Chapter 17 (*)

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Haru’s POV

I gulped down all the water left in my bottle and sighed. I was practicing the song for mine and Yoongi’s assignment and finally, I have successfully memorised the lyrics and matched my singing style with the tempo.

I excitedly text him about my progress and he only replied with the thumbs up emoji.

'Pish, what a supportive partner.'

The next day arrived faster than I blink my eyes. I went to my music composing class nervously but I wasn’t the only one. Everyone in my class were busy discussing with their partner, Sarang and Taehyung were bickering. Apparently, Taehyung forgot his lyrics.

However, only a human name Min Yoongi can calmly play games on his phone as if the presentation for our assignment is not as nerve-wrecking as I and the rest feel.

“Are you not nervous?”

He shrugged and keep playing his game. He told me that there is no reason to be nervous. Great.

Mr.Lee greet us cheerfully and in a sarcastic way. He was smiling evilly and started the presentation by randomly picking names on the list. Luck must not be on Taehyung and Sarang’s side as they got chosen.

Fortunately, they both did well and I clapped my hands proudly when the song ended. But for Mr.Lee, it wasn’t enough. He said that their lyrics were bad but the song was fine. Even so, Sarang was in the verge of crying. She wasn’t the only one though. The others also received harsh comments from him and seeing that made me even more nervous.

“Next! Min Yoongi and Kwon Haru!”

Yoongi calmly walked towards the front with me behind him, who almost broke down from nervousness. He insert the hard drive into the laptop.

“Our song is called :Butterfly’ and Haru will sing.”

Short and simple.

I took a very deep breath and saw Taehyung and Sarang cheering for me. I nodded to Yoongi and started singing.

'Don’t think of anything
Don’t say anything, not even a word
Just give me a smile

I still can’t believe it
All of this seems like a dream
Don’t try to disappear

Is it true Is it true
You You
You’re so beautiful, that I’m scared

Untrue Untrue
You You You

Will You stay by my side
Will you promise me
If I let go of your hand, you’ll fly away and break
I’m scared scared scared of that

Will you stop time
If this moment passes
As though it hadn’t happened
I’m scared scared scared I’ll lose you

Butterfly like a butterfly
Just like a Butterfly

Butterfly like a butterfly
Just like a Butterfly'

At first, the class was silent when I finished singing. Then, as I opened my eyes, I heard the sound of clapping hands from my classmates, and from Mr.Lee. He was smiling. Thank god!

I looked at Yoongi next to me, and he was also clapping his hands, nodding his head in approval. I couldn’t feel any happier than this moment. We just stared at each other and I feel my heart beating uncontrollably as I look into his eyes.

“That is a great song as what I expected from the both of you and Miss Kwon, your singing is really beautiful. Good job.”


“You did well.”

Yoongi rubs his neck as we walked towards the Cafeteria. Yes! me and Min Yoongi were walking side by side together for the first time. It’s not a big deal though but knowing him, he would not want to associate himself with someone, even more with a girl, in public.

I thanked him and he just shrugged.

“It won’t work without your voice, so.. thank you.”

He looks awkward beside me and the whole time we walked, he was looking left and right, as if he was expecting someone. 

I told him that he look like someone who rarely says ‘Thank you’. He just look at me with a “You know me too well” look.

We parted ways when we arrived in the cafeteria. He left me with a pat on the shoulder and nod. My heart swell in happiness. I’m just happy that he’s not being cold towards me anymore and I hope it stays that way.

I took my meal as usual and went towards our usual table. Taehyung was nowhere to be seen, only Sarang, who was busy with her phone.

I peek from behind her and saw that she was texting someone.


She turned around and almost fall from her chair but not without hiding her phone on her chest.

“What are you hiding huh?” I raised my eyebrows as I took my seat in front of her.

She shakes her head, acting clueless. But I could see a slight blush on her cheeks. She decided to change the topic by telling me where Taehyung was.

“I know where he is. He has a family matter to attend, right?” I smirked. “He texted me so don’t try to change the topic.”

Her blush intensifies. She then looked her left and right. When no one was around near our table, she leaned towards me.

“Can you guess who I am texting with?”

I rub my chin. It could be anyone, I mean, Taehyung told me that everyone was asking him for her number but seeing her happy and excited like this, it must be someone she likes.

I scanned through the cafeteria and found the guy who I think she’s currently texting with. I pointed Kim Namjoon with my thumb and she slapped it.

“Don’t be so obvious!”

“Obvious? Well, he’s looking at you right now..”

She looked up and waved shyly to him.

“Are you guys dating?”


“Why not? You like each other.”

She then stared at me and put down her phone. She has a smug look on her face.

“Well what about you and Jungkook? You guys like each other, why are you not dating yet?” she crossed her arms.

I stopped eating my fries. All the cells left in my brain has also stopped functioning.

Well, I didn’t die but I just.. I couldn’t seem to be able to answer her question.

'Do I like him?'

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