Chapter 5 (*)

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Third Person's POV

"Are you okay Haru?" Sarang asked Haru who has been quiet the whole ride home. "I'm sorry for laughing at you."

"Huh? No.. it's not that. I'm sorry for laughing at you too.." Haru chuckled.

She was embarrassed from what happened at the café. First, she choked on her drink and coughed non-stop that the café workers almost called the ambulance. Secondly, all the people there were watching her, some looked worried and some were amused.

"Well, only one of them was amused seeing me suffer like that.." Haru clenched her first, remembering the amused face of a certain guy who she hates now after the incident.

"I hope we can hang out again next time! It was fun seeing you guys like that." Taehyung laughed.



Haru's POV

"I might not be able to take you home later. Are you okay with that?" my dad asked me.

"It's fine dad. I can take the bus." I smiled and kissed him goodbye before I went to school.


I took out all the books I needed for my first class. Sarang and Taehyung were nowhere to be seen. I wouldn't be surprised if they turned up late to class today. They were texting at the group chat until two in the morning.


I heard someone called my name from behind. The voice was not very familiar and it definitely was not Taehyungs. I turned around and saw the guy who took my earbud, smiling at me.

"Hey. How are you?"

"Hi. I umm.. I'm fine.." I replied awkwardly.

I thought that yesterday would be the last time he talked to me. I mean, he looked like someone who is in the highest food chain in this school. So, it would be weird if he wants to talk to me. right?

"Vocal class right?"

"Huh? Umm yeah, my first class is vocal class." Thats what he means right?

"Cool. Lets go together."

This guy has the confidence of a Tik Tok user who confidently posted a video of them with people dying in cringy-ness watching their video. He didn't even ask me if I agreed to walk with him to the class but my feet listened to him. Traitor!

As we walked side by side, students watched us, especially the female students. They were glaring at me as if warning me to not get close to him.

"What's your name?" I asked him. Maybe I can ask Sarang about this guy later on.

"Oh, my bad. My name is Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook." He smiled charmingly.

I stared at him for a few good seconds and looked away, blushing. He is indeed very good-looking.

"Does this always happened when you walk to class?" I gestured to the surroundings.

"What?" he looked at me, clueless.

"Well, these people, watching us.."

"Oh.. right. Well, I wonder about this too. Not to boast, but I'm used to this. "

"The glare too?" I bit my lips.

"Nope. The glares are for you."

"Ohh..okay.." Can anyone tell me if that is a good thing?

"I think theyre glaring at you for being too beautiful."



I stayed rooted on my feet as I watched him enter the class, leaving me behind and gasping for air.

My vocal class went well, but I couldn't focus for a bit. Why? Because of Jungkook. He just called me beautiful and I couldn't get that out of my head. No one has ever called me beautiful before. So I was feeling quite giddy about it.

My next class was composing class. Out of all my classes, this class is the one that I quiet despised the most. Mainly because there was someone in that class that I'm not fond of after just a few uneventful interactions with him. Well, that particular someone was actually heading towards his table which was right next to mine.

I grabbed my notebook from my bag and started doodling on it. Where the hell is Mr.Lee? This is getting awkward. He was just sitting there, doing nothing, like a robot. But from my peripheral view, I could see him glancing at me, for a few times.

Mr.Lee came in a few minutes later. His eyes bulged out when he saw the sleepy head coming early to his class.

"You're early today, Mr.Min."

"Aren't you glad to see me?" He replied with a smirk and the class laughed. To my surprise, Mr.Lee laughed along with the class. Weird.

The class continued after that. If yesterday I was annoyed by the sound of him snoring, this time, I got annoyed by him tapping. He was tapping his pen on his teeth. Disgusting. Pfttt, even his pen is pink, with hello kittys heads all over it.

Wait, that pen looked familiar..THATS MY PEN!

"What are you doing with my pen?" I asked him.

"Your pen?"

"Yes!" I pointed to the said pen.

He looked at the pen and smirked and continued tapping it on his teeth.

"This is mine.." he raised his eyebrows.

"It's mine!"

"Nope. This is mine."


"Mr.Min and Miss Kwon, please be quiet. I know you guys are best friends now."

I rolled my eyes at the word best friends. We're far from that.

We were asked to do a question and answer sheet after that. I was answering it quite easily when sleepy head decided to disturb me.

"What's the answer to number two?"

"I don't know." I sighed, placing my pencil case in the middle of the table so he couldn't see my paper.

"You're on question five already.."

"Well, since you peek at it, why didn't you peek at the answers as well?" I rolled my eyes.

"I'm a good student. I don't cheat."

"Well, you just did. The answer is from yesterday's class"

"You know that I slept the whole class."

"Not my problem."

I continued doing my work after that and he stayed silent. All this while, I only called him a sleepy head. I don't know his name. So I peeked his paper and there written at the top of the paper, Min Yoongi.

"What are you looking at?" he turned at me.

"I was just-"


He stands up and submits his paper on the teacher's table. He smirked at me when he came back to his table. Did he finish already? I'm still stuck at question nine, the last question!

The bell then rang, indicating the end of the class. And I'm still stuck at question nine. Mr.Lee told us not to leave until we finished doing our work.

While I scratched my head in confusion, my Hello Kitty pen was put in front of me. I looked up and saw Yoongi smiling at me.

His smile was not the kind of smile he used to give me, this one was a real smile andits beautiful.

"The answer is 'Orchestra' by the way."

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