Chapter 2 (*)

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Tsk. I put my pen down and glared at the head of the person sitting next to me. Mr.Min (I dont know his name) is apparently sleeping and is snoring very loudly. Doesnt he get enough sleep on the bench earlier? I couldnt even write my notes properly but the other students here didnt seem to get disturbed by it and the teacher, Mr.Lee was too tired to talk so he just ignored him. Guess I just had to endure this all alone then.

The bell finally rang and I gratefully packed all my belongings. It was lunch time and I couldn't wait to see all the food that is offered in the cafeteria. Must be great right? Since this is a prestigious school and all.

On my way out, I grunt when someone bumped into me from behind and almost make me kissed the floor. That happened not only once but TWICE! These people must have not eaten for years!


I turned around, hoping that it was meant for me. There, I saw two people, smiling and waving at me.

"Hi! You're Haru, right? My name is Lee Sarang. We're from the same class just now, you might not notice us though." said the girl who has a long, wavy, shining hair. Damn, she looks like a model. I automatically fix my now messy hair.

Next to her is a rather good looking guy who introduced himself as Kim Taehyung. Is he her boyfriend? They looked so close.

"You wanna go to lunch with us?" Sarang asked me.

"Umm, s..sure?"

I do really want to have at least one person with me right now because I am very very lost!

"Cool! Let's go!"

"So, tell us a bit about yourself Haru."

Sarang excitedly asked me as soon as we took a seat at one of the tables in the cafeteria.

"Umm, I already did. At class just now?"

They both laughed.

"You didn't! Well, tell us what you're good at? Did you specialize in singing? dancing?" Taehyung finally speak. I was taken aback hearing his voice, it was deep.

"Well, I can play any instruments..and I can sing." I smile, finally feeling confident about myself.

They both gaped at me.

"Wow, no wonder the principal and the people above took you in.." Taehyung scratched his head.

"You're a big deal Haru." Sarang smiled.

"So.. are you guys together?" I ask shyly.


"I mean, are you guys a couple?"

They laughed, again. Taehyung punched his chest, apparently, he was choking on his burger.

"Of course not! Why would I date him?" Sarang makes a disgusted face.

Well, for your information Sarang, any girls here would gladly date the guy who you're feeling disgusted at, from the way some of them were looking at our table. But of course, I didn't say that out loud.

"As if I want to date you. You're like a sister to me." Taehyung replied back.

Well, this is awkward. Why did I even ask that? Damn you Kwon Haru! You should have taken the Socializing 101 subject if there's any.

"Do I look good?" Sarang suddenly fixes her hair.

I nodded. One thing I can tell you about Sarang is, she is very beautiful with her athletic body and her hair. Did I talk about her hair already? Yeah, I did.

Anyways, she was looking at someone behind us. I turned around and indeed, there was a group of male students that caught all the attention of the students in the cafeteria, including me.

They were very. good looking. Oh hey, there was sleepyhead too. Apparently, he was in that group but he looked like he didn't want to be there. He was no longer wearing his cap and I could see his face clearly. Even when he was scowling, he looked..handsome.

"They're hot."

I turned around to see Sarang twirling her hair.

"Who are they?"

"Well, they're kind of like the dream boys in this school.." She said with dreamy eyes. Taehyung said nothing and focused on his second burger.



"What class do you have next?" Taehyung asked me as we threw our food away into the bin.

"Vocal something.. I don't remember" I sip my cola.

"LOL Haru, it's not even a day and you've forgotten everything already. " Sarang chuckle.

"Well, I tend to forget everything after I had a nice meal. " I turned to them, walking backwards.

"So relate- HARU WATCH OUT!"


The whole cafeteria went silent and everyone stopped moving. My cola can is on the floor and my mouth was wide open.

"I-I'm so s-sorry!"

My voice came out small as I saw the cola spreading on my victim's white shirt. I almost died when I saw who my victim was, sleepyhead.

I took out my handkerchief from my pocket and started wiping the cola stain on his shirt. It didn't make it any better though and I panicked.

"Forget it." He said to me.

"I'm really really sorry. I didn't mean-"

"Just get out of my sight." He said, harshly.

I gasped and my hand stopped wiping his shirt. He then walked away, leaving me a red face.

"I said sorry but.," I whispered to myself. But then anger took over me and I almost turned around and yank the shit out of him but my new friends stopped me.

"Let's just go, okay?"

As they escorted me out of the cafeteria, I saw someone from my peripheral view, a guy, watching me from his table, with a smile on his face.

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