Chapter 1 (*)

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Kwon Harus POV


The alarm clock on my bedside table blared through my ears as if reminding me that I had to go to school today. My head cleared up instantly when I realized that I am not going to my old high school, instead, I was going to a new one. New friends, new teachers, new life, new everything

Its a shame that I had to change school on my last year of high school but my parents thought that it was a good idea for me to change school as this school provides more opportunity for me to achieve my dream, which is to be a singer. Its not that my old school was not good enough but recently, there was this nasty rumor surrounding my old school that my parents feel obliged to take me away from there.

With the thoughts of me singing on the stage in front of thousands of people, I went to do my normal morning routines and prepared myself for this big day.

I sat in front of the mirror, considering whether I should wear makeup or not. I expected the female students over there to be really pretty..heck, even the male students might be prettier than me. Not wanting to be called Attention-Seeker and gain my own fans (Just kidding, enemy), I only applied light lipstick.

"Should I put some- "

"Kwon Haru! What in Gods name are you doing up there?! You will be late for school!"

"Geez! Im coming, Mom!"

I took my blazer and backpack and ran down the stairs before my mom could scream on top of her lungs again, waking up the whole neighborhood.

I smiled when I saw my breakfast, a bowl of cereal and a glass of milk, ready on the table. But I got disappointed to see my cereal had gone soggy from swimming in the milk for too long.

"Mom, my cereal.."

"Well, thats what you get for taking too long up there.."

"But you dont have to put the milk in here if you knew I was going to take a long time~ Did you do it on purpose so that I-"

My mom gave me the look that made me swallowed the cereal whole. My dad came down a few minutes later and ruffled my hair. Yes, the hair that took me hours to get it done.



I stay quiet during the whole ride to school. Not because I was angry with my dad for messing up my hair, but because of the nervousness that was starting to take over me ever since I got in the car.

I fiddled with my fingers as I think about all the possible scenarios that could happen when I arrived at the school.

Will they treat me like an outcast and bully me? Maybe..but why would they? I mean, they have other things to do that is much more important..unless, these people are into dramas.



"We're here Honey.."

My head snapped to the right side and there it is, with its enormous sign on top of the building, stood one of the most prestigious school this country has ever created, the Performing Arts High School. Even from inside the car, the school looks taunting but cool?

"Honey, you look pale..whats wrong?" My dad shakes my shoulder.

"Umm.. no, I'm fine dad. Thanks for the ride. See you later." I force my smile to him.

"Well, have fun, my little baby!"

I cant help but roll my eyes.

I slowly walked towards the gate with my hands clutching the straps of my bag tightly. I took a breath of relief when I passed the gate. One step at a time Haru.

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