Chapter 12: Making things clear.

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Chapter 12 - Jessie's POV

The way her eyes lightened up when she saw me in the crowd made me want to run to that stage and kiss her in front of everybody. According to her face, I think my surprise worked out fine. I was so happy  I had made it, 'cause I actually had totally forgotten about it. That morning I woke up and felt like I had to do something but I hadn't a slight idea of what it could be. Trying to remember it, I took a shower and made myself some breakfast. When I had settled on the couch to watch some tv my eyes crossed the picture of me and Rose I had put on the wall next to the tv. Suddenly I remembered it again, she was getting graduated! I had sprinted out of my apartement as fast as I could, jumped into my car and drove away not having a single idea of where I had to be. Luckily I remembered she had mentioned the name of her school once, so after driving around for a bit I arrived at the right place. I found an empty chair to sit and watched her being as beautiful as she was between all the others. I don't have the words to describe how special she is, but I can tell you, she's worth driving like crazy for. 

I tried not to make too much eyecontact with her, 'cause I didn't want to distract her from the whole thing. But it seemed like I did anyway, 'cause when her name sounded through the microphone she didn't even realise it was her turn. She just kept on standing there, staring at me with that big smile on her face, looking like she was living on another planet. I gestured with my hands, trying to make clear it was her turn. First she didn't understand what I was doing, but once she realised everyone was looking at her and waiting for her to walk toward the principal, she woke up from her dreamingmodus. Her cheeks slowly turned red as she passed all the other students who seemed to be making fun of her. I had to control myself not to get mad of those stupid kids. I was glad she would finally get rid of them and could start over somewhere else. That made me think of the fact that Rose really had to meet my friends soon. They were all curious about her and I promised them to take her with me the next time we'd go out. I only hadn't told her yet...


After all students got their certificates they all disappeared from the stage and searched for their family and friends in the crowd.  I didn't really know what to do next, as I thought of the fact that Rose her sister would be there too ofcourse. I had to admit I was a bit scared of causing familydrama again.  I didn't want to ruin Rose her day, so I just stood there leaning against a tree, watching all the people hugging and chatting with eath other. Towards Rose I always acted like it would be all fine, but to be honest I was a bit afraid that Cat wouldn't get over it that easily. I had been dating a girl once whose parents never got over the fact that their daughter was loving me. To her they said it was alright, but when I came at her home to pick her up they just ignored me and even talked about me acting like I wasn't there. Eventually that had been the reason why we had broken up and I didn't want something like that to happen twice. But I neither had the guts to be the first one to start a conversation with Cat. It was a bit of a dilemma. 

When watching the crowd my eyes suddenly met blond hair that looked a bit familair. It brought me back to a boring day at the hospital that turned out to be the start of something very wonderful. The hair belonged to Rose's little brother. The one who had made it all happen, which I was very thankful for. He was running around while a young lady was chasing him. She had long wavy brown hair that reached to just above her bum and was wearing a soft pink summerdress. I assumed she must be Cat. I can tell you, she was gorgeous, but not as gorgeous as her sister. Speaking of Rose, she was following her sister trying to catch their little gangster. I remembered Rose used to call him like that. Somehow seeing them three together was a knife in my heart. They looked like one happy family. A family I didn't have the right of to destroy. 'Cause that was exactly how it felt when I thought about how Cat had reacted. I was destroying them. Maybe I should just leave?

But then again I thought of how Rose her eyes had started sparkling when she saw I was there, sitting in the crowd, especially for her. And I stayed. I stayed not knowing what to do, but I stayed. Watching how Cat cought Matt and swung him around while he and Rose where laughing, I kept leaning against the tree. That girl was so beauiful when she smiled, I could stare at her perfect mouth for ages. The things I could do to her right now, it was insane. I really had to control myself not to run towards her and jump on her. You can't imagine how badly I wanted to do that. And I wish I just could, without having to think about the consequenses. But Cat was still there.

Like she could hear my thoughts Rose turned her face to the left and saw me standing under the tree. The smile on her face even got bigger and brighter. She faced her sister again, asked her something, and a few seconds later Cat took Matt's hand and they walked away. Rose immediately came running towards me. I stepped away from the tree, caught her in my arms and swung her around. She smelled heavenly as always and the taste of fruit and chocolate came dripping into my mouth when our tongues found each other. I don't know how long we stood there, I just didn't want to let go of her anymore. Everytime I was with her I told myself I had to make more time for her, but then other things popped up again and I kept on being busy instead of doing things with her. I knew I had to change that, I could hear it in the sound of her voice when she called me, but it just wasn't a good time. I had work to do if I wanted to get my name on the map. It was all getting very serious lately. I'd go into the studio very soon and I needed to be ready for that. I needed to be ready for the hard music industry if I wanted to make my dreams come true. 

A cough coming from right next to us made Rose pull back and her face turned red immediately. I looked to the right confusedly and saw Cat staring at us, holding two drinks while Matt was sipping from another one next to her. 'Crap', Rose whispered, more to herself than to me. She stepped back from me and an awkward silence dropped. I was doubting if I should say something or not, but surprisingly Cat was the first one who broke the silence. 'Aren't you going to introduce me, Rose?' she asked. 'Ehh... Yeah... Sure', Rose replied, a bit stuttering. 'Cat, this is Jessie', she said while moving her hand into my direction. 'And Jessie, this is Cat... My sister... as you know.' I tried to smile to Cat, forced something with my hand that had to look like a wave and felt pathetic right after. Cat only nodded shortly and said: 'Nice to meet you, Jessie.' I didn't know if she was being honest or not. All I could think of was that this was even more awkward than I had expected it to be. 'If you don't mind', Cat eventually said, 'I'd like to go home now, Rose. Matt is getting tired and I've still got some work to do.' I could tell by the look on Rose her face that she didn't dare to protest. 'Yeah, sure...', was the only thing she said. What I didn't expect was her to take my hands in hers and kiss me goodbye. 'See you soon... I guess...' she whispered. I just stood there, awkwardly watching her walk away. She passed her sister without saying a word, took Matt's hand and pulled him with her. Cat was about to follow her, but then turned back around and did a few steps in my direction. She was standing so close right now that I could feel her breath stroking my cheek. 'I guess I'll just have to like you,' she said in a low voice, 'But if you dare to break her heart, I'll make sure you will regret it for the rest of your life. Let that be clear.' She turned around and walked away. After she had disappeared out of my view, I finally dared to breathe again. 

A.N. : Hmm... I hope you all like this new change :) I've got some plans in my head, still got to figure out what I'm gonna use and when, but I can already tell you there's coming a new character soon who's gonna cause some drama... Have a nice evening! 

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