Chapter 14 (*)

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"Good Morning Dad!"

"Good morning." My dad grumbled and glared at me.

Woah, what got into his pants?

"Care to explain where you've been last night Kwon Haru?"

Uh oh, if my mom called me with my full name, that means something is really wrong.

"Um.. I was at the café. Doing an assignment with a friend of mine."

Now that I think about it, how did I arrived home? I can't remember..

"I don't like it when you lie Haru.." My mom stood in front of me, with her hands on her waist.

"I'm not lying! Why are you so angry at me?"

"Well, your mom told me that you went home drunk last night." My dad put his newspaper down and stared at me.

"DRUNK? Wha-" I stopped. "Who told you that?"

"It doesn't matter Haru. You should be grateful that your friend, Yoongi took you here safely."

Yoongi? YOONGI!

'Now I know who I'm gonna have to slap this morning..'


I walked hurriedly towards the school as soon as I got out of the car. I saw Sarang walking towards me but stopped when she noticed my mood.

"Are you okay?"

"Nope. Definitely not okay." I smiled sarcastically.

"Umm.. what's wrong? Is it the time of the month?'"

"Have you seen Min Yoongi?" I ignored her question.

" I just arrived here."

'Geez, is he hiding from me? That son of a –'

"Haru! Sarang! Let's go to the field!" Taehyung ran towards us.

"What happened?"

"It's Yoongi.. and Jungkook!"

I didn't need to be told what were those two doing together. So I ran.

There was already a lot of people in the field when I arrived. I squeezed through the crowd, eager to see what was happening.

At the center of the field were Yoongi and Jungkook, glaring and facing each other. Both their hands were clenched in a fist. But they looked fine, no bruises or any signs that they physically fight. I'm glad for that.

"Remember that," Yoongi said loud enough for me to hear.

'What are they talking about?'

He then leaves the field, but not before stopping and looking at me. He was about to say something but then Jungkook called me.

Yoongi grunted and leave.

"Are you okay?" I asked Jungkook when he approached me.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He was still glaring at Yoongi's retreating back.

"What happened?"


"Did he bullied you?"

"Why? Are you going to protect me?" he put his arm around my shoulder.

"Of course! I will kick his ass if he bullied you again!"

He then pinched my cheek, mumbling something about me being the death of him. Hmm..


I arrived at my music composing class earlier than anybody else. Why? Because I want to talk to someone. I saw that particular someone on his way here so I took the fastest route so that I will be the one who arrived here first. I just want to have the element of surprise when he came in here.

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