Chapter 6 (*)

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"The answer to question nine is Orchestra."

I gulped, still staring at his smiling face.

"You can be quite dumb, cupcake." He said and leave.

Cupcake? Did he just call me cupcake? What was that supposed to mean? Do I look like a cupcake? Or do I smell like a cupcake?

I shook my head and finished writing my answer before running to my next class.


"This spaghetti is so delicious!" Sarang said excitedly. She was slurping her spaghetti, in fact, her second spaghetti.

"Can you eat appropriately Sarang?" Taehyung asked with a smile on his face.

"Why do I care?"

"Well, what if one of that guy you have a crush on is watching you right now?"

Sarang looked up from her plate and looked around her. She instantly wiped all the sauce on her lips and cheeks when she saw them entering the cafeteria.

"You guys know who Jeon Jungkook is?" I asked them.

"Jeon Jungkook? Well, I don't really know about him but I know that he's hot." Sarang wiggled her eyebrows and I laughed.

"Everyone knows him actually," Taehyung said. "But he is known not just because of his looks, he is one of the best dancers at this school."

"Oh.. no wonder." I nodded.

"Why you asked Haru? Oh! Something happened between you and him?" she gasped excitedly.

"No.. nothing happened. I was just curious."

I forked around my spaghetti, not having the feeling to eat it. I looked around the cafeteria and found Jungkook, talking to a girl. The girl was obviously looked happy to talk to him.

Is that his girlfriend?

Well, why do you care though?

He called me beautiful. No taken men would say that to someone.. unless hes a playboy!

"Haru yaaa~"


"You were stabbing that sausage repeatedly. Poor sausage." Taehyung shook his head. "Can I have it?" he smiled.

I slide my plate to him and he ate my spaghetti happily.

"You guys are such a big eater."

"And you.. why are you not eating?" Sarang points her fork at me.

"I'm on a diet. I want to have a body like yours, Sarang.." I winked.

"Oh really now?" Sarang smiled widely.

Taehyung just shook his head and continued eating.


I hop down the stairs when the school ended. I then remembered that my dad couldn't take me home today. I didn't want to take the cab because I ran out of my monthly allowance from my parents. Walking home it is then. Plus, I haven't exercise for a long time, my thigh is getting fat and my stomach is getting bloated. I was telling the truth when I said I want to have a body like Sarang.

When I passed the school's gate was when I realized that the cloud was getting dark. I hurriedly walked home before it started to rain. Unfortunately, droplets of water started to fall when I was still far far away from home. I took off my blazer and put it over my head.

The blazer over my head didnt make any difference though. I was soaking wet as the rain started to pour heavily.


I turned around and saw a deliciously beautiful black car stopping behind me. I couldn't see the driver as it was too dark here. The person then came out and I squint. It was Jungkook.

"Hey! Come in! I'll send you home!"

"Really? I'm fine! My home is just not far from here!"

You're such a great liar Haru. Your house is like 1000 km away from where you are. But imagine the awkwardness you will face if you accept his offer.

"I'm sorry, but I have to ask you to come in my car. Its dangerous to walk in the heavy rain!"


Then another delicious-looking car parked right in front of Jungkooks car. Well, the car splashed a great amount of water on me in the process. Not that I care cause I'm already wet. I was about to say something when I saw sleepy head, I mean, Yoongi came out of the car.

"Hey cupcake, Want a ride?"


"Hey, dude! I asked her first!" Jungkook shouted.

"Oh! I didn't saw you there! Still, you want a ride cupcake?" Yoongi smirked and ignored Jungkook who was fuming.

Then I heard a door being slammed. It was Jungkook, he was moving towards Yoongi like a predator moving towards his prey but in this case, Yoongi is far from being the prey because he was also moving towards Jungkook.


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