Chapter 28 (*)

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“I don’t think so. I have better things to do."

He glared at me and walked away.

I am so fucking tired of being treated this way. Why is he being so cold and angry towards me? All the time? I don’t understand him.

“What is wrong with you?!”

I yelled. Fortunately, there were only two of us in the room. Everybody else has left. He stopped walking and turned back towards me, his glare intensifies. He then pretended to not have any idea what I was talking about me.

“If you feel like being friends with me is a burden, just stop talking to me at all! Stop pretending that you care about me or like being around me!”

A tear rolled down on my cheek. I wiped it away but another and more came down.

I could see his eyes widen a bit but he covered it so fast.

He watches me as I angrily pack all my belongings. I stomped angrily towards the door when he called my name. I stopped. Yes, my betrayer of a leg stopped moving.

I didn’t turn to face him as I waited for him to start talking. I feel him moved behind me and suddenly his hand is on my arm.

Out of nowhere, I was being pulled towards the door, into the hallway, towards the main door and finally in front of his sexy, black car.

“Where are you taking me?” I crossed my arms rebelliously.

“Just get in.” he sighed and literally pushed me and my head into the passenger’s seat. I was about to argue when he slammed the door on my face.

He came in a few seconds later and started the engine.

“Are you kidnapping me?”

He scoffed and turned the music playing on the radio louder. Loud enough to drown my voice.

Glad he does that because I am cursing at him with different languages.

I stayed silent after ten minutes of asking him questions. Not that he replied though as he keeps turning the volume of the music even louder that anyone can turn deaf because of it.

Apparently, we were going outside of our neighbourhood. I shifted in my seat as fear starts to come its way for me.

Where is he taking me?

Then, I saw it. No, I didn’t see an old, rotting house where he keeps me and let me starve to death. Instead, I saw a park. A colourful, bright park filled to the brim with people. I sighed in relief.

But of course, even if I’m excited to go and play towards the park, I stay rooted in my seat with my arms crossed as he got out of the car. He waited outside the passenger’s door and stared at me. He too crossed his arms.

“You don’t want to go out?” he said in a softer voice.

Meh, I’m not going to fall for that. I shake my head stubbornly.

“Well, okay. I’m going to go buy some food.. for myself, of course. Maybe a burger? Cheese pizza?”

My mouth waters as he listed all the food that he’s planning to buy. I tried to keep a straight face but my eyes turn wider and wider every time he mentions my favourite food.

“OKAY OKAY! I’m going out.”


I took a very big bite of my double cheeseburger and sighed in delight. I should slow down a bit because I have much other food waiting to be in my stomach.

I also bought two slices of pizza, a box of chocolate cookies and gummy bears. Well, it’s not me who buy all of this. It’s the rich guy in front of me, who is currently watching me eating.

“What’s your weight?”

I stared and laughed at his face. He looks so confused.

“You don’t ask a girl about their weights okay?”

He shrugged and tried to take my cookies but I beat him. I slapped his hand and he retracted away.

“This is mine.”

He massaged his head and muttered something about me having a stomach bigger than anything else.

“I want to ride that! I want that! Pleaseee?” I jumped up and down when I saw my favourite rides, the roller coaster.

“Stop jumping around like a kid!” he stopped me by holding my arms from behind. Other people might think he was hugging me. I wonder how that will feel..

He agreed to ride the roller coaster with me after five minutes of persuading him. He’s a hard-headed guy okay? The only thing to make him agree to ride with me is when I called him weak. That he doesn’t want to ride it because he was scared.

I never saw someone got so triggered by that. He instantly pulled me towards the queue for the roller coaster and said that we will be sitting at the very front.

I laughed at his sudden change in behaviour.

We were waiting for our turn when I realised that he is still holding my hand tightly. I don’t know if he realised it or not but I’m pretty sure that I don’t want to let his hand go. His hand warms mine.

I swing my legs excitedly when we got on the ride. Yoongi was quiet and he keeps asking the worker if his protection bar will protect him from falling. The worker had a hard time convincing him.

After a few minutes, the ride started and I could hear Yoongi taking a very deep breath. Before we went down. I heard him say something that makes me smile throughout the whole ride.

“I’m going to hunt you if I die, Kwon Haru.”


“Today is so much fun!!” I clapped my hands as we walked towards his car.

“Yeah right..” He answered half-heartedly.

He was still holding his stomach. After the ride, he excused himself to the toilet and I assumed that he was emptying all the contents of his stomach. He keeps drinking water after that. I feel guilty but it was funny to see him like that though.

“Thank you so much for today..”

“Take it as a present for your birthday..” he scratched his arms. “And this..” he took out something from his blazer’s jacket and put it in my hands.

I smiled when I saw a teddy bear, holding a heart with the word “Sorry?” on it. It was a keychain and I dangled it happily.

“Apology accepted.”

“I’m sorry for hurting you, a lot of times.” His face turns into sadness. “I like being friends with you Haru, but it’s just that.. I-"

He struggled to continue his words and I feel sorry for him. I know that he don’t have a lot of friends before I came in.

I never seen him interact with someone other than Seokjin, Namjoon and Hoseok. I am glad and grateful that he likes me to be in his friend’s list. Yeah, I’m proud of myself.

I am so proud, happy, grateful, fortunate and many other things that my brain got so excited that it makes me do the one thing that I will regret tomorrow… or not.

I kissed his cheek.

And he smiled.

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