Chapter 31 (*)

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When I say I need a drink, I need a whole lot of it. I went to find my way towards the kitchen by asking the people around me. Well, I only asked those who are not intoxicated.

I went towards the assortment of drinks provided as soon as I enter the kitchen, not caring about the couple who are eating each mother's faces near the sink.

Of course, they only served fruit punch since this is a high school party and all but I'm not that dumb to know that 'something' must have been put in it. And I'm also aware that they as in the owner of this house must have hid beers somewhere.

I decided to ask the couple behind me. I bit my lips when they didn't realised that I was in front of them, literally watching them making out. They only stop when I cleared my throat.

"Yes?" the girl look at me, not even looking embarrassed the slightest bit.

"Do you know where they put the beer?" I fake my smile.

"It's in the room next door." her boyfriend smiled at me.

I thanked and gave him my oh so sweet smile. Her girlfriend gasp when he replied the smile.

'Oops, better leave before she start pulling my hair.'

I covered my mouth to stop myself from laughing and leave the kitchen.

I found the room the boy told me before. It is as big as the kitchen so I'm guessing it as the second kitchen. I saw the beer crate in the middle of the room, on the table. But the problem is, there's a lot of people here, especially boys that I have never seen before.

They all looked at me who is at the door, regretting my decision coming here. Should I just turn away? No, I need the beer! Nothing can stop me or the image of Jungkook will fly around my mind.

I took a slow and cautious step towards the table. They still haven't stop staring at me but I look straight ahead, not wanting to meet any of their eyes.

"Excuse me." I said to the guy who was standing right in front of the beer crate.

He turned around with a creepy smile on his face. I had to look away because he scares me.

"Hi little girl, what do you want?" his friends laugh.

"I'm not little-"

"You want the beer?" he hold the beer can and waved it at me, as if he is waving a lollipop in front of a child.

I nodded and again they laughed.

What is so funny..

"Well, if you want one, you have to kiss me first."

He pouted his lips and I backed away.

Gosh, I'd rather kiss a frog than infecting my lips with the likes of him. I turned away to leave but he caught my arms.

"Let me go!"

"Why are you panicking baby girl? Don't you want to have fun with us?"

I slap his dirty hands away but he was gripping my arm very tightly. I consider punching his face but he is like way taller than me and way bigger. He can smashed me to pieces at the tip of his fingers.

I scream for help but of course, no one came. The music outside is too loud for anyone to hear me.

I closed my eyes, praying to god to save me. Maybe he can send me an angel or something.

"Let her go."

Everyone around me stopped moving. I sighed in relief as I hear the voice. I don't need to open my eyes to know who it was.

Mr Highkey | BTS (Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now