Chapter 11 (*)

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I closed my eyes as I felt his soft lips on my cheek. Even though the kiss was only just a few seconds, I could still feel the tingling sensation even after he let go.

“I’m sorry if I-"

“No.. It-It’s fine.” I stuttered.

“It’s fine? So that means I can kiss you again?” he laughed.

“No! I mean yes, wait no~” I covered my face and turned away from him.

I listened to him laughing for a good few minutes before he stopped. He then took my hand so that he could see my face.

“Gosh, you’re so cute.” He pinched my cheeks. Hard.


He just laughed and put his arm around my shoulder. We then made our way to his car and drove home.


“Thanks for today Jungkook. I had fun.” I tucked my hair on my ears.

“I had fun too. Maybe we should hang out more often..”

“Yes, we should. Bye!”

I hop out of the car.


I turned around and saw Jungkook rolled his car’s window down.

“FYI, I don’t mind if someone farted in my car. Especially if that someone is you.” He winked and drove away.



I went to school the next day with quite a good mood. I really had fun with Jungkook last night and I won’t deny that I can’t wait for our next hang out. I didn’t see him this morning though but it’s fine, I’ll search for him later.

‘Can’t get enough of him aren’t you?’

“Be quiet!”

Well, that one was not said by me. It was Mr.Lee. He looks like he have a good news to tell.

“So class, I am happy to announce that I will be giving you guys an assignment before summer break.”

We all groaned.

“This assignment will make up 60% of your total marks for this year, so please, work hard on it. Don’t be scared though because you will be working in partners.”

I actually prefer doing assignments by myself actually..’

“- your partner will be your current sitting partner.”

I turned my head to my right and saw Yoongi looking at me. I smiled, showing him ‘I’m so excited to work with you’ face. NOT!

“The assignment is easy guys. All you have to do is create a song. Any genre, any kind of lyrics but no swearing kids! Basically, any song that you guys dream to make. Understand?” Mr.Lee smiled. He knew that we’re going to have a hard time doing this assignment.

And it’s going to be ten times harder for me.


“Gosh, I have no idea what genre I want to make.” Sarang massaged her head.

“It’s fine Sarang. We have a lot of time to think.” Taehyung patted her head.

“You know I don’t do last minute assignments..” she sighed.

Sarang is a good student okay? Other than excelling her study, she is also good at sports. She was once a cheerleader captain before she moved here.

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