Chapter 9 (*)

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9.45, 9.55, 10.05

We all waited for my phone to ring. Well, not me, only Sarang and Taehyung. They were expecting the person to reply to my text. And here I am, hoping and praying to God that this person would take my text as a prank or something.

"Why isn't he replying?" Sarang sighed.

"How do you know this person is a he?"

"Well, girls will reply to this interesting text as soon as they received it. Whereas boys, will contemplate about this matter before replying." she sighed once more "So, since this person takes a long time to reply, it's a he."

"Oh gosh." I sniffed. "This is getting bad."


My phone flew away and landed somewhere under Sarang's bed. She then jumped from her seat and went to search for my phone. Yes, I was the one who threw my own phone. I don't care if my phone got broken, well, that's better actually.

Sarang hurried to us when she found my phone and opened the text.

She gasped.

So did Taehyung.

"What? What is it? Is he going to call the police for pranking him? Or is it something else?"

Sarang mouth was wide open. She turned around my phone for me to see the text.

'I like you too.'

"I guess, he is into the prank as I am.." I shrugged.

"I don't think so.." Sarang wiggled her eyebrows.

I hugged my knees and closed my eyes. This truth or dare game turned out to be worse than I expected. I didn't expect this person would answer that. I don't even know his identity.

"Don't worry too much Haru. I'm sure he was just going along with the prank.." Taehyung comforted me.

"Hopefully. Oh god. Tomorrows going to be awkward.."


I slammed my locker as hard as I can. People around me looked at me as if I was crazy but I could care less. The reason for my bad mood was because I didnt get to sleep last night. AT ALL.

My brain kept reminding me about this mysterious person who unexpectedly replied to my text. I think that I will accept the situation a lot better if he ignored the text or just blocked me right away for pranking him.. did he know it was me though? That would be a big problem. I need to find out who this person is and apologized to him, or her if our guess was wrong.

"Hi, Haru."

Did someone call me? or was it just my brain trying to mess with me.

"Hello? Kwon Haru?"

I turned around and almost bumped into someone's chest. It was Jungkook.

"Oh? H-Hi.."

He smiled at me. All the things that have been bugging my head since last night just flew away when I saw his smile. I could feel my face heats up and I looked down, playing with the hem of my blazer.

"Umm..are you free today?" he rubs his neck.

"Aaa.. maybe, why?" I tried to look anywhere but him.

"I know this might sound too soon but do you want to go to lunch with me later?"

I looked behind me, making sure that no one was behind. Who knows he was asking that to someone behind me. To my surprise, there wasn't even a single person around us.

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