Chapter 19 (*)

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The ride to the camping site consist of me, Taehyung and Sarang, jamming to our favourite songs. We were singing at the top of our lungs, releasing all of the stress and tension from all the school works. Sarang excitedly shared with us her ‘progress’ with Namjoon. Taehyung, who is like a brother to her, warned her not to do anything silly behind him. She just pouted and crossed her arms.

The ride took 45 minutes and we took a deep breath of fresh air as we got off. Students gather at the camp’s front gate, waiting for the instructor to let them in.

We were brief about the camping site, the do’s and don’ts while we’re here. I looked around for Jungkook but instead, I caught Yoongi’s eyes. I turned away as soon as possible, hiding my blush from being seen by him.

‘Why do my face heat up so fast?’ I touched my cheeks.

I decided to take a glance of him one more time and he was still watching me. Not wanting it to be awkward, I smiled and waved at him. He just nodded and turned away to talk to his friends.

“Come on Haru!”

All of a sudden, all the students including Sarang and Taehyung ran inside the camping site.

Wait, why are they running?’

Then I realised that they were running for the best spot to pitch their tent. I struggled to run as I was carrying my heavy luggage and I was wearing boots.

When I thought I was the only one left, I saw Yoongi walking at a leisure pace in front of me.

I catch up to him and breathlessly asked him why he wasn’t running.

“Hoseok already ran for me. I’m sure he got the best spot for us.”

He then asked me the same question and I just showed him my big luggage. He just rolled his eyes and muttered something about why girls have to carry so much with them.

“I didn’t expect to see you here..”

“What? You expect to see Jungkook?” he replied with an annoyed face.

“No.. that’s not what I meant.”

I stopped talking when I saw the look on his face. He trudged down faster, leaving me behind.

Why is he so angry? Did he hate me that much?’

I wiped the tears in my eyes, took a deep breath and continued walking.

“Haru! Over here!” Sarang waved at me.

I smiled when I saw the place she picked for us. It was nearest to the river and I love listening to the sound of the water flowing past through.

All of a sudden, Sarang cupped my cheeks and scanned my face. She asked me if I was okay.

“I’m fine. I’m just tired of walking..”

“You look like you just cried..”

I shake my head and fake a smile to her. I suggested that we started pitching up our tent before she could ask any further questions.

The last time I went camping is when I was ten years old and my teacher was the one who pitched our tent. I wasn’t really worried about doing this as I knew Sarang is a genius enough to follow the instructions and build the tent in no time. But apparently, she didn’t know anything and here we are, struggling to build our tent.

“You guys need help?”

I looked up and saw Jungkook walking towards us.

“Yes please! God, you’re our saviour!” she wiggled her eyebrows at me.

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