Chapter 4 (*)

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It took me almost an hour to make myself look good for the hangout. I didnt want to look different as I will be hanging out with two people who are visually perfect. I even picked out my very best dress which I didnt even know I have. My best dress was just a simple one, light blue in color with flowery pattern, then I put on my denim jacket. Even if Im wearing a dress doesnt mean I will not wear my sneakers. I put on my black sneaker and smiled in satisfaction.

Not wanting to disturb my parents rest time, I decided to take the taxi to go to the café. Im 18 but my parents still dont want me to have my own car as they said I am still young, mentally.

HaruHaru: Im here guys, which café are you guys at?

Taelien: Whalien 52 Café

HaruHaru: OKAYY

I found the café which is at the very end of the street. It looks quiet though. But when I entered, I got blown away by its decoration. It is unique and eye-catching.

"HARU!" Sarang waved at me.

I took a sit and greeted them excitedly. We were sitting at the middle table, facing the entrance door.

"What do you want to have Haru?" Sarang asked, scrolling through the menu.

"Wow, I dont know. everything looks delicious here!" I laughed and they nodded. "I'll have caramel macchiato then."

"Okay. I want the same thing too. Heres the money Tae." Sarang said, thrusting a 20 dollar note to Taehyung, who already stands up to buy our orders.

"It's okay guys. It's on me." He winked.

I shook my head but he already leave before I could say no.

Taehyung came back with a buzzer on his hand. Sarang was at the toilet so I decided to asked him a question without making it awkward for the both of them. Yes.. I still think that these two have 'something'.

"Do you have a girlfriend Tae?"

"Umm..nope." he looked at me. "I know you were curious about me and Sarang." He smirked.

"Uhmm..well.." I blushed. Am I that easy to read?

"I knew her since we were in kindergarten. Yes, she means a lot to me but not in that way.."

I nodded.

"You still have your chance with me.. dont worry~" he bumped my shoulder with his.

"Hahaa, I was just curious! I mean, all the girls at our school were practically drooling over you Tae.." I shrugged.

"And are you one of them Haru?" Sarang came back out of nowhere.

"Geez! You scared me.."

Taehyung shook his head with a smile on his face and stands up as soon as the buzzer rang. Gosh, I hope I didnt make him feel uncomfortable.

"He's weird."

"Who?" I looked at Sarang next to me. Her eyes were watching Taehyung's back while he took the order.

"I tried to hook him up with quiet a lot of girls before and he showed no interest.." she sighed.

"I don't know.. but I feel like he's hiding something?"

"Me too.." Sarang whisper. "But I didn't dare to ask him.. he can be quiet scary sometimes."

We were busy talking with our "What's wrong with Taehyung's theories" when both our heads snapped to the group of guys that just came in to the café.

"OMG Haru! That's the hot guys from our school" Sarang squealed.


I shrugged. They looked normal to me, to be honest. Yes, theyre good-looking but-

"Look who we have here.." I found myself talking.

There, I saw sleepyhead looking like he haven't slept for years. I chuckled when I saw him yawn, listening without interest to his friends talking. Why did he even bother to hangout with them?

"Here's your order." Taehyung came back.

"Yay! Finally! I'm thirsty.." Sarang snatched her drink while still watching the guys.

"Thirsty for them?" Taehyung pointed and smirked.

I couldn't help but laughed when Sarang choked on her drink. Liquids came out of her nose and her face were flushed red.

"I hate you Tae." She said, coughing.

"You should be more discrete sometimes." He rubbed her back.

I wiped my tears and sipped my drink, feeling my throat dried out from laughing too much. I closed my eyes in bliss when I feel the taste of caramel macchiato flowed through my throat. When I opened my eyes, it locked with someones and it was my turned to choke on my drink.

Min Yoongis POV

"Dude? Are you even listening to what I said?" Jin hyung tap my shoulder.

"Huh? Oh yeah.. I mean, we should have pick a better place to hangout." I shrugged.

"Whatever hyung, I'm going to take our order." Hoseok leave our table.

I looked around the place, the decoration was nice but too bright and cheerful for me. I don't like it. And it's noisy here. I looked at the main source of the noise, which were from the two girls who were sitting in front of us. They thought that they were whispering, but the whole world could hear them.

I squint my eyes when I looked at the girl sitting on the left. Those round eyes.. It's her. The girl who spilled Cola on my shirt. The new girl..

"Hoseok is taking his time, don't you think?" Namjoon said.

I looked at the counter table and saw Hoseok talking to a guy. I recognized him from our school.

"Sorry! My friends here, have to catch up with him a bit." Hoseok smiled sheepishly when he finally came with our order.

"At least send our drinks here first then go chat with him.. "

"Yes, hyung." He pouted.

The guys then talked about something I'm not interested with. My eyes wander around the room once again and fell to the new girl. She was sipping her drink with her eyes closed and she sighed happily after that. Cute.. but only a little.

My eyes were too slow to look away when she suddenly opened her eyes and locked eyes with me. I smirked and she started coughing. Her friends started to rub her back and laughed.

"Is she okay?" Namjoon looked at the girl.

Apparently, she has attracted quiet the attention of the people here. Including me.

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