Chapter 3 (*)

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Woah..what a long day~ I stifled a yawn and slapped both my cheeks lightly. My first day here went better than I expected. I made new friends, who should I say was very interesting. The teachers here are very nice and I havent made a single enemy, not that I want to. Less drama is better.

I walked towards the gate, hoping that my dad has arrived. I stop walking when I feel that my blazers pocket felt lighter than it was this morning. My phones here.

I rummaged through my backpack in the middle of the path and gasped when I couldn't find the one thing that has been keeping me together since I hit puberty. My precious earbud!

I ran to my vocal class, my last class of the day. I'm pretty sure I left it there. My phone rang in my pocket and I slide the green button.

"Haru? Where are you, honey? I'm here already."

"Uh, dad.. can you wait for a minute? I left my earbud in class."

"Do you have to? I mean, you can take it back tomorrow?"

"Nooo. I cannot live a day without it!"

"Okay okay, you and your earbud. Hurry Haru!" He chuckled.

I sprint towards my desk and searched inside the drawer. Nothing. NOO did someone took it? Should I put up a wanted poster around the school? Missing earpiece, color: white, a bit yellow due to constant usage and the left side of the earbud is not working. Yeah, that would do-

"Searching for this?"


I step backward and pat my chest where my heart is. There, at the back of the class, stood a guy who I dont remember being one of my classmates. He was tall and has this annoying smirk on his face. I dont know if he is in the cute or in the handsome category but hes definitely the most handsome guy I have ever met in this school, so far. And Sleepyhead. WAIT WHAT?

"Who the hell are you? And why do you have my earbud?"

I looked at my earbud that were dangling on the guys hand. Poor my baby.

Instead of answering, he took a step towards me, still smirking. What does this creep want?

"What's your name beautiful?" he asked, not leaving his eyes on me. I realized how tall he was when he took another step forward. I gulped in fear. What if he comes here to kill me? What if he is some kind of serial killer hiding behind those good-looking face. You watched too many crime documentaries Haru.

"Why should I tell you?" Rule number 1: Don't give any information to a stranger.

"Well, looks like I'm gonna keep this cute earbud with me."

"NO! M-my name is Haru, Kwon Haru. Now give me my damn earbuds back!" I stretched out my hand towards him.

"That's a cute name, for a tough girl like you." He winked.

My face heats up and I turned away, looking at the window. I didn't want him to see how that wink affected me. Well, no one has ever winked at me before.

He threw my earbuds at me and I caught it. I coughed awkwardly when he didn't say a word. So I just waved at him and left.

Well, tried to.

Before I could do anything, he put his hands on the desk behind me and trapped me in between his arms.

HEY! W..what are you doing? I closed my eyes.

Calm down! I wont hurt you.. He laughed.

I opened my eyes slowly. My eyes met his. I dont know if it was only me, but his eyes sparkled while he watched me. He then cleared his throat, realizing that he had been staring at me more than he should.

"Well, you should go before I-"


"What a cute girl."


I Dont Care English Squad

Miss Love: Wow Taehyung, What a nice group chat name~

Taelien: I know right! Im a genius!

Miss Love: So sup?

Taelien: Im bored. Wanna go out?

Miss Love: Sure! Lets go. How about you Haru?

Taelien: Haru?? OMG, are you still alive? Please dont leave us!

Miss Love: BIJ! Dont say things like that! We just met her today!

Taelien: TaeTae is sprrt~

Taelien: *Sotty

Taelien: *SORRY. Fuck this keyboard

Miss Love: HAHA~ Dont blamed the keyboard Taehyung ah~ Blame your short fingers *Cough*

Taelien: My fingers are not short!

Miss Love: Prove it Tae~

HaruHaru: Yes prove it Tae~

Miss Love: YAYY Haru is here!

Taelien: Haru~ No one is on my side.. Im SAD

HaruHaru: So Tae?

Miss Love: Ah right, wheres the proof Tae?

Taelien: You girls are still on this? You guys are gonna regret this!


Taelien: Huh~ Now what girls?

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Taelien: Huh~ Now what girls?

Miss Love: WUU TAE~You look so ummm~

Taelien: EW no Sarang STOP! Anyway, is the hangout still on?

Miss Love: i'm IN! Haru?

HaruHaru: I gotta ask my dad first.

Taelien: What are you? 12? HAHA okay, update us later!


"Yes honey?" he looked up from the newspaper he was reading. We were in the kitchen, waiting for lunch.

"Can I go out with my friends?"

"Friends? As in female friends or?"

"Gosh honey, youre being way too paranoid. Its a good thing she has made some friends already, boys or girls." My mom put her hand on her waist.

"Okay okay. But don't come home late."

I did the victory dance in front of my parents and they look at me weirdly.

Mr Highkey | BTS (Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now