Chapter 7 (*)

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I watched Yoongi and Jungkook walking towards one another. The look on their face showed how much they despised each other now. Or did they already hate each other long before I came? Because I am 100% sure they started to hate each other not because of me.

I looked up and realized that the rain has stopped, completely. As if they knew well enough not to interrupt these two fightings.

"What do you want?" Yoongi yawned.

"I want you to stop messing with me."

"Messing with you? What did I do to you?" Yoongi laughed.

Jungkook clenched his fist and ruffled his hair, trying to calm himself down.

"And tell me, do you think any girl wants to sit in your car? It smells of different kind of perfumes-"

"You piece of shit!"

"Shut up you playboy!"

They were screaming at each other now and I don't know how to stop them. Like how do you actually stop two guys fighting? Intervene in them? I don't think that's a good idea. Lots of cars passed us, some even slowed down a bit, trying to figure out what was happening.

To think of it, were they fighting over me? ME? I mean, whats the big deal if I get into one of their cars? I smiled at this thought. I never ever thought that something like this would happen to me.

"Umm. Hey guys, can we not scream like this? People are watching.." I stepped in front of them. They looked at me as if they just realized I was there all along.

"Come on Haru, Ill send you home." Jungkook said and took my arm.

"Woah, dude. Really? You dont even want to ask if she wants to go with you or not?"

They then looked at me and I gaped. Did they just ask me to choose between them? This is a very tough decision, really.

"Umm.." I gulped.

They both looked at me expectantly. Now I feel guilty. I only knew them for two days so I don't know who I prefer more.

Jungkook looked at me as if he never saw a girl like me before. Well, of course, he never saw an ugly girl like me before.

And there's Yoongi, looking at me with 'I'm gonna kill you if you don't come with me look.'

Okay.. this is tough.

"Umm. It's fine Yoongi. I can go with Jungkook.." I heard a relief sigh from Jungkook.

Why did I choose him? Well simple, he was the one who asked me first. I mean, if anyone is in my position right now, they will choose the one who came first to them right? Right??

"Whatever." I heard Yoongi said. He then went to his car, slammed his door and drove away angrily. Now I feel ten times guilty.

Well, why do you care if hes angry or not? Its not like he has ever been nice to you.

But he gave me the answer to the question at class though.



I glanced at Jungkook who was humming happily next to me. He was drumming his fingers to a song on the steering wheel. I noticed that whenever he's smiling. Yup, I've been observing him ever since I got into his car. I don't know if it's just me, but I feel like he was satisfied with something by the smile on his face. Was he satisfied because he just won me over Yoongi? Ugh, you're daydreaming too much Haru.

The ride home was quiet though other than the sound of Jungkook's humming. I knew this will be awkward but will it be different if I decided to go home with Yoongi? Well, maybe the whole ride would consist of me bickering with him.. so I think coming with Jungkook is the better choice.

"Which one is your house?"

"Over there."

He parked his car right in front of our house gate. As expected, neither my parents' cars' were present.

"Thank you for the ride. I appreciate it.."

"You're welcome. If you don't have a ride next time, I can-"

"No, it's fine. I mean.. I don't want to bother you.."

"Really, it's fine with me Haru. At least I can get to know you better.."

I looked at him and he had this sincere look on his face. His eyes were really beautiful when you looked at it closely. We stared at each other for god knows how long before I sneezed embarrassingly. Thank you so much nose!

"Well, I think you should go in and dried yourself up.." he rubs the back of his neck.

"Yeah.. m-maybe I should.." Why am I stuttering?

I waved at him awkwardly and got out of the car. He waited for me and only leave when I safely entered my house.


Dinner is in the microwave. Love, Mum.

I heat the fried chicken and rice made by mom in the microwave. I am now used to eating dinner alone as my parents were busy with their work. Ever since we moved to this area, they had been working late night shifts and only came back when I'm fast asleep.

I set up my dinner on the table and started eating. The thought of going on a diet or getting a body as Sarang's flew away as I munched on my food. My mother's cooking is the best! Go to hell with that diet thingy.

My phone vibrates and a text from my mom, asking me if I safely arrived home. I replied to her text with lots of heart emoji at the end.

I couldn't help but smile when I saw my new friends and I group chat. We met two days ago but it feels like I knew them since forever.

I dont care English Squad

IAmTaeDaddy: Hello Everyone.

Miss Love: Woo.. New name huh Tae?

IAmTaeDaddy: Hahaha! You guys like it don't you?

Miss Love: WHATEVA. Where's Haru?

HaruHaru: I'm here~~~

Miss Love: Hey Haru! You guys wanna come to my house tomorrow night?

HaruHaru: Sure! Sounds fun. Plus, I have a tea to spill.

Miss Love: OMG YES! I'm excited to hear it!

IAmTaeDaddy: Tea? Wait what are you guys talking about?

Miss Love: Ignore him Haru. So.. is the tea has something to do with you?

HaruHaru: Well yeah

Miss Love: OMG I can't wait!

IAmTaeDaddy: I'm confused

HaruHaru: HAHA It's fine Tae. Umm.. by the way can you take me along to Sarang's house Tae? If its okay with you?

IAmTaeDaddy: Of course Haru! Everything for you my princess!

Miss Love: SHH Tae! Haru is probably taken as we talk right now. I have a feeling that is what the tea is about.. isn't it Haru?

HaruHaru: Umm, well.. let's just wait for tomorrow okay?

IAmTaeDaddy: umm guys? Can we stop talking about teas? I'm confused..

Miss Love: How I wish I can slap you on the forehead right now..

IAmTaeDaddy: Huh? What did I do?

HaruHaru: Haha, okay.. you guys can continue fighting while I go get some sleep. I'm tired.

Miss Love: Okay! Sleep well Haru!

IAmTaeDaddy: Good night BB! I hope you dream of me!

Miss Love: GOSH TAE -____-

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