Chapter 23 (*)

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We have one week left before our school holidays ended and I spent most of it locked up in my bedroom.

When I got home after camping, my parents rushed out to welcome me with tears on their face (Yes, they are that dramatic). My dad insisted that I should go to the hospital for a check-up but I refused with the reason that my leg feels less painless than before. It’s true though and they didn’t argue further.

Looking at them being worry about me makes me feel a thousand times guiltier for not telling them the truth. But they’ll find out about it soon when the school re-opens because Mr.Bang told me that he will talk to my parents about it. So I have less than a week to prepare myself for my parents’ wrath.

Currently, I’m sitting on my bed with Sarang scrolling through her Instagram. She has been visiting me often to keep myself ‘entertain’ since I wasn’t allowed to go out by my parents. Then, her phone beeps and she moved away from me as far as possible.

I rolled my eyes at her as she smiled shyly at her phone.

“You don’t have to hide. I know it is Namjoon that texted you.”

After replying his text, she went back to sit next to me and asked if I can now walk properly. I nodded.

“Well, Namjoon told me that there will be a festival going on tomorrow night. You want to come with me?”

“With you and Namjoon? No thanks, I don’t want to be a third-wheeler.” I wiggled my eyebrows and she blushed.

“You can go with Taehyung though.”

I just shake my head and declined her offer. I would love to go, but Taehyung seems busy nowadays and I don’t want to disturb him.

As if on cue, it was my phone’s turned to beep and I read the message from Jungkook.

He asked me if I want to go to the festival Sarang just mentioned with him.

“Oh my god Haru! It’s a date!”

I almost fell off my bed when she jumped around me in excitement. I put my finger on my mouth and told her to shut it down.

“My parents won’t let me go..” I pouted.

“Go ask them then! Make sure to make that cute face. I’m sure they will give in to you since you’re a baby and all."

“I’m not a baby!”

“I made cookies for you girls!”

My mom offered the cookies to Sarang as we made our way into the kitchen. As Sarang eats her cookies, I was forming the correct and convincing words to say to my mom.

Sarang keeps urging me to talk to her by kicking my leg under the table. Yes, kicking my injured leg.

“Um, mom?”

“Yes, baby?”

Sarang smirked and mouthed ‘You’re still a baby.’ UGH.

“Can I go to a festival tomorrow night? It’s near to our school..”

She turned around from the oven as fast as lightning and I got scared.

Sarang instinctively looked away, afraid that my mom would include her in her question and answers.

“With who?”

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