling enthousiastically. 'Rose, like the most beautiful flower that excist on this planet', said Jessie. I felt blushes appearing on my cheecks again. Was she flirting? I didn't know... Maybe it was just my imagination that was running wild. Jessie woke me up from dreaming as she popped a new question. 'What brought you here today?' I immediately felt ashamed again while thinking about what happened at the park. 'Well, I'm here with my little brother. We where playing at the park and suddenly he stumbled, hurt his foot and was hysterically crying. I felt so guilty and the only thing I could think of was bringing him to the hospital... But I'm starting to regret it at the moment.' Jessie nodded slowly. 'I see... I would too if a crazy girl like me would start talking to me instead of leaving me alone...' The look on her face was so serious that I believed it for a second. But then she couldn't take it any longer and she started giggling. 'Hahaha, no', I said, 'this is something I deffinitely not regret. I meant that it's so busy here, it's probably going to take ages.' Jessie didn't seem to be interested in the last thing I was saying. She immediately replied on what I said before. 'Oh, do you like me then?' By looking at her face I could see that she was teasing me, but that didn't stop my face from turning into a big tomato. Or she didn't realise it or she did and felt sorry for me, but she already got on something different. 'Hey, where is your little brother?' she asked. I was relieved that I could focus on something else and smiled while answering. 'He's sitting at the table, playing with some toys that where lying there.' While I explained I was pointing in the direction of the table. 'Oh...', Jessie replied, 'well... That table is empty.' For a few seconds I was looking at her face, waiting for the moment she would break out in giggles again. But she didn't. Her face stayed serious and I could tell by the look in her eyes that she wasn't kidding this time. 

My head shot in the direction I was pointing at. All I saw was a table with some toys on, but the chair in front of it was empty. Suddenly it felt like all the air in the room was gone, I couldn't breathe. 'Matt', I squeaked. My eyes searched the whole room but he just wasn't there anymore. Tears where popping up in my eyes from panicking. 'Matt!' Before I realised it, I was shouting. 'Matt?! Where are you?!' Jessie took my wrist and tried to calm me down. 'Hey, listen. Hey, Rose, calm down. Listen! What is he wearing? How old is he? Is he able to run?' All those questions where to much, I couldn't think clear. 'He's... He's wearing a red shirt and... a jeans. He's 4 years old.  And no, I don't think so...' I tried my best to answer the questions but somehow I wasn't conviced if it was correct. Jessie stood up, grabbed her crutches and started hopping around, between all the people, shouting Matt's name. I didn't know what to do. I was standing there, frozen, not knowing how to move my feet or use my voice. A lot of scenarios where passing by in my head. What if he walked outside? What if someone took him? What was I going to tell my mum? She didn't even know we where at the hospital. Thick, warm tears where rolling down and my vision turned into a big blurry mess. 

Suddenly I heard Jessie shouting my name. 'Rose! I found him! He's here! I got him!' I blinked my eyes a few times and without waiting for my vision to get sharper again I started running. I just ran in the direction the voice was coming from, without knowing where I was running and if there where people in my way or not. As I arrived where Jessie was standing I could see clear again and I saw her holding Matt in her arms. He had a big smile on his face, not knowing what was going on. 'He was playing in the corridor', Jessie explained. 'He said there wasn't enough space on the table for the cars to drive.' I shook my head while taking Matt from Jessie and cuddling him like I hadn't seen him for more than 3 years. 'You little gangster', I whispered to him, 'don't you ever do that again.' He shook his little head and I placed him on the ground so he could start playing again. Then I looked up to Jessie and her beautiful eyes caught mine again. 'Really, thank you so much Jessie. I don't know what I would've done without you.' I wanted to hug her, but that would probably be very weird. So I just awkwardly touched her arm and left my hand there for a minute. 'No problem', she said, 'you're lucky that I've had enough time to practise running on these crutches. We laughed and my body started feeling weak again. 'Well anyway', I said looking at her gorgeous green eyes, 'if there is anything I can do for you... Just let me know.' I was about to take my brother's hand and bring him back to the table, 'cause I thought the conversation kind of ended as we just stood there. But what I didn't expect was to get another reply that quick. 'Well, actually there is something', Jessie said with sparkling eyes and a cheeky smile. 'I've always wanted to go on a date... Like, a real one... You know? Like those you see in movies. What do you think?' 


A.N. : Well, that was it for chapter 2. Thank you to everyone who's reading already. I hope it isn't too boring, it's just not easy to build up the beginning. Comments or ideas are welcome as you know. Enjoy your evenings!

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