Chapter 8 (*)

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IAmTaeDaddy: I'll be there at 6

HaruHaru: Okay, I'll get ready.


Are you sure you want to pay for all of this? I gestured to the counter full of snacks.

Taehyung and I were at a snack store, buying quite a lot of junk food for the hangout at Sarangs house. The amount has already reached $30 and I gulped. I couldn't let Taehyung paid all of this alone.

"Yeah, its fine." He took out his wallet and smiled at me.

"No no no, let me pay for this time. Please?"

"HHAH this is the first time I've ever seen someone begging to pay. You're so cute Haru..but still, its a no." He pinched my cheek.

"Umm.. at least can I pay half?"


"So mum and dad. This is Haru, my new friend. She just moved to our school."

I bowed to Mr and Mrs.Lee. Apparently, Sarang got her good looks from her parents.

"It's nice to see you Haru. You're so pretty!" Mrs.Lee pinched my cheeks and hugged me.

"Mom, you're scaring her." Taehyung said.

Mom? Why is Taehyung calling Sarang's mom, mom? He noticed my confusion and just smiled meaningfully at me.

"Let's just say I spend most of my time here compared to my own." He whispered to me while we were on our way to the kitchen. He said it with a normal tone but I could feel the sadness in it.

I wonder what happened in Taehyung's home.

"Are you staying for the night?" Mr.Lee speak up during the dinner.

I thought it was meant for me but then Taehyung shook his head and smiled. As if he was smiling to his real father.

"Nope, I have something to do at..home." he sighed when he said the word home.

Now, I'm more than curious.


"I know you have something to ask. That's why you're being silent." Taehyung nudge at me.

We were in Sarang's room, waiting for her to come up after cleaning the dishes. I insisted to help her but she refused, saying that the guest should relax. So here I am, leaning on her bedpost with Taehyung next to me.

"Well.. yeah. I mean, you don't have to tell me-"

"It's fine. You'll find out about me one way or another.." He sighed. "Well, should I just say my parents are .. non-existent?"

"Huh?" I gasped. "Are they..dead?" I sounded really rude now.

"No, they're perfectly healthy." He laughed "It's just that they are always busy with their work that they don't have the time for me. Our house is empty all the time that I always come here. Should I say that Sarang's parents love and care me more than my own?"

I hugged him. He was surprised at first but then hugged me back.

"I'm sorry if you feel uncomfortable but I need to hug you.."

"Nah, I feel great." He rubbed my back.

"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING?" Sarang screamed when she opened the door.

"We're just hugging.."

"You guys are dating? Is this what the tea is about?"

"NO! it's not!"

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