Chapter 15 (*)

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The next day of school went well. Not really, actually. Jungkook was nowhere to be seen and Yoongi.. he was avoiding me.

I tried to talk to him at class by purposely asking him questions but he just shrugged and at one point, I just gave up trying.

'What did I do wrong?'

So, in order for me to live a stress-free life, I decided to go somewhere I like the most. The movie theater! The movie that I had been waiting for has come out so I decided to go.

Fortunately, Jimin wanted to tag along and I, of course, agreed. He's a great guy and fun to be with, I would love to get to know him more.

Jimin took me to the theater in his car. Pish, I can't relate to these rich kids. How do they exactly ask their parents to buy them a car? I will laugh my ass off if they tell me they buy their car with their own money because that's impossible! They're only high school students!


"Are you sure you wanna watch this?" Jimin pointed to the movie's poster.

The Anabelle. You know.. that scary looking doll.


"Really? Aren't you scared?"


We actually missed the first ten minutes of the movie because we were arguing about paying for the popcorn and drinks. Jimin insisted that he paid for all but he already paid for my movie tickets!

After two rounds of rock, paper, scissors, we finally paid the food with my money as I won the game.

Jimin muttered quietly, saying something that a man should pay. He even said that he lost his 'cool' when I paid for the food.

"ARGGHH! Mommy help me!" I screamed my lungs off a few minutes later.

Gosh. Why did I agree with my brain to watch this?

Jimin was eating his popcorn quietly and his eyes were stuck on the screen.

He pats his shoulder, saying that I should lay on it whenever I'm scared.

I asked him if he was scared, he shakes his head and showed me his 'brave' smile.

'Hmm. Really?'

I watched through my peripheral view and almost laughed when I saw him closed his eyes when the ghost came out. I even noticed that his hands moved an inch to close his eyes.

I nudged him and pat my shoulder, doing what he did before. He just rolled his eyes but his cheeks turned into a tinge of pink. Poor boy~

"That wasn't scary at all.." he shrugged when we exited the theatre.

I smirked and teased him about hearing him sniffing during the climax of the movie as if he was crying. He looked at me in horror.

"No, I wasn't crying! I'm not scared of those shitty scary movies at all"

"I saw you closed your eyes!"

"Oh? Jimin? Haru?"

We turned around and saw Hoseok with a surprised look on his face. And behind him, was Jungkook, who was.. should I say look... angry?

"Oh hey Hyung. Hey Jungkook." Jimin smiled.

"What are you guys doing here?"

I told him that we had just finished our movie but my eyes were watching Jungkook. He was looking down, on the floor.

"That's great. Our movie starts in a few minutes. So, see you guys at school tomorrow." Hoseok fist-bumped the two of us.

I got really hurt and sad when Jungkook also leaves without acknowledging us. I must have expressed how hurt I was on my face because Jimin was looking at me.

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