Chapter 32 (*)

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I woke up with a seriously painful headache. My head feels like it has been split open and I have to close my eyes because the sunlight from the outside makes it even more painful. I sat up as I massaged my forehead.

My eyes went wide when I look at my surroundings. Gosh, my head must be seriously injured because all I see is black and white colours. Even my blanket turns black!

Wait a minute, this is not my blanket. Mine has flowery patterns on it.

Even my furniture has been moved around. Since when did I have a television in my room?

Realisation hits me right away and I stand up instantly. The world around me spins and I fell face down on the floor.

Where am I?’

I rub my nose as I look around the room.

This is… a man’s bedroom.’

I sighed in relief when I saw that I was fully clothed but only my shoes are missing. I hugged myself when the thought of me doing something you know what with an unknown guy while intoxicated scares me. This is why you shouldn’t drink guys.

But the worst case that can ever happened is that…. I got kidnapped.


I slowly walked towards the door and to my surprise, it wasn’t locked. Thank god, I wasn’t kidnapped. But still, I have to be careful.

The apartment I was in is very beautiful. Even if the colour of the furniture, the wall and even the floor only limited to black, white and grey, it is still the most beautiful apartment I have ever seen. This person must have paid a lot for this.

I arrived in what look like a living room and I’m still walking slowly and soundless as I can. In front of me is the back of a sofa and at the end, a human’s feet poked out from it.

I peeked around the sofa and saw Yoongi sleeping and I can’t take my eyes off him. He look so calm and serene, he didn’t even snore!

But why am I at his house?

Before my brain starts feeding me with stupid negative thoughts, Sarang texted me, explaining what Yoongi done for me. I got drunk last night and he took me to his home because my parents were not around. I smiled as I read the message. He is so caring.

As a gift for caring about me and making sure I was safe home, I decided to cook him breakfast. It must be tough dealing with my drunken self. God, I hope I didn’t do or say anything stupid to him.

The preparation for breakfast went well. He actually has all the ingredients I needed to make the breakfast.

Unfortunately, he hasn’t wake up even after I finished cooking. He must be really tired that he can’t even hear the sound of me making breakfast. I dropped the metal spoon once and he didn’t even stir awake.

I contemplate whether I should wake him up or wait for him but the breakfast will get cold.

I tip toed to the sofa and watch as his chest rise and fall. I kneel down in front of him and carefully shakes his shoulder.

He opened his eyes in an instant and sat up straight when he saw me. He look shocked for a moment.

“I made breakfast.” I smiled, not wanting to scare him.

I wait for Yoongi who is at the bathroom, doing god knows what. I’ve been sitting on the dining chair for ten minutes now.

He shows up a few minutes after that, fully bath and his hair is still wet. He asked me why I haven’t started eating as he take the omelette and put it on his plate.

“I want you to taste it first.” I bit my lips.

Yes, I know how to cook an omelette but each person has their own taste. Who knows, Yoongi won’t like the taste of my omelette.

I watch him as he take a bite. He munched slowly and stopped. I knew it!

“It taste great.” He finally smile.

I breathed a sigh of relief and started eating my own omelette. He thanked me for making him breakfast and that he was grateful because he usually skips breakfast because he don’t know how to cook.

“You can hire someone to cook.”

“That’s a waste of money. I can just eat at cheap diner.”

My heart swells when I realised that Yoongi is not like any other rich people I know. He preferred to live a low-key life and not showing his richness, well, other than his sports car.

“Umm.. thank you for what you did last night..”

“You’re welcome.” He looked at me.

“And yeah, I’m going to keep your secret a secret.”

I watch as my piece of omelette falls to my lap. Somehow, his words makes me stop moving, completely.

“W-what secret?” I gulped.

“Well, you told me the biggest and darkest secret about you.” He looked at me worriedly.

I put down my spoon slowly as I feel that I have lost my appetite. I don’t feel that hungry anymore.

My biggest, darkest secret? What have I done?

“It’s fine Cupcake. Your secret is safe with me.” he smirked.


I went to school the next day feeling quite tired. The party takes a lot of my energy and the sanity in me. Yes, because of that party, I told Yoongi my secret. But I don’t even know what exactly I told him (because I have lots of dark secrets).

He didn’t want to tell me. As he said, it’s better to not remind me of it again. Ugh!


“Argh! Yoongi, stop it!”

I touched my heart as I turned around to face him. He appeared behind me out of nowhere!

“Why are you so shocked?”

“You know I get spooked out so easily.” I pouted.

“I think it’s because of the secret.” He laughed.

Oh my god, I can’t live like this!

“What exactly did I tell you? Please..”

He suddenly looked around him as if my secret is prohibited to be tell. This is weird, I mean, me begging Yoongi to tell my OWN secret. He moved closer to me and leaned in.





“I lied Cupcake. You tell me nothing.” He smirked and walked away.

“You motherfu- do you know that I didn’t get to sleep last night?!!!”

“Language Haru. It’s not good.” He yelled in front of me.

I clenched my fist as the urge to punch his face comes in. Unfortunately, I can’t do that or I’ll get sue.

Whatever, as long as I didn’t tell him my secret, I’ll be fine.

Yoongi keeps a straight face during music composing class. He didn’t even bother to look at me who is glaring at his punch-able (and good-looking) face. I saw him smirk a couple of times but he just ignored me. He’s lucky that someone took my seat next to him and that I am far away from him, or else, he’ll get to listen to me calling him with lovely words.

Mr.Lee came in a few minutes later but not alone. A girl who looks like a new student is with him. I was surprised because for a new student, she seems very confident, meeting all our eyes with a smile on her face.

“Hello guys, my name is Kang Seulgi. Nice to meet all of you.” She bowed energetically.

Mr.Lee then asked her to take a sit and for the second time, I got surprised. She is making her way towards Yoongi table.

“Oh boy..”

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