Chapter 22 (*)

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The day passed by just like that. I had dinner then went straight to my room without talking to anyone. I wasn’t allowed to sleep in my tent since I’m injured and all. While in the dining room, I noticed that a lot of people were staring at me and I think it’s because of my fights with Tzuyu and he cronies. I don’t care anymore, they can do whatever they want.

I texted my mom about what I did today. She insisted that I informed her everything that I do during camping, especially after I injured my leg. My mom believed that it was a foul play that someone bullied me or something but I told her that I stumbled during one of the activities.

Taehyung and Sarang were quiet mad that I hid the truth from my parents but I know what I’m doing. If I tell them, this case will take longer to solve. I just want it to end, that’s it.

I decided to get some sleep after texting my mom when someone knocked on the door.

“Come in.”

To my surprise, Yoongi poked his head in and raised his eyebrows when he sees me settling in my bed.

“Isn’t it too early to sleep?”

I shrugged. He then came near me, tear my blanket away and pulled me up. I’m sure he forgets that I injured my leg because he is currently dragging me somewhere.

“Where are you taking me?”

He stay quiet and I got scared. I don’t want the same thing happened between me and Jimin so I stay rooted on my leg.

“You’ll hurt your legs if you do that.” He look at my leg, His hands was still on mine. “I won’t hurt you Haru.”

I obeyed to his words and let him pulled me. My mouth were wide open when we arrived to our destination.

In front of me was a very beautiful, sparkling lake and the sound of waterfall calm me down. He then asked me to sit down and I did, still stunned by the view in front of me.

“Where did you find this place?”

“Doesn’t matter. Do you like it?”

I nodded excitedly, like a child. I was about to ask him if It’s possible to swim in here but realised that is was night and the water must be freezing cold. As if reading my mind he shakes his head and told me that there are piranhas in there.

Instinctively, I moved away from the lake as far as possible and he smirked.

I then realised that he was teasing me and I slap his arms. He laughs harder.

We then stayed silent, enjoying the sound of the waterfall and the breath-taking view of the lake.

I glanced at him when he was busy looking ahead. He looks nothing like the Yoongi we all know, hard, cold, expressionless and everything that basically defines the normal him.

What I’m looking now is a warm, teasing, humorous and likeable Yoongi. And today is the day where I see him smile the most. I smiled to myself.

“What do you think of me?”

I looked up and saw him still staring further ahead, but his hands were clenched in a fist as if he was scared of my answer. I was confused at his question at first but then I remembered that he once accused me of preferring Jungkook than him. That I thought of him badly.

“Yes, you were right.”

He finally looked at me in confusion.

“I did think of you as an arrogant and cold human being, but that was when I knew little of you. As days goes by, I realised that you are actually quiet nice.. and funny.” I smiled.

I looked back into his eyes, trying to gauge a reaction from him. I smirked when he looked away as fast as possible.

“I know that inside, you are a caring person. Remember when you bought me a cupcake when we work on our assignment? I know it’s just a little gesture but I really appreciate you doing that. That was when I thought of you differently and I hope you smile more often..” I continued.

He didn’t replied me so I asked him the same question. What he thinks of me.

“You’re just the Haru I know..” He sighed.

I pout, not satisfied with his answers.

“But you’re different. Even after I pushed you away by being cold to you, you never give up and I like how you always think positively of others.”

“That’s all?” I smirked.

He looked at me once and then “You’re cute, too.”

My insides feels different and I feel my face heats up. I don’t know what this feeling is and I don’t want to find out.

“Honestly..” I cleared my throat. “I like the Yoongi who I’m talking to now..”

I ran back to my room despite my injured leg. Yes, I left Yoongi alone at the lake. I closed my door as soon as I arrived and slides down.

I tried to take an even breath but my heart was beating fast and I’m sure it is not because of the adrenaline from running, but because of what I just said to Yoongi.

Oh god, what did I do?’

I decided to take another shower as I was covered in sweat from running. I closed my eyes as the water fall over me. Despite the water feeling very cold, my insides feels very warm.

I jumped on my bed after I dried my hair and went to switch off the bedside lamp when I noticed my bracelet on the table.

Wait, did I take it off?’

I looked at my wrist, not believing that I couldn’t remember that I took the bracelet off. Then I noticed that there was a small rectangular paper beside it.

‘You left this. And please, lock you door.

P.S: I’ll try to be the new person you like, if I’m not tired of smiling though,
                                                                                                                      - M.Y '

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