Chapter 25 (*)

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“I’m disappointed in you Haru.”

I cried as my parents sat in front of me on the sofa. We went home after the meeting with Mr.Bang and to me, it’s a good choice or else my parents would tear the school apart. But the main problem now is that my mom decided to move me out to another school and I don’t want that.

I’ve met a lot of amazing people in this school and even though I have only been studying here in less than a month, I feel so much for this school. I don’t want to leave my best friends, Yoongi and Jungkook.

“Why didn’t you tell us?”

I looked at my mother’s pain expression and it hurts me very badly. I had just broken their trust for me.

“This is a serious matter Haru. You should tell us right away if something like this happened to you. What if that kid went far from what he did to you? Are you still not going to tell us?”

I admitted that I was wrong and I know they are angry at me because they love me. No parents want their daughter to be treated like that. So I deserved whatever punishment they want to give me but moving me to another school is just too much for me.

Suddenly, there was a knock on our door. My father sighed and got up to open it. I don’t care whoever is outside though. I’m feeling very numb right now.

Out of nowhere, my mother stood up from her seat and straighten her skirt. She was looking at someone behind me.

My father coughed and I turned around to see him and five other people. Taehyung, Sarang… the other two look older but I don’t recognize them and.. Jimin?

My breath quickened as I saw him and my mom rushed to me. It feels like I was having a panic attack.

“Look what you did to her.”

A rough voice said and it was the man that I didn’t recognize. Then I realised that these two strangers are Jimin’s parents. Jimin looked at me in horror and look like he was about to cry.

‘What did I do?’ he whispered to himself but I could hear him.

Sarang and my mom brought me to my room to calm me down while my dad talked with Jimin’s parents downstairs. The image of him forcing himself to kiss me came crushing hard into my brain and I cried.

Taehyung then came into my room and kneel down on the floor next to me. He hugged me for a few minutes until I stopped crying.

“I know this is going to be hard for you Haru but you have to come down. We need to finish this matter quickly.”

He tucked my hair behind my ears.
I took a trembling deep breath and nodded. He’s right. We need to solve this quickly and move on.

My mother served the tea she has just prepared and put it on the table. Our living room is full of people but it is silently awkward.

In front of me are Mr. and Mrs. Park and Jimin in between them. I looked down as I don’t want to look at him.

Mr. Park sighed before he breaks the silence.

“Mr.Kwon, Miss Kwon, and Haru. On behalf of Jimin, our family would like to apologize to you.” He hung his head in embarrassment. I can see it.

“I know an apology might not be enough. Especially for you, Haru..” Mrs.Park wiped the tears on her cheek.

I feel guilty seeing the both of them. They didn’t deserve this at all.

Mrs.Park was pleading me with her eyes and I fumbled with my fingers.

My mom then holds my hand, giving me the strength that I very much needed.

“I accept your apology. But I am only doing this because you both don’t deserve this.”

Then I turned to Jimin and look at him in the eyes.

“What you did to me was unacceptable and I lost my trust for you as a friend. I hope you will not repeat this thing in the future. Look at your parents, they are crying because of you! Don’t you feel guilty?” I started crying. “I appreciate that you guys came here to apologize, but Mr and Mrs.Park, you’re not the wrong one here, please, you don’t have to apologize to me. And Jimin, please, apologize to your parents.”

My mother looked at me proudly and kissed my head.

“I would like to apologize to you Haru. I was stupid and not in my right mind for what I did to you. I understand if you want to unfriend me. Actually, you should stay away from someone like me. Mr. Kwon and Mrs. Kwon, I’m sorry.”

He stands up and went down on the floor and bowed to my parents. He was sobbing like a little kid that I had to look away. My father slowly pulled him up and hugged him. It was a gesture that warms my heart and proof that my dad is the softest and the most forgiving human being I’ve ever known. And that made me cry.

The whole room was filled with crying and sobbing sound. It was very emotional.

“Can I talk to Jimin? Alone?”


We sat down on the swing at my house’s garden. I used my legs to start swinging the swing and we stay quiet for a few minutes.

“I’m sorry.”

I looked at Jimin. His eyes were red and swollen and he keeps wiping his nose. He hasn’t looked at me ever since he arrived at my home. I don’t want to hide in the bush so I asked him right away why he did it. Why he decided to hurt me.

“It’s because I like you..” he whispered. “And I can’t control myself when I see you crying like that. You just look beautiful to me at that moment…”

I stayed silent as I was too shocked to respond to his confession. Does he like me?

“I feel guilty and horrible afterward. I didn’t even dare to meet and apologize to you, I was too embarrassed about myself that I-“ he gulped.


“That I tried to just end it all. I hate myself.”

I gasped and turned to face him. I never ever thought that he would go that far. I asked him to explain slowly to me. He told me that he tried to ‘end’ himself by swallowing lots of sleeping pills.

When that didn’t work, he tried to cut himself. He showed me the slashes on his wrist and I gasped, shocked by his stupid decision.

“I feel really guilty Haru. You cannot imagine how I was unable to sleep at night, thinking about the stupid thing I did to you..”

I hugged him and begged him not to do it again.

Yes, he did a very bad thing to me but people make mistakes. Right now, I need to be there for Jimin. I don’t want to be the reason for him to destruct himself.

We hugged each other for a long time and at this moment, I feel glad that everything is normal again between me and Jimin.

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