Chapter 29 (*)

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Yoongi sent me home at exactly ten at night which is my curfew time. We didn’t talk to each other during the ride home but it is definitely a good kind of silence. We both have a smile on our face.

I actually apologized to him when I kissed him at the park. It was a spontaneous and irrational action. I didn’t know what got into me. But thankfully, he just smiled and instead, thank me. I didn’t argue further because I know I would make things more awkward.

I shyly bid him a goodbye when we arrived at my house. I hurriedly took off my seatbelt and literally ran inside my home before he can say a word. I was too goddamn shy!

That night, I couldn’t close my eyes because apparently, the adrenaline in my body hasn’t gone yet. I touched my chest where my heart is and feel it beating a little too fast.

I tried to calm it down by thinking about something else but the image of his face has etched itself in my brain and I can’t seem to remove it.

What has happened to me?’

I woke up the next morning- no, not morning. The afternoon is the right word. So I woke up feeling energized as I stretched my limbs. It is weekend and I don’t have any home works to do. But of course, my parents might have already listed my “home-works” aka chores on the fridge.

I took a warm shower and dressed afterwards. It feels good to wear my baggy t-shirt without anyone commenting and judging on it.

My mom hates it. She thinks that the shirt makes me look homeless. I don’t even know what part of it makes you look homeless.

I made my way downstairs and indeed, my parents are already gone. Yes, they also work during the weekends, not all weekends though.

I read out the post-it notes on the fridge, and there, my mom has listed all the things that I needed to do before they came home. Do the laundry, clean my room, the kitchen, the garden and more.

I didn’t complain though. I never complained. I realized that it’s my responsibility to do the job because my parents have been working tirelessly and I don’t want them to have to do the dishes and stuff after a tiring day of work.

I have been doing this ever since I got into high school, so I do all the chores much faster and much efficient than I used to. The tips for that is to turn on the radio and put it the highest volume as possible. Thank god that my neighbor’s house is far enough not to hear the sound.

I danced to the music as I clean the kitchen. My baggy shirt helps me dance and move even better.


“Huh? Who’s there?!”

I ran to the radio and turn it off. Are mom and dad come home already?

I yelled in surprise when I saw the person in front of my door.

I looked at Min Yoongi from up to down and even scanned the surroundings to see any cameras filming me right now.

“What are you doing?” he asked in confusion.

“It’s a prank. Isn’t it?”

He scrunched his face and went inside my house without permission. I pulled his arms before he can make it to the living room and told him that my parents don’t allow boys to come in without their permission.

“But your parents are working. Aren’t they?”

“How do you know that?” I let go of his arms and crossed mine to my chest. I never told him anything about my home life, moreover my parents’ working schedule.

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