Chapter 27 (*)

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This might sound rude but I ignored the messages from those two because I don't know what to do. I don't want to pick between the two of them again.

It was hard trying to ignore their messages though. So I just replied to them with the real reason that I was hanging out with my two best friends.

They both replied with an okay but insisted that I go with them tomorrow. Fortunately, they each booked me at different times. Or else, there will be another fight between the two of them.

It was lunchtime and I went to the dance studio as per Jungkook's request.

The room was empty when I came in but the lights were on and to my surprise, there was a huge teddy bear sitting in the middle of the room. I instantly walked towards it and pet its head. The teddy bear is probably the cutest and the largest teddy I have ever seen. It has a pink scarf on its neck and it is white in colour. I tried my best not to hug it and squish it.

Suddenly, music started to play and Jungkook came in with a daisy flower on his hand.

'Um, how long he has been there?'

He stopped right in front of me, with my face a few inches away from his chest. Yeah, he is that tall. He then put the flower behind my ear and I giggled when my ears feel itchy.

When I thought he was done, he took my hands and put it on his shoulders. He then put his on my waist. We start to dance slowly to the music.

This is my first time dancing with someone, a male, to be exact. Heat rushed to my face because of our close proximity and the feel of his hands on my waist. Not only that, he was looking at me in the eyes and I can't seem to look away either.

He then smiled.

I raised my eyebrows and he just shakes his head. He told me that he was quite surprised that I didn't shy away from him like I used to.

"Well, I think it's because I am already used to you staring at me.."

"So you're saying that my stares have no effect on you?"

I playfully nodded and stuck my tongue out.

"Ah, you're teasing me now huh?" he smirked and pinched my cheeks.


I yelled at him and he just laughed.

I massaged my cheeks and smiled when an evil idea came to my mind. When he wasn't looking at me, I tip-toed and ruffled his hair. He looked at me, shocked by what I did.

I heard that tall guys hate it if girls shorter than them messed with their hair and I found that theory to be true just by looking at his reaction.

I just smiled innocently at him.

"Gosh, I can't even get mad at you." He smiled and fix his ruined hair.

"Anyway, Happy Birthday Haru."

He opens his arms and I gladly went to hug him. It was a nice hug really.

"You know what daisy flower means?" he asked while still hugging me.


"Daisy represents innocence and purity, just like you. And it also means... true love."


Students looked at me as I passed by them in the hallway. No, it's not because I just suddenly grew horns on my head or dyed my hair rainbow colors. It's because I was dragging my huge teddy bear wherever I go.

Yes, I got really excited when he told me that the teddy bear was a present for me but I didn't think that I had to carry it around. So now, I just smiled awkwardly as I walked and ignored the whispers from some of them.

I decided to put my teddy bear in one of the cabinets of an empty class, hoping that no one finds it and steal it. The teddy bear was too huge for my locker.

I ran to my Composing class as I was running late. Thankfully, Mr.Lee hasn't arrived yet but all of my classmates did and they were all looking at me. I expected that though. They always stare at me whenever I came in.

I sat on my seat and greet Yoongi who was being weirdly quite. Well, he is a quiet guy but I thought the 'ignoring each other' phase has long gone. Why is he suddenly like this?

"Hi, Haru."

The girl in front of me turn around and faced me. I replied to her Hi. She never talked to me before.

"How's your date with Jungkook?" she smirked.

How the hell did she know that? Even though the conversation was between me and her but I could feel that everyone in the class is listening to us, including Yoongi.

"Everyone knows about it. He prepared a special event for your birthday. Isn't it?"

I nodded slowly and I could feel Yoongi tensed up beside me.

The girl ended our conversation by telling me how lucky I was.

I glanced to my left side every two minutes and there wasn't any movement at all. Yoongi hasn't said a single word to me and that continues until the end of the class.

"Umm hey, is the hangout on?" I decided to break the silence. This can't go on.

"What hang out?" he replied, coldly.

"You said you want to take me somewhere? For my birthday?"

I bit my lips. He looked so angry.

"I don't think so. I have better things to do."

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