Chapter 10 (*)

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I walked slowly towards the parking lot. My mind was still thinking about Yoongi. I had come to a conclusion that the person I texted was indeed Min Yoongi.

‘I like you too?’

Tsk. That is something that would never ever crossed the mind of someone like Min Yoongi. To me, he was this heartless and cold person. Well, I don’t know but his personality just show it all.

Why didn’t he just admit that it was him all along? And why did he had to lie? Ugh, I don’t understand him!

As soon as I arrived, I saw Jungkook leaning on his sexy black car. He looks like he was posing for a car magazine.


He looked up and smiled.

“Oh hey Haru. Are you ready to go?”

I nodded and got in his car.

During the fight, I mean between Jungkook and Yoongi, the latter said that Jungkook’s car smells like a girl’s perfume? Well, that’s not what I’m smelling right now.

His car smells.. manly. Almost the same smell as him.

'Ugh Haru, you should slow down with your smelling and sniffing habits.'

“Umm, sorry that you had to wait for me. I was talking with my teacher.”

LIE! I actually spent five minutes on my desk, thinking over the situation between me and Yoongi.

“Oh no don’t be sorry. I didn’t wait that long.”

“Okay.. where are we going though?”

‘How about you just stay quiet? Don’t be so nosy.’

“We’re going to a favourite place of mine. The food is great there.”


Little did I know that his favourite place to eat was also everyone’s favourite place to eat. The restaurant was packed with people, mostly the students from my school.

As I expected, they were looking at us as soon as we entered. Me, being a shy person and all, looked down, not wanting to look at them in the eye. I don’t like being the centre of attention, seriously.

“Hey, it’s fine.” Jungkook sense my insecurity and held my hand.

“What are you-“

“I’m giving you my confidence. So hold my hand and look up.” he smiled.

That did it. I held his hand and we intertwined our fingers. All of a sudden, a surge of confidence came over me and I looked up.

I walked more confidently this time but I still didn’t dare to look at them in the eyes though.

We took a seat at a secluded coner as per my request. I’m glad that Jungkook understand this problem of mine. He slide the restaurant’s menu to me with a smile on his face.

“Gosh, there’s a lot of food choices here.” I beamed.

“Yeah, that’s why I like it here.”

“Can I have a Carbonara with cheese please?” I told the waiter.

“Well, the same for me. Can you put a lot of cheese for her?” he pointed at me.

The waiter smiled and nodded his head and leave.

“How do you know I like cheese?” I smiled shyly.

“Well, you look like you eat everything..”

“Umm.. is that a compliment?” I laughed.

“Of course. I like girls who eat a lot.” He winked.

The food here is indeed very delicious, and the Carbonara tasted amazing! I couldn’t count how many times I sighed already. I looked up for the first time since my food arrived and saw Jungkook staring at me.

“What?” I said with food filled mouth. “Is there something on my face?” I consciously wiped my mouth when he didn’t answer.


“Then, why are you staring at me?”

“You caught me. Well, I just can’t help but stared at you.”

I forked around my food. 'What does he mean?'

“You look.. beautiful even when you’re stuffing your face with all this food.”

It’s a good thing I already swallowed the food because I have the tendency to choke on anything when I’m surprised or shocked. Weird habit huh?


“You’re welcome. Now finish your food, I will order you a dessert.”

I was probably as red as a tomato now. I then eat my food in small pieces and eat it very very slowly, like a mannered girl supposed to.


We went to a park near to my house before he sent me home. Well, I was the one who suggested we go there.

No, it’s not because I want to spend more time with him.. it was because..

Well, this is embarrassing, but my stomach hurts so bad that I felt like I needed to pass the gas. In other words, I need to fart.

So, to save myself from embarrassment for the rest of my life, I asked Jungkook to take me out to the park before going home.

As soon as I got out of the car, I farted very very quietly. This is because of the cheese!!

“Are you okay?” Jungkook step next to me.

Oh my god. Hopefully, the smell has gone away now.’

“Yes. I’m fine. Totally fine. Hehe..”


“So, how do you like our school so far?”

“Umm.. it’s fine. I mean, I haven’t make a lot of friends other than Taehyung and Sarang-“

“I’m not your friend?” he stopped walking.

“Umm of-of course you’re my friend. You cut me off before I can said your name..” I smiled.

“Is Min Yoongi your friend too?”

“I’m not sure.. “ I gulped. I didn’t want to actually mention Yoongi in front of him after the incident I witnessed between the two of them.

“I’m glad to hear that actually..” he finally smiled at me.

“What do you mean?”

“He’s not a good guy. That’s all I can tell you.” He turned at me.

“Okay. I’ll keep that in mind.”
I’m not really sure about this. Yes, yoongi did actually treat me coldly but it was not to the point where I would consider him as a ‘bad guy’.

“Do you have a boyfriend?” he suddenly asked.


“Why not?”

“I just.. no one ask?” I joked.

“Well, I’m glad no one asked you that yet.”

I was about to ask him when he suddenly leaned forward and kissed my cheek.

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