Chapter 18 (*)

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Yoongi’s POV

“What’s this?”

I flipped around the pamphlet that Jin hyung passed to me. We were at his house. Well actually, we were forced to be in his house because he wanted us to taste his cook. We are his food tasters and has been this way ever since we were a child.

Our parents are business partners and one day, all of us will somehow inherited their business even though we have no idea about it.

We grew up together and we’re like brothers now.

Jin hyung is the eldest among us. He’s a funny guy and as the eldest, he always gives us advices. He loves to cook and I admired his skill.

Namjoon is like the normal one among us, I guess. He’s a genius and no matter how hard you try, you can’t never beat him in terms of intelligence. He was our Math tutor before we moved to pursue music school and to be honest, he taught us better than our teacher. Currently, he switched to being our English teacher.

Talking about normal ones, Hoseok is the least normal. He is mentally a five year old and I found that is not normal. Even so, he is very kind, always smiling as if he never know what anger and sadness means.

And there’s me, the scariest one. They always told me how quiet and cold I am and that I should smile often. To be honest, there’s nothing that can make me smile so easily, even with my best friends.

But lately, there is this one person who whenever I see the face, makes me smile inwardly. This person didn’t exactly makes me smile with her jokes or whatever but her behaviour is just..cute and charming and silly.

“Well, I don’t want to just sit around in the house during the whole two weeks of break.” Jin hyung sip his tea.

The pamphlet is on a famous camping site where our school goes to every year. We can join or not, up to us but me, nah.

“Let’s go guys. We didn’t join last year.” Hoseok bounced up and down. I told you, he’s a five year old.

I shake my head. I’m not keen with the idea that I have to sleep in a small tent where you are prone to be eaten by wild boars when you’re asleep. Plus, there’s a lot of mosquitoes there. I hate them.

“Come on hyung. It’s gonna be fun!”

“Yeah, all my friends are joining.”

“Including Taehyung?” I heard Namjoon asked.

Hoseok nodded.

'Taehyung? Isn’t he Haru’s friend?'

I turned on my ears more, listening to my friends talk. Apparently, Hoseok has been hanging out with Taehyung more often and they decided to go camping together next week.

‘That means Haru will join too..’

I looked around the room to see who said that but then I realised that it was my brain that said it. Gosh, why does it matter if Haru joins the camping?

“I’m coming because Sarang- uh, never mind.” Namjoon scratched his head.

“Oh, so that’s the reason you joined?” I asked him.

He just shrugged and continued typing on his phone, maybe with that Sarang girl he’s been hanging out with.

“I also promised with Jimin and Jungkook that I will join this year.”

Jungkook? God damn.

“I’m in.” I said and stand up.

“Wait what? Really? Why?”

“Don’t ask too much question.”


Haru’s POV

Jacket, beanies, ramyeon, toothbrush.. my socks!

I grabbed my socks from my drawer and put it into one of the compartments in my luggage. The amount of things I am bringing is enough for travelling where I am only going for three days and two nights camping.

I didn’t know who else will join other than us but I know Jungkook will. We texted each other this morning and he was so happy when I tell him I will be joining. He even said that he has a lot of activities to do with me in his mind.

“Honey, can I come in?” my mom knocked my door.


She peeked through my door and helped me pack my other things.

“So, you’re going with your friends?”

“Yes, and my boyfriend.” I smirked.

“You have a boyfriend?”

I laughed and rolled on my bed. I knew that my mom will be overly-excited when it comes to me having a boyfriend. She’s been waiting for that moment actually.
She realised that I was joking and tickled me.

“You’re very naughty!”

“OW mom! Stop!” I tried to push her away.

She then made me promised not to tease her again and we did the pinky-promise thingy.

“I’m gonna miss you honey.”

“Aww mom, it’s only for three days~” I hugged her.

I am eighteen years old and to be honest, my parents still treat me like I’m ten. I understand though since I am the only child and the fact that it took them three years of their marriage to be able to have me.

They didn’t exactly spoiled me and stuff, it’s just that I am still a baby in their eyes. They always remind me to eat my lunch at school, to not involve myself with troubled peers, to not have a boyfriend (this is from my dad actually) and be respectful to everyone I met.

They remind me that every single day ever since I entered school and that’s only between me and my parents.

But when it’s me and my mom alone, we will talk about personal stuff like boyfriends (It’s her favourite topic), what to do and what not and all of those precautions when you entered the dating phase.

“Are you friends with that Min Yoongi? The one that sent you home the other night?”

EH, why is Yoongi being mentioned here?

I just nodded and look at her.

“Is he nice?”

“What? You gonna leave dad for him?”


I laughed for the nth time.

“Gosh. Look what your father have passed on to you.” She massaged her head.

“I was just kidding. Yes, he’s a nice person but he bullies me a lot. Why?”

She didn’t answer and just tucked my hair behind my ears.


She smiled with an unreadable expression on her face and leave me in my room, trying to find out what has gotten into my mom.

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