Chapter 26 (*)

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A month has passed and I am glad to say that I am still learning in this school. My parents changed their mind after Jimin apologized to us. I still remember to these days how emotional that moment was. And I still remember how shocked I was when Jimin’s parents came along with him and apologized to us too.

I am glad that in the end, everything work out well. My parents are no longer mad at me and I made Jimin promised me to see the school’s counsellor. After his confession about trying to kill himself, I became worried for him.

Fortunately, he listened to me and has been visiting the counsellor the past few weeks.

The problem between me and him is solved thanks to Taehyung. Apparently, he is quiet close to the Park family and decided to tell what Jimin did to them. Taehyung told me that the only reason why he did this was because he don’t want me or Jimin to suffer.

“I love both of you. That’s why I did this.”

I smiled to myself as I remembered his words.

Other than that, nothing has changed the past one month.

WAIT! There is.

So last week, I finally got the chance to grill Sarang about her relationship with Namjoon. It took her three hours to finally tell us that they are dating. Yes! Namjoon and Sarang are a couple now and I am very happy for them.

As for Taehyung? Not really. He keeps warning the both of them to not do anything stupid and if Namjoon dare to hurt his baby sister, he’d kill him. Yes, he used that word.

The rumours about them dating spread out quiet fast and the whole school was talking about them. The boys (and girls (?)) stops sending love letter to Sarang’s locker but Namjoon still receives a lot. The funny thing is that, my best friend makes sure to throw those letters away right in front of her boyfriend’s fans, every single day.

I wake up at six in the morning, as usual. For the first time ever, I didn’t complain about waking up so early and a smile is plastered on my face. It is because today is a special day for me. It is my birthday!! I am excited to hear birthday wishes, hugs and of course, presents from my loved ones.

As I expected, my parents are already up and they were in the kitchen with a strawberry cake on my mother’s hands.

“Happy Birthday Sweetie!”

I laughed when I saw them wearing those party hats. Anyways, I make a wish before I blew the candles and thanked my parents.

“My baby is an adult now.” My mom wiped her tears.

“Mom, I am only turning nineteen.” I hugged her and kiss her cheeks.

I then went to give my dad a hug and a kiss. Even though he didn’t say anything but he have a proud smile on his face. All of a sudden, he slipped out a paper from his briefcase and gave it to me.

My mouth turns wide open when I saw what that paper is for. It is a registration form to take driving license.

“Is this real dad?”

He nodded happily and I literally jumped on his lap and hugged him tightly. I thought that my parents will never allow me to drive my own car for the rest of my life because they always reacted negatively about it.

“Thank you so much Mom! Dad! I love you guys!”

This is why I love my birthday.


The smile on my face turns even wider when I arrived school and saw post-it notes on my locker. There was a lot and it was all from my classmates and some people that I don’t even know. It feels great though.

I read each one of them and my heart thumps happily. Out of all the notes that were stick on my locker, one stands out from the rest. It was grey in colour and contains only letters, no flowery pattern or doodles like any other notes. I know instantly it was from Yoongi.

Well, no surprise. He just said ‘Happy Birthday’. But still, it makes me happy that he actually put an effort to write it instead of just say it verbally to me.

Then, there is the note from Jungkook. His is the complete opposite from Yoongi’s. In his note, there is a drawing of two people, one is a girl who obviously look like me and another one, a boy, kneeling on one knee with daisy flower in his hand.

He’s so cute.’

Then out of nowhere my two best friends decided to give me a mini heart attack by coming up behind me. All of the notes that I just compiled in my hands went scattered around the floor. I quickly picked them all up and grunted when Sarang reads the one from Jungkook.

“Awww, he’s so sweet!”

She passed it to Taehyung and he cringe when he read it. He then asked me if I have read their notes. I made a face to say that I haven’t and they both pouted.

“I saved the best for the last.” I winked.

I read their notes which is still stuck on my locker. They wrote lots of sweet words, how they are feeling lucky that I came into their lives. They ended the note by inviting me to hang out with them and that they will pay for everything.

I instantly said yes and off we go after the school ended.

Time to suck the money out of them. HAHA


We went to do a lot of stuff in just three hours. Eating lunch, shopping, playing arcade games and eating again. It was Taehyung who paid most of the time because he didn’t want to burden Sarang who apparently had bought me quite an expensive present. She bought me a friendship bracelet with both our names engraved on it.

“Aww. Thank you so much babe.”

“You’re welcome. It was Namjoon’s idea actually. I don’t know what to give you since I never had a female friend like you before.”

“What about you Taehyung? No presents for me?” I teased him.

He shrugged and only pointed to his lips. I moved away from him and he only came closer. After a while of him chasing me around, I finally gave in and let him kissed my cheek. Both cheeks. He then demanded that I gave him one too but I jokingly refused.

“Just get it over Tae. Haru is someone else’s now.” Sarang smirked.

I looked at her in confusion.

“I noticed that those two are into you. Everyone notices that. Well, Jungkook was being obvious but Yoongi? He secretly likes you.” She tapped her fingers on her small chin. “Well, in the end you have to choose one. Jeon Jungkook or Min Yoongi?”

And at the same time my phone vibrates and I look at it to see two messages.

Both from the guys who Sarang had asked to choose before.

They both asked, “Want to go somewhere with me?”

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