Chapter 44: A long way home.

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Rose's POV

"Hey, girl. We're here."

The cabdriver hesitantly poked my upperleg and I blinked a few times to return to planet earth. I must have drifted off during the ride. I stretched myself a bit and sat straight up again. I grabbed my purse and pulled some money out of my wallet. I gave it to him, opened the door and pulled my suitcase behind me without saying a word. I could hear him mumble something after me like "have a nice night" before I slammed the door shut. Yeah, very nice it was.

My eyes were heavy from sleeping and found the lights of the airport brighter than ever when I entered through the big doors. There weren't many people walking around. I only saw a bussinesguy in a suit, a middle aged woman and a family consisting of mother, father and their two daughters. Not that I was expecting any different as it had already gone past 1 am. I straightly headed for the counter and saw a young girl sitting behind it, clicking away on a computer. She didn't even look up when I arrived in front of her, she just kept on doing what she was busy with. I irritatedly cleared my throat to get her attention, but that didn't work either. Eventually, I knocked on the wood of the counter in front of me and opened my mouth.

"Hey, anybody home here?" I wasn't planning to hide how irritated I was. Not tonight. The girl sighed dramatically and finally looked up at me.

"What?" she asked. Very sweet people who worked here. Must definitely be the strongest point of this airport. I crossed my arms in front of me and stared at her bitchy face. She raised one eyebrow and stared back at me. Sweet.

"I want to book a flight to London", I explained in a flat voice.

"First one leaves at 8 in the morning", she said and turned back to her screen. What? No way. There was no way I was gonna stay in this hell hole any minute longer.

"No", I spat frustratedly. "I think you didn't understand me right. I wanna leave now." I pronounced that last word so slowly and overdone that her head shot up at me again in an ever more bitchy way.

"If there's anyone here who isn't understanding things right then it's you", the girl spat back. "The first flight to London leaves at 8 in the morning. You shall have to wait. Got it?" It was obvious that I didn't have another choice. I sighed angrily and slammed my fist on the counter once again.

"I really need to -" It wasn't even worth trying, her bitchy face immediately made that clear.

"You want a ticket or not?" she asked annoyed. I eventually nodded and payed for the flight. When I got everything I needed, I gave her one last look and lowered my voice so nobody else would be able to hear what I was about to say.

"Listen bitch, if you really think you will come somewhere in life with that attitude of yours then you're fairly wrong. You are gonna get zero respect from any other human being and you're gonna end up lonely, crying your eyes out at night and there will be no one to hold you, all because right now you think that playing the bitch is very nice. Well, girl, change that attitude or you will think back about what I just said in a few years and you will wish that you had done something with it. Fuck you too." With that I took off. I could feel how her shocked eyes were stinging in my back, but I didn't care. I didn't care about anything right then. The world could explode.

I dragged my suitcase to a waitingroom a little bit further and lumped down on one of the very uncomfortable chairs. There were big screens attached to the walls which showed all the different flights. According to the one in front of me, the last flight to London had just took off. Like this night hadn't been terrible enough already, the planes decided to fuck me too. Since I had to wait 'till the morning to get on a plane and there was no way I'd go back to were I came from, it seemed that I was gonna spend the night here. Great. How I loved my life right there.

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