Chapter 30: "Show 'em what you got!"

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Jessie's POV

Sat at the kitchentable I couldn't force myself to put anything in my mouth. My stomac felt like it had just been filled with an enormous meal, although it was only 8 in the morning. Rose placed another bowl filled with fruit on the table and sat down across me. "You want some yoghurt?" she asked, while holding up a jar in the air. I shrugged my shoulders, knowing that must have looked quite rude and uninterested. But she didn't seem to mind my depressed mood.

"Jess..." She laid her hand on mine and stroke the back with her thumb.

"Hm?" I looked up at her. She gazed deep into my eyes and I got all warmed up by her deep brown eyes.

"Eat." She pulled back and stuffed her own mouth with a spoon full of blueberries. I followed her example, but although it tasted great, I didn't enjoy it. I sighed and sat back on my chair. I whiped my eyes and stretched my arms in the air while letting an irritated groan coming out. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, right on the moment it started buzzing. It was a text from the cabdriver.

'I'm here.'

He texted me every morning so I knew when I had to go outside. I sighed and pouted at Rose.

"Jessie", she said in an extreme motherly voice. "You're not gonna die out there. Get your shit together and be the brave girl you are." She looked serious at me but smiled as soon as she saw me doing the same.

"Alright mum", I replied in a childish voice.

I stood up and grabbed my purse. Rose stood up too, stepped closer to me and pecked my lips.

"I'll try to be back at 4", I said before answering her kiss.

"And if not..." Rose pointed one finger at me like grandmothers do when their grandchildren are being 'not nice'.

"And if not, I'll give you a call."

Rose smiled bright at me and I kissed her another time, softly squeezing her waist. Then I quickly left the room, heading toward the front door.

"Go get them, babe!" I heard her shout behind me. "Show 'em what you got!"

With a smile plastered on my face, one that must have looked gigantic, I walked toward the cab and jumped in on the passengers seat.

"Goodmorning to you too", the driver laughed. "I think someone's had a great night."

I glanced at him, considering for a moment what was smart to reply. Somehow I still felt I had to be careful, I still wasn't convinced about what to do with the whole 'me-and-a-girlfriend-case'.

"You have no idea", I eventually smirked. Luckily, the guy didn't came up with any more questions and we continued driving in silence. After a few minutes of not saying anything, I pretty much regretted he hadn't continued on hearing me out. I kinda felt the urge to talk about it with someone, as I could use some advice on what to do. But then again, a cabdriver probably wasn't the right person to share my heart with. So I just kept my mouth shut.


When I entered the studio, William and the other guys were already waiting for me. As soon as I did one step inside, I heard they were listening back to the demos we had recorded the other day. God, it was rubbish. They didn't say a word to each other but I didn't need more than their faces to know what they were thinking. I stepped further inside while cleaning my throat a bit. The guys looked up as soon as they heard me entering.

"Hey, Jess." William sounded like he felt caught.

One of the other guys immediately turned the mute down and caused an awkward silence to drop. My confidence was hard to find, but I could hear Rose's words resounding in my ears. I took a deep breath and found strenght again.

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