Chapter 4: Fancy's not my middle name.

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Chapter 4

So there it happened. It just happened and I still couldn't believe it. I was going on a date with that gorgeous girl I bumped onto at the hospital. That beautiful girl who took my breath away from the first second I heard her voice, before I even saw her face. It was really going to happen and I didn't know how to feel about that. I was extremely nervous and thrilled to see her again.

After I spent 5 minutes staring at my phonescreen convincing myself I wasn't dreaming, I texted her back. After a few texts in both ways, it was official. We where going to meet again and it was going to be a date. 'A real one', like she said. She had booked a table at O'Hayleys, a fancy restaurant close to where I lived. I had been there once with my mum and sister, but all I could remember of it was my mum still complaining about the prices a week after. I realised that it would literally be like in the movies and that scared me. Not because I couldn't afford it, but because that just wasn't the way I lived life. I didn't even know the difference between all the kinds of pasta with their special fancy names. Not because I was that kind of an idiot, but just because I didn't care about it. Pasta is pasta, now get over it. I sighed, I was already doubting about myself. Would I be good enough for her? I didn't know...

Anyway, our date was planned the next week, on Saturday evening. Until then I spent my days going to school, making homework, taking care about Matt and running the household. The usual things. But before I knew it the weekend had arrived, and when I woke up on Saturday morning a wave of nerves took control of my body and started messing with my head. I couldn't think straight anymore. My thoughts only existed of Jessie Jessie Jessie Date Jessie Jessie Clothes Jessie Help Jessie Jessie Nervous Jessie Jessie Not ready Jessie Jessie STOP THINKING Jessie Jessie and so on. It was hopeless, but there just wasn't room in my head for anything else.

Luckily, by noon I decided to get myself together. If I wanted this date to get somewhere then I had to start preparing for tonight. I hopped in the shower and while washing my hair I gave the bathroomwalls a private concert consisting of all the possible lovesongs that popped up in my head. When I was done singing my heart out, I toweled myself and put my dressing gown on. Then I blow dried my hair and tried to make sexy waves in it but didn't really succeed. Next a went back to my room, opened my wardrobe and... There it stopped. And at that moment the most well known girly sentence came out of my mouth: 'I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR!' I frustrated growl came from deep within me while I fell backwards on my bed again.

It seemed that I had shouted really loud, 'cause a few seconds later Cat entered my room and she almost had a big questionmark frowned on her face. 'What's up, hun?' she asked, looking at my opened wardrobe and then back to me. 'I have nothing to wear...' I repeated, more muttering this time. And at the moment I realised Cat had no idea what was going on, she asked: 'Are you going out then?' I could slam my forehead at that moment, how stupid could I be. And I wasn't great at making things up in such a little time. 'Yeah...' I muttered, trying to search for a good explanation. 'Ohhh!' she replied enthousiastically. 'Is it a date? Is he handsome?' I sighed, louder then I wanted to, but I was so tired of her uncountable attempts. Was she really that blind? Or was she really that stupid to think that what she saw back then was just a fase? I sat straight up again and faced her. 'No', I said loud and clear, 'someone from my class is giving a birthdayparty tonight. And because she invited the whole year, she thought it was too sad not to ask me. So, i'm going to a birthdayparty tonight. And I have nothing to wear. Okay?' My voice sounded more agry then I wanted it to sound, but I guess that was the only way to make sure Cat would believe it. And it seemed to work 'cause she slowly started nodding her head. 'I see...' she said. 'Shall I help you?'


I was walking down the road, my body filled with nervousness and excitement. I was so happy Cat helped me out. I borrow a dress from her and some heels. She even tried to get some make-up on my face, but there she crossed a line. That was just something that wasn't for me, so it didn't happen. Honestly, I looked pretty sexy, but that is kind of weird to admit when you're talking about yourself. But still, it surprised me. I never wore a dress before, I always refused it, but tonight I felt like it had to be done. Cat even succeeded at getting me to walk on heels. There the sexiness ended. I looked like an ostrich when I walked on heels and because of that I was so happy the road was empty so I could still practise a bit without people laughing at me. I admit it looked pathetic, but it would've been more pathetic if I wore my sneakers under this pretty dress.

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