Chapter 27: "We're in LA babyyyy!"

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Chapter 27 - Jessie's POV

You know those movie scenes where the sun shines bright and the people are smiling even brighter and everyone's just happy to be there and breathe? This was exactly one of those movie scenes. I could tell by the way Rose was squeezing my hand like crazy as soon as we walked out of the airport. 'Oh my god', she squeeked like ten times in a row. All I could do was smile and enjoy seeing her smile even bigger. It was like we had stepped into some kind of dreamworld, a true paradise. I just couldn't believe we were really there. Rose immediately took of her hoodie and started rubbing sunscreen all over her body. 'We're here for like two minutes and you're already going mad with the sunscreen?' I smirked. She shrugged her shoulders and laughed. 'You know me.'

A cap was waiting for us outside of the airport and we rolled our suitcases towards it. I already loved how the management had taken care of everything, but I was extremely excited for Rose to see the place that would be ours for as long as we lived here. She was gonna get crazy. The capdriver put our suitcases in the trunk and me and Rose made ourself comfortable in the back. 'I'm glad we're here', she said while taking my hand in hers. We stared in each other's eyes for a while and butterflies started filling my stomach. 'We're gonna have a great time.' 

The cab drove us through the streets of the sunny city and after fifteen minutes we arrived at a huge black gate where the taxi parked in front of. 'What the...' Rose started but I cut her of immediately. 'You're not allowed to say anything before we entered.' She bit her lip but that couldn't hide the amazed look in her eyes. We stepped out of the cab and took our suitcases. 'How much is it?' I asked to the driver. He started shaking his head. 'It's all arranged with William Blake', he said while closing the trunk. 'Have a nice stay here!' Then he just took off. I shrugged my shoulders and turned around to face Rose. 'Alright then', I said excited. 'Are you ready?' She started nodding enthousiastically. I opened a zipper at the left side of my suitecase and pulled out a bunch of keys. 'What...' Rose started. I shut her up by putting my finger on her lips. 'Shh...' She bit it while smiling. 'You make me crazy with your mysterious acting, Cornish.' I giggled while opening the gate. 'I know, Maccy... That's why I love it so much.' I made a dramatic gesture with my arms and said in a poshy voice: 'Enter our kingdom my love.' Rose smiled like a kid who just got a bog lollypop and shuffeled further with her suitcase. I followed and closed the gate again behind us. A big, white and extremely modern mansion rose up in front of us. Rose's jaw dropped and she blinked her eyes like a hundred times to make sure she wasn't seeing something that wasn't there. 'Holy fuck Jessica...' she whispered. 'I thought we were going to stay in an apartement...' I shrugged my eyes and smirked. 'I guess William got a thing for expensive houses. Or he just wants to make sure the environment won't be the reason for me failing if it doesn't work out.' Rose turned to me and shook her head. 'You're insane Jessie. But I fucking love that.'


While Rose was taking care of our wardrobe, I pulled out my phone and walked outside. I put myself between two palm trees in front of the pool and pressed to button to make a video. I filmed the trees, the pool, and then myself screaming 'We're in LA babyyyy!' and uploaded it to instagram. Over the last year I had been uploading videos of me singing covers of songs on youtube and those had caused me to have a sort of little fanbase on the social networks already. I recently had let them know what my artistname was gonna be and all the reactions I had received were very positive. Everytime I uploaded a video, Rose got all phylosofical over the fact that I was such a talent. I couldn't say that didn't give me courrage, but on the other side she's wasn't objectif. My little bunch of fans were and that's what I loved about it. They gave me honest feedback and they encouraged me to cross new boundaries. I hadn't mentioned yet I was getting into the studio, I wanted to be sure about it all before I was gonna post something about it. But with this vid I couldn't prepare them for something that was about to happen. I was just gonna let them guess. 

'Ohh, here you are', Rose said when she found me in the garden. I was just taking a selfie under one of the palm trees and put my phone about as soon as I heard her voice. 'Yeah... I was just... Checking the trees...' It stayed silent fro a few seconds, then Rose bursted into giggles. 'Jeeesshh Jess, did you really think I didn't saw you taking pictures of yourself?' She walked towards me and pecked my lips. 'Arghh... I know...' I muttered. 'I just don't want you to think that I'm turning into a bitchy diva.' Rose put her arms around my waist and planted little kisses on my face. 'I don't mind you putting pictures of yourself on your twitter and instagram. As long as you stay with your two feet on the ground, I don't mind at all.' She smiled and stared into my eyes. 'And diva allures can be very sexy though...' I smiled, pulled her closer and stroked her cheek. 'Thank you', I whispered. 'For saying diva allures are sexy?' she laughed. 'No. For being here, with me.' Rose nodded and padded my back. 'That's alright.' Her dark brown eyes made my heart beat a thousand times faster. 'I love you so much', I said. 'I love you to, Jess. I love you too.' Her lips tasted sweeter than ever. 


'So you're alright overthere?' Cat looked a bit blurry on the screen, but the connection was fine. 'I'm more than alright', Rose assured her. 'How's Matt?' Cat jawned and shrugged her shoulders. 'He's fine. He drawed something for you when we came home. He was extremely tired from al the emotions but I bet he has already forgotten about it when he wakes up. Next time when we talk I'll make sure you can see him.' Cat jawned again and rubbed her eyes. 'Cat, go to bed. Really, you're crazy for getting up in the night just to talk to me. We could've skyped when you woke up, I could've stayed awake.' Cat shook her head and smiled. 'No, I couldn't sleep without knowing if you guys were okay.' I could see that made Rose's heart melt a bit. 'I think we're more than okay', I said. 'Yeah, you should see this house!' Rose yelled. 'It's insane!' She lifted up the laptop and slowly spun it around so Cat could see a part of the livingroom. 'Wow...' she mumbled. 'How can you guys afford that?!' Me and Rose looked at each other. 'Management!' we yelled together. Cat sighed amazed. 'Hey Jessie, if i take some voice lessons, maybe you can fix something for me at your management?' We all laughed together. 'Hm, I'll see what I can do', I said. Cat laughed one last time and then jawned again. 'Okay, sister', Rose said. 'You're going to bed. Now!' We said goodbye and promised we would skype again soon. Rose pushed the laptop at the side and crawled closer to me. 'You know...' she said with that look in her eyes I knew very well. 'I think we should test if this couch is as good as the one at your place...' She sat on my lap and bit my earlobe. 'What do you think?' she asked, her lips so close to my ear that goosebumps appeared on my arms. 'Hm... I think that's a great idea.' In just a few seconds I gripped Rose around her waist, pushed her over on the couch with a scream coming from deep down her troath and sat on top of her. 'Naughty Cornish', she said hoarsly. 'Oh, I'll show you how bad I can be.' I pulled of her shirt and did the same with mine. She moaned when I kissed my way to her breasts to untighten her bra. I could feel this was gonna be good. Me and Rose we're gonna be perfect. 


A.N. The inspiration was floathing so here's another chapter for you guys :) hope you enjoyed it. Just gotta build my way up to drama, but I promis it's gonna come. Have a nice weekend! (sorry if there were mistakes in it, I didn't have the time to re-read)

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