Chapter 25: Up in the air.

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Chapter 25 - Rose's POV

I was so angry at the person who had dared to hurt my girlfriend that much. How could she do that? If that bitch would ever come near me she wouldn't survive. Jessie's story didn't let go of me the days after. It crossed my mind every second of every single hour and I kept on wondering how lost she must have been. According to the state she was in that morning, I bet she had gone through one big hell the passed year. Maybe she wasn't only the one who saved me, but I was also the one that saved her... Somehow I hoped I was. Somehow I hoped that our love was a cure for deep wounds. Wounds that got healed through the time we spent together. New love to cure broken hearts and broken trust.

On the rare moments Jessie's story didn't cross mind, I found some time to think about LA. We were leaving very soon now, in two days, and there were so many things I still had to take care of. Cat had insisted on driving us to the airport, so that was one thing less. But I still had to start packing and all that stuff. Actually, I had no idea of all the things I had to think about. It was the first time that I would make a trip further than four hours driving by car... I guess that says enough. I had never gone on a holiday by plane, so I was pretty excited. I only hadn't told Jessie yet, because I didn't want to look pathetic. Maybe for her it was just a casual thing, like taking the tube to go to the city centre. Thinking about that, I realised I actually didn't know. Although we were now dating for a couple of months, there were still so many things to find out about each other. Our relationship was a real journey, every day again, not knowing which destination we were heading for, but I fully enjoyed what I was seeing on the way. With that thought I unzipped my suitcase, opened my closet and stared at the different shelves filled with clothes while scratching the back of my head. Packing seemed to be another journey with a lack of a clear destination.


'And this one?' I asked while holding up a light blue pair of jeans. 'Hm', Jessie mumbled. I took that as a yes and put it on top of the other trousers in her suitcase. One new thing I had found out about my girlfriend that morning was that she was as hopeless as I am when it came to packing. She hadn't even started yet when I arrived at her place, three hours before Cat would pick us up for the airport. Jessie was sat on the bed while I was standing in front of her endless wardrobe trying to pack the most important things. 'We'll buy some stuff overthere', she had mentioned about fifteen times already. But somehow I felt the need to make sure she had enough clothes with her so we wouldn't go bankrupt on the first day already. 'I think you first have to sell a dozen of your upcoming albums before we can afford that', I smirked. Jessie fell backwards on the bed, letting out some sort of squeeking scream. 'I'm so excited and about to shit in my pants at the same time', she giggled. I closed the suitcase and crawled next to her on the bed. 'You're gonna do great', I said while pecking her cheek. 'And you know why?' Our noses were touching. 'Why?' she asked. 'Because you're biggest fan will be by your side.'

It was hard to figure out what we had to pack, because we hadn't a singly idea of how long we would stay in LA. I had tried several times to convince Jessie to ask her manager for some more detailed information, but everytime she came up with something vague like 'that depends on how everthing turns out' or 'we'll be back before Christmas'. Yeah, that was very detailed. After a few more attemps I had given up trying and decided to just live the adventure. We could stay away as long as we wanted, 'cause we had nothing to think about. But I was already doubting the fact I could miss Matt and Cat that long. That would probably become one of the first problems to deal with. Only the thought got me nervous already.


I had just triple checked if we had packed everything we needed when the doorbell rang. 'Taxi!' Jessie yelled enthousiastically, still in her squeeking modus because of the excitement. She ran to the door and pressed the button to let them in. When she turned around, a big bright smile was plastered on her face. 'It's getting freaking real', she said half whispering. I nodded and walked towards her. I pulled her in my arms and we just stood there holding each other in the middle of the pretty empty apartement. 'I love you', she mumbled to my skin. 'I love you more than...' Our moment got disturbed by Cat entering the apartement, dragging a yelling Matt with her and shouting 'That's enough for now lovebirds!' when seeing us standing there. I sighed slightly irritated and looked Jessie in the eyes one last time before looking up to greet my sister. 'Hi to you to', I said, trying to make it sound anything but irritated. Matt came running to me and wrapped his little arms around my waist, yelling 'sississis Imissedyoouuu' while jumping up and down all energetic. 'Jeezz Cat, what did he eat?' I asked while pulling him to the couch and dropping him off, trying to calm him down. Cat acted like she hadn't heard me and started to talk with Jessie. That was equal with saying she let him eat way too much candy, which was breaking the rules we had made up for him. Maybe leaving her alone with Matt for such a long time wouldn't be that smart after all. I shook my head while looking how she obviously pretended to ignore me and asked Jessie random questions about her music. Something she had never done before. Matt started yelling again once he noticed I wasn't paying attention at him anymore. 'Ohhh', I said dramatically while slowly turning my head in his direction. 'I think someone needs to lose a bit of his energy... Let's ask someone for help... What about... The TickleMonsteeerrr!' With that I kinda threw myself on my little brother and started tickling him everywhere. His giggles and screams made Cat and Jessie look up and they both smiled bright once they saw what was going on. 'Ayyee' Jessie yelled. 'Some little gangster is being a bad boy!' A loud, high squeek was what she got as an answer. 'I think it's more a piglet than a gangster', Cat said. We all laughed together.

'It's time to go', Cat said after Jessie had made us some drinks. 'Yeah...' she answered with a sigh. I could see her enthousiasm had tempered again. 'Let's go', I said quickly, not giving her time to overthink to much. We dragged our suitcases to the door and looked one last time around in the apartement. 'I'm going to miss this place...' Jessie mumbled. She sighed again and walked outside, we followed her in silence. When we were all stood on the corridor, Jessie closed the door and locked it. When she looked up she took a deep breath and forced a smile at me. 'Let's get our emo-asses to the airport.' 


'But... you are coming back, rightright?' Matt's shaking lip made my heart break a little bit more every second. 'Yesyes', I said, kneeling down in front of him. I stroked my hand trough his thin hair. 'When?' He asked, tears popping up in his tired eyes. 'Soon', I promised. He wrapped his tiny arms around my body and whispered in my ear: 'Are you gonna bring me a present?' I smiled while trying to swallow the upcoming tears. 'Ofcourse', I whispered back. Somehow I couldn't let go of him, we just kept on standing there like someone had glued my little brother to my body. After a few minutes Cat started awkwardly shuffling her feet and Jessie started clearing her throath quietly. 'I know, I know', I muttered. 'It's time to go.' I let go of his little body and give him one last kiss on his forehead. 'Be good, okay?' Matt started nodding like crazy. I stood up and grabbed my bags. 'Ready?' Jessie asked, she sounded a bit concerned. I couldn't bring out a word, because I knew that would make me break down in tears and I didn't want Matt to see that, so I just nodded shortly. I said goodbye to Cat, hugged her tight one last time and waited for Jessie who did the same. 'Take care of my little sister', Cat said quietly. 'I'll treat her like a princess', Jessie assured her. A smile forced itself on my lips through the stinging tears. Jessie walked back towards me and we nodded almost unnoticable to each other, making clear we we're both ready to leave. 'I'll call you when we get there', I promised Cat. With that Jessie took my hand and we started to walk to the check-in area, dragging our suitcases with us. 'Don't look back, don't look back', I mumbled to myself. Jessie squeezed my hand softly to let me know it was okay. I couldn't resist but looking back over my shoulder one last time. All I saw was a blurry vision of Cat waving at us, carrying a crying Matt on her arm. I did something that had to look like a wave back and forced myself to turn my head back in the direction I was walking. Jessie waved too and then wrapped her arm around my shoulders and padded my back. Exactly the last thing I needed to let the tears fall down. 


A.N. : I'm trying to upload often, but schoolwork is making that very hard. I'm having exams soon, so for now I'm just gonna try to upload weakly. I promis I'll upload more again when everything has passed. Thanks for reading. 

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