Chapter 20: Misunderstandings.

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I'm sorry if you didn't like this turn out. I know some of you wanted something to happen with Jessie but I've got other things planned for her later on so that's why I chose to do it like this. You'll see why :)


Chapter 20 - Jessie's POV

I think I had turned into a statue. A tired, emotionally wrecked girl who was staring into her paper cup filled with coffee that had gone cold. The skin of my face had become taut from the dried tears, my eyes about to close but I couldn't catch the sleep. Of course not. I had to stay awake. For her. I had been waiting here for already 2 hours and still the doctors wouldn't let me in. Everytime a nurse came out of the room, I jumped up and accosted her, but all they said was 'don't worry, she'll be alright'. Why the fuck wouldn't they let me in then? I was slightly going mad. I was furious at myself, furious for what I had done to Rose. It was all my fault. How could I be so stupid? I got startled by someone touching my shoulder. My head shot up and I was facing an exhausted Cat holding two cups of coffee. 'Here', she said. 'I guess you can use a new one.' I took it from her, mumbled an unaudible 'thank you' and returned to my statue pose. Cat sat down next to me and sighed while wiping her eyes. 'I'm going mad here', she muttered. I couldn't even force out a reply.


As soon as Rose had ran out that night, I had gone after her. There had been just a few metres between us, but I guess she hadn't noticed me chasing her. She just kept on running, crying hysterically and it even sounded like she was hyperventilating of something. I had been calling her name, like constantly repeating it and tried to stop her, but she didn't react. She didn't show a single sign of realising I was there. It seemed like she was totally stuck up in her own mind. When she ended up on the street she finally stopped running for a minute, so there I almost reached her. Right at the moment when I was about to grip her arm she started running again. I couldn't follow her, because cars were driving by, but somehow she just disappeared between them. While nervously waiting 'till I could cross the road I kept on following her with my eyes, didn't let go of her any second. I saw it coming, the lights, the car. I couldn't do anything else but race between two passing cars while screaming her name as loud and hopeless as I could. She didn't react. And then it happened. A high tormented scream rolled over my lips as soon as the metal of the vehicle hit her. A hoarse groan from deep down that sounded like her name followed right after. 

Next thing I know I was sitting in an ambulance holding her hand while she lay on a stretcher, her face so pale, covered with blood on several places, her eyes closed. She looked deathly and I was freaking out. Tears were uncontrollably rolling down and all I could do was mumble her name, the whole way to the hospital. Once we arrived they carried her out and drove her away. I was running behind them until a nurse grabbed my arm and tried to stop me, saying 'you can't go with her'. I think I started slapping around with my arms, 'cause she ended up wrapping her full body around me and pushing me down on the floor, repeating 'calm down lady, calm down' until I didn't do anything else but wetting the floor with my tears. That was the last time I saw her so far. 

After sitting on a bench in an apathetic modus for around half an hour I finally realised I had to call Cat. Once I heard her voice through the phone I started crying again. Cat had to wait like five minutes until she could understand what I was saying. After that she had come to the hospital right away and I was scared as hell to see her. I thought that she would start yelling at me as soon as she saw me, but she didn't. Instead she came running towards me and hugged me tight asking if I was okay. The fact she did that made me cry even harder for another ten minutes. Between the sobs I tried to explain what happened and all Cat could do was shake her head and say 'ohh dear' and 'it's okay Jessie' over and over again. She wasn't blaming me, and I was so thankful for that. But I couldn't stop blaming myself. 


 'Jessie... Jessie...' I blinked my eyes because the sudden light hurt badly. Confused as I was I tried to orientate. Once I realised where I was I shot up wide awake. 'What?!' Cat was staring at me with a shocked face. 'Sorry', I mumbled. 'Was I sleeping?' Cat nodded with a tiny smile on her lips. 'Yeah... Doesn't matter, but I thought you'd like me to wake you right now. The doctor just came by to say we can go in.' As soon as her words reached my ears I ran to the door, my hand already reaching for the knob. 'Wait!' Cat shouted. 'What?!' I spat again. 'They brought her to another room silly', Cat said while shaking her head. 'Ohh... right... I'm sorry... Just tired I guess...' I muttered while following her to another door. When Cat stopped walking I almost bumped onto her. She turned around and our faces were so close that it got pretty awkward. 'Ehh...' she said. I quickly did a step back. She smiled that tiny smile again and then said: 'I think you should go in first.' I bit my lip and nodded hesitantly. 'Okay', I squeeked. I reached for the doorknob and slowly opened the door. Still standing in the doorway I was watching how she piecefully lay in the hospitality bed. Some serious bruises had appeared in her face and the bandage around her head showed some bloodstains. 'Go', Cat encouraged me quietly. I slowly did a few steps inside and froze as soon as the bruised girl in the bed made a sound while blinking with her eyes. 'Jessie?' she said half whispering. I couldn't find my voice anymore. 

'Jessie?' she repeated a bit louder while trying to find me in the darkness. 'Are you there?' The only sound I could make was something between humming and groaning but it was enough for her to know I was in the room. 'Come closer', she whispered. I melted and shuffled toward the bed. I softly took her hand in mine and stoke the bruised skin with my tumb. 'Rose...' I said with almost no sound. 'I'm so sorry...' I was hoping she couldn't hear that I was about to break down in tears. 'It wasn't your fault', she answered. While it stayed silent, warm thick drops started to roll down again. I tried not to make a sound, but that didn't really work out. 'Don't cry, Jess', she said in a quiet voice. I shook my head, although she couldn't see. 'Don't ever run away again', I mumbled trough the tears. 'I love you Rose. Just don't even doubt that again...' 

Suddenly her hand sneaked out of mine and a light got ignited. I was facing a black and blue girl through a thick watery haze, blury but fine. 'You really do?' Rose asked hesitantly. 'Ofcourse', I squeeked. Right then I noticed she was crying too. I sat down on the edge of the bed and wrapped my arms around me. I felt her breathe in deeply as soon as I was holding her, like she had missed the smell of my skin. I hid my face in her hair and tried to stop crying. I was so happy to hold her living body in my arms after all the scenarios that had passed my mind the last hours. How would I have ever been able to live without her? After those few great months we had been together I felt like she had become a part of me. A part that I needed to stay alive myself. 'Come to LA with me', I whispered in her ear. Rose looked up and her dark brown eyes found mine, staring deep down to my soul. 'Really?' she asked. I nodded. 'How would I ever be able to go there without the person that is the most precious to me on this planet. I need you by my side, Maccy.' My voice cracked. Her lips reuniting with mine was the only answer I got. No words were needed. 


A.N. : We're heading to LA in a few chapters guys :) What's gonna happen overthere... You'll find out... Thanks for your votes ! 

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