Chapter 20 (*)

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“Geez Yoongi! Calm down!”

I heard Namjoon’s voice as we walked towards the place where the fight is at. Of course, a lot of students gathered there like the last time they fight and because of that, I couldn’t see what was happening.

I had to tip-toed to see clearly but still I was too short to see anything.

“This won’t happened if you didn’t start it.”

I know that voice, it was Yoongi’s.

“Well, you were being annoying and you think I’m gonna let it go just like that?” Jungkook replied.

Even though I can only listen to their voices, I can feel their immense hatred for each other. No one ever tell me what happened to these two that made them hate each other like this.

I once asked my friends about this but they don’t have any idea too so I guess, it all started because of something personal.

In the crowd, I can hear them taking sides, especially the girls. I rolled my eyes when one of them said that she was on both sides because she likes them both. Eh?

Out of nowhere, I saw sarang’s head poking through the crowd and appeared in front of me. She then pulled me to the front, so I can see clearly what was going on.

Gosh, I regret it.

In front of me was Yoongi and Jungkook facing each other very closely with their hands clenched in a fist. The only thing stopping them was their friends holding back each one if them. Namjoon holding Yoongi and Jungkook was held by Jimin.

Jungkook turn his head when he saw me and smirked. He then pointed at me and said something that only Yoongi could hear.

The latter’s face turns red and swing his hand to Jungkook’s face but a booming loud voice stopped him.

“You guys are fighting again?!”

Mr.Bang, our head of discipline teacher came forward. He then knocked his thick book on their head and I winced. But they didn’t. They were still glaring at each other.

Apparently, their fights started way back before I moved to this school from the way Mr.Bang handled the situation. He just asked them to do push ups for fifty times with a bored look on his face.

Even when they were being punished, they were still glaring at each other.

Jungkook was doing it like it was the easiest thing to do but Yoongi, he struggled. His face was red from exhaustion. I feel sorry for him.

Jungkook finished first and smiled smugly. He then bowed to both Mr.Bang and Yoongi and left.

Yoongi was still on his 30th push ups.

Yes, I counted it and I was sweating as I watched him. His arms buckled as he pushed up and down. All of a sudden, before he could finished his last round, he collapsed to the ground.

His friends and I ran to him. I could hear his heavy breathing as I got close. I was about to ask him if he was fine when one of his friends, I think Seokjin, glared at me. My words got stuck on my throat.

They pulled Yoongi up and helped him walked towards his tent, but the one who glared at me stayed behind.

“It’s your fault.” He looked at me with so much hatred and then leave.

I refused to eat dinner that night even after Sarang forced me. I wasn’t in the mood that I just want to lock myself in my sweet little bedroom. But I’m here already and my mom would be so angry if I asked her to take me home right away.

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