Chapter 7: Being pretty and serious.

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Chapter 7

I woke up by sunshine sneaking in through a split between the curtains. With my eyes halfclosed I was trying to stretch myself, but something heavy lying on my chest stopped me. I slowly opened one eye, then the other, and saw Jessie's arm was wrapped around me. I smiled while watching her, she was adorable. I just lay there for another few minutes, watching how my princess was enjoying her sleep. Then I carefully picked up her arm, stepped out of bed and laid her arm on the cussion where I had been sleeping. I tripped through the bedroom on my tips, opened the door without making any sound and sneaked out. When standing in the little hallway I finally dared to breathe again. I was glad I hadn't woken her up. I walked into the kitchen and stood in the doorway for a few seconds, beholding the mess. The glasses Jessie had dropped last night when hearing her own song, weren't cleaned up yet. A part of the kitchenfloor was scattered with broken glass and the wine had become a sticky mess. I searched the kitchen for a dustpan and brush and whiped the glass together. After that I cleaned up the floor. That was looking way better. I adored Jessie's appartement, it was so big and clear. On our first date she told me her parents bought it for her before they left to another country two years ago. Probably to pay off their guilty feeling. The moment they gave her the key was the last time she had seen them. I could tell by the look in her eyes that somewhere in her body she missed them, but she would never admit. 

After I had found some food in the fridge and the cupboards, I made my girl some breakfast. I placed it all on a tableland I had found and brought it to the bedroom. Jessie was still sleeping when I entered. She was lying on her side, sleeping like a queen, so beautiful she was. I tripped towards the bed and placed the tableland on the ground. I bent over and planted kisses on her cheek. By that she woke up, blinked a few times and faced me. 'Ohh speaking of a good morning', she said in a sleepy voice and her eyes gleamed. I immediately realised I was only wearing boxers and a bra. 'Everything to please my love', a smirked and pecked her on the lips. 'Ohh, I would almost forget,' I said when I pulled back, 'I brought you something.' I picked up the tableland and placed it on the bed. 'I made you breakfast', I said proud. My surprise was clearly appreciated. 'Aww Rose! Oh my, that is so cute! You didn't have to do that... It's my house, I should have made you something.' I shook my head. 'Then you should have woken up earlier', I said while crawling back next to her. Jessie wrapped her arm around me, my head hidden in the crook of her neck. 'Hmm... I think I like this more', she laughed while planting a kiss in my hair. 'I love you, Cornish', I said to her skin. 'I love you too, Maccy.' I looked up to her. 'Maccy?' I laughed. 'Yeah', she smirked, 'McCabe is way to serious for my lovely girl. So if you call me Cornish, I call you Maccy.' I laughed and shook my head. 'Don't you think Maccy sounds very sexy? That's such a turn on...' she joked. 'Yeah, I agree... Don't you think that Cornish isn't a turn on at all?' I shot back. We ended up in a tickle-fight. 

'Okay! .... Alright!... I give up!' I gasped after a couple of minutes. 'Never!' Jessie shouted back. She was sitting on top of me, tickeling for her life. ' to... do', I pushed out. 'Take your words back!' she said. I was totally out of breath. 'Okay! I...didn't...mean...that! ... anything!' Jessie stopped tickling and dropped herself over me, her mouth right next to my ear. 'You turn me on, Maccy', she whispered and started kissing my neck, went the whole way down 'till she got me craving for more again. That girl made me lose it all. 


'Jess?' My head was lying on her chest, she was playing with my hair. 'I just realised you still haven't told me why you were hiding that you have such an amazing voice.' Jessie sighed. 'I know...' she said, 'it's a bit complicated.' I didn't really understand why it would be complicated, but I decided to wait 'till she would continue talking without having to push her. It stayed silent for a few minutes. 

'You know...' Jessie finally said, 'it once was just a hobby, something I liked to do, but now it's starting to get more... And I didn't want you to keep dating with me because of that. So I thought it would be better to get to know you more before I would talk about it...' I slowly crawled up and faced her. 'What do you mean when saying it's becoming more than just a hobby?' Jessie sighed again and sat up. I did the same so we sat in front of each other on the bed. 'The thing is...' She took a deep breath. 'I got signed at a record lable...'

First I didn't know if she was joking or not, but when I looked at her face I saw she was being damn serious. 'Oh my god...' I whispered. 'I know...' she whispered back while nodding slowly. 'I'm gonna start recording my own songs in a real studio very soon...' I could tell by the look on her face that she still couldn't believe it either. 'Jess, that is so freaking amazing!' I squeeked while throwing myself in her arms. 'My baby is going to become a famous artist!' When I loosened my grip I saw she looked a bit sad. 'Jess?' She sighed deep. 'That was exactly the reason why I didn't want to tell you earlier', she said. I frowned my eyebrows. 'Rose... I want you to love me for who I am at the moment, for the reason why you fell in love with me... Not for the fact that I'm maybe going to be famous one day. I don't like all that attention, but it's what I wanna do, I wanna share my music with the rest of the world. I wanna show people that they're not alone with what they feel, I wanna teach them things through my music. I don't wanna become an attention whore...' I nodded understandingly and took her hand in mine. 'I think that's beautiful Jess... That's one of the most beautiful and honest things I've ever heard. And I support you in every way. I will be here by your side, through the whole journey. If you want me to...' Jessie looked up. 'Ofcourse I want you to, Rose. I even don't think I can do it without you. I'm gonna need you when it gets hard. I'm gonna need you when they tell me it's not good enough, when they say I gotta do better. I'm gonna need you when I'm about to lose myself in that business, 'cause that's the last thing I want to happen.' I could see the worries in her eyes. 'I'm gonna be there,' I said, 'you can be sure about that. And I'm never gonna let you go again.' She kissed me and whispered: 'thankyou Maccy'. 

The rest of the day we spent walking around in our underwear, watching some movies and just having fun with each other. Later on we prepared dinner together, which included more kissing against the kitchen counter than actually cooking, and dined while Jessie let me listen to all the songs she had written so far. I had my favorites, but there wasn't any I didn't like. I was amazed by how talented she was. There were songs where we danced silly, songs that I just enjoyed listening to and songs where we sat in silence and got emotional. She told me the story behind every song and sometimes we just just cried while lying in each others arms. It was weird, but it was good. Because we both knew we could do that with each other, it was relieving. 

It was almost midnight when Jessie asked what I was going to do with the situation with my sister. 'I don't know...' I muttered. 'I think you should talk it out', Jessie said while stroking my cheek. 'And if she doesn't want to, then you just come back.' I shrugged my shoulders. 'Don't get me wrong, Rose, I don't want you to leave. But it's important to repair the bond with your sister. You're gonna regret it later if you don't go back. And I'm quite sure she's regretting what happened.' I nodded slowly. 'Yeah... You're probably right. I'll go back tomorrow, then I've been away long enough.' Jessie agreed. It stayed silent for a few minutes. 'So...' she finally said, 'Are you ready to spend another night with me?' I sighed dramatically. 'Ohh, you're exhausting me lady!' Jessie smirked. 'It's my pleasure, love.' I stoop up and started running while shouting: 'Let's see who's got the most energy left!' I heard her laughing and coming after me. My heartbeat raising with every step she came closer. Her love made me feel alive and kicking. 


A.N. : I needed something to fill it up a bit, so just a chapter with nothing much happening. I hope you liked it tho :) In the next one Rose is going to face Cat again. Maybe some drama, maybe not... Wait, Read & See ! Have a nice evening. 

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