Chapter 24 (*)

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I turn right and left and then back to my right side as I lay on my bed, hugging my penguin plushie. It is already one in the morning and my eyes says 'I'm tired. go to sleep' but my brain decides that right now is the best time to think about what happened yesterday's night, at the carnival.

I'm still thinking about the kiss Jungkook gave me. Well, it wasn't really a kiss, it was a peck because it was just a short one. His lips was on my cheeks for like two seconds. I was too shocked and too slow to react so I just freezed like a statue.

Things got quiet awkward afterwards. Well, mostly me and Jungkook just act like his normal self. Like the kiss never happened. And he still hits me with that stupid squeaky hammer.

And that's not the only interesting thing that happened yesterday.

While we were on our way to Jungkook's car, I saw Sarang and Namjoon together, holding hands! So I pulled Jungkook behind one of the cars and started spying on them. I kept squealing on how sweet they are to one another.

Not wanting to interrupt them, we decided to go home but of course I'm going to grill Sarang this morning. As soon as she opened her eyes.

'Back to Jungkook.'

Gosh, I've told you how much my brain loves to torture me at night. They won't stop until I reached a certain conclusion or when I just went dead tired and fall asleep.

As far as I know, I'm stuck in between two guys, Min Yoongi and Jeon Jungkook. Obviously, the latter has feelings for me. He said so, or is it just an act? I do heard rumours about him being a playboy but he just doesn’t look like one, so I don’t believe it. Plus, he is a very sweet guy, there's no way you can just ignore all the sweet things he's done for you. 

And there's Yoongi. He has been acting weird in front of me these days. He sometimes got mad at me, annoyed, irritated but lately, he is being nice to me.. he even opens up about himself, not completely though. But I would love to hear him talk more about himself and his problems. I want to get inside the wall that he has build around himself. I want to know more..but why?

I'm confused. My heart is confused.

I decided to play a game on my phone so that I can fall asleep afterwards from the tiredness. I received a message in the middle of the night and checked it out. To my surprise, it was from Yoongi.

Min_Yoongi: Hi

HaruHaru: Hey. Haven’t you slet?

Min_Yoongi: Nope. I can’t sleep. I see it’s the same case with you?

HaruHaru: Yeah :(

I watched as he type for the reply. He took a very long time to reply to be honest.

Min_Yoongi: Cool

Is that all?'

Min_Yoongi: Do you want to hear something?

HaruHaru: Okay, what is it?

Min_Yoongi: Umm..okay. Do you know what my shirt is made up of?

HaruHaru: Fabric? Cotton?

He took a moment.

Min_Yoongi: Boyfriend material.

I sat up and laughed. It’s hard to control my laugh though because it is late at night and I don’t want to disturb my parents sleeping.

HaruHaru: What the hell was that?!

Min_Yoongi: Don’t you like it?

HaruHaru: Well, it was funny.

Min_Yoongi: I thought you girls like this kind of things.

HaruHaru: Where did you get that from?

Min_Yoongi: Jin hyung.

Jin? As in Kim Seokjin? Wow, I never thought he is this kind of person. Well, to me, he’s very scary. My last encounter with him was when we bid goodbye before leaving the camping site and he was still glaring at me.

Min_Yoongi: Well, I’m getting sleepy. You should got to bed too.

HaruHaru: You are always sleepy! HAHA. Good night!

Min_Yoongi: Night.


To my dislike, it’s already the first day of school. I sighed tiredly as I walked down the stairs. As I walked, I hear hushed voices talking in the kitchen. When I came in, I saw my parents talking to each other, with a serious look on their faces.

“I received a call this morning. From a certain Mr.Bang. Your head of discipline teacher?” My father raised his eyebrows at me.

I winced because I didn’t expected the meeting to be hold this early. On first day of school!!

“Did you do something wrong Haru?” My mom asked me.

I just stay silent and she nodded.

“We’ll see what your teacher has to say..”

This is gonna be a long day!

I sat in between my parents and I looked down, not wanting to meet Mr.Bang’s eyes. He knew that I haven’t told my parents about this whole incident.

He then first thanked my parents for coming to the meeting. Then, he went on to tell them my behaviour at school, that I am a good student and all of that. My mom’s face visibly relaxes.

‘The calm before the storms..’

“But the real reason why I asked you to come here is to discuss what happened to your daughter during the camping two weeks ago.”

This is it.’

“We found Haru lost in the jungle with an injured leg at one of the nights. She was with one of our student and umm..” Mr.Bang coughed. “We found him doing something inappropriate to Miss Kwon over here..”

My mother gasped as she looked at me. All of a sudden, my father pulled me up and gripped my shoulder tightly.

“What is this Haru?! Why didn’t you tell us about this?!”

I cried, asking him to let go of his painful grip. Mr.Bang then asked him to calm down and explained that I was innocent. That Jimin was the one who forced himself on me.

“And where is that kid?!! Shouldn’t you have called the police?”

My dad’s face was red in anger. I never seen him like this. Whereas my mom, she was shocked and couldn’t say anything.

“We have suspended the student for three weeks-"

“Suspended? Only that?!”

My dad has turned into a hulk now and Mr.Bang has a hard time to calm him down.

My mom who has been silent all this time, stands up and wiped her tears.

“That’s it Haru. We’re moving you out of this school.”

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