Chapter 12 (*)

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“Oh, hi Jungkook.” I stuttered. He was looking at me straight in the eye.

“What did you guys talked about?” he asked.

I was stunned. Why is he being so serious? And mad about this? He’s not… he’s not my boyfriend to tell me to do this and that.

Even if he is my boyfriend, he still don’t have the right to order me around.

“He’s my assignment partner.” I’m a bit annoyed, to be honest.

He shake his head to himself but then smiled at me.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah. I have a headache right now..” he sighed.

“Well, go home then and take a rest.”

“But I want to go lunch with you…”



Damn, I can’t say no to that face.

“Okay okay..”


Other than Music composing and Vocal lesson, I also take Dance class as my side subject. Fortunately, Taehyung is also in this class. So does Jungkook.

Should I say that I have been closer to him more than ever? He has been taking me to lunch for three days now. Yet, I somehow still don’t know the beef between him and Yoongi. Should I ask?

“I’m so nervous.” I said to Taehyung next to me as we walked towards the dance room.

“You’ll be fine. And you’re going to have so much fun. Trust me.”

I put my hair into a ponytail, not wanting it to distract me dancing later.

As we entered the dance room, it was filled with students. I scanned through the room for Jungkook but he were nowhere to be seen. People looked at me when I came in as I’m a new student after all. I just waved at them awkwardly.

“You must be the new student.”

A guy approached us. I turned uncomfortable as he stared at me.

“I’m Park Jimin. The class representative.” He extend his hand to me.

“I’m Kwon Haru. Please treat me nicely.” I bowed to him then shake his hand.

Taehyung laughed beside me. I looked at him in confusion.

“Jimin is not that scary okay?” he nudged me.

“Hey, I can be scary sometimes.” Jimin winked.

Well, okay. I actually cannot imagine how this Jimin can be a scary guy. I mean, he has this bubbly look, so don’t blame me if I think he’s far from scary.


Another guy came to us with Jungkook beside him.

“Oh, she’s the new girl guys. Her name is Haru.” Jimin introduced me to the guy.

“Hi Haru! I’m Hoseok!” he waved at me cheerfully.

‘I like this guy already!’ I thought as I waved back at him.

“Aren’t you going to introduce yourself Jungkook?” Jimin said.

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